Original Sins by Faith Summers



15 years later

Igaze out the window at the host of people in our back garden.

Sometimes I still do this—watch.

Watch from the window.

Now I do it to see what I have. I came up here for some cleansing wipes for the babies and when I heard the laughter floating in through the window I just had to take a look.

What I see below me is family. One big happy family.

Everyone is here. All the guys, their wives, and their children. As well as Cordelia’s husband and four kids.

With the birth of Christian’s baby, that makes a total of seventeen children down there.

It’s a joy to see them all.

What’s a joy for me is seeing my two little boys: Ethan who is two and Sammy who just turned one.

Ethan is Georgiou’s son and Sammy is Henry’s.

Both boys are standing by the pond with their three grandfathers feeding the ducks.

Georgiou and Henry are standing a little way away from them talking about God knows what. The dynamic between them still fascinates me fifteen years on.

I’m thirty-three years old now and they still call me their Duchess.

They’ve treated me more like a queen though and I’ve felt like good luck followed me everywhere just for being with them.

I went to college and did amazing. I worked for both Vogue and Dior while keeping Mom’s business going in the background for a few years.

Then I revamped and made it bigger than it ever was.

I’ve had great years doing what I always wanted to do.

Sometimes it’s good just to sit back and reflect on where you’re coming from, where you are now and where you’re going. That’s what I do.

What I look forward to most about the future is still being with my two princes.

They glance up at me as I stare and Georgiou beckons to me to come back down.

I giggle, grab the wipes and head back to the garden.

When I get to my guys I kiss them both and Georgiou slips an arm around me.

“Duchess, the minute everyone leaves, we’re taking you upstairs,” he states.

“The granddads have the kids for the weekend,” Henry adds with a wink.

“I guess that makes me one lucky woman,” I reply with a smile I feel from deep within my soul.

* * *

Thanks so much for reading and allowing me to share my stories with you. I hope you enjoyed this book xx