Original Sins by Faith Summers



Imanaged to push the whole conversation with my father out of my mind when John came to pick me up.

The instant I saw the car, I felt free and like a different woman—someone new—the daring woman who is about to see two gorgeous men who are really into her.

It was nice talking to Cordelia, and she made me believe that I could forget the world and enjoy my two princes, who have no idea how much they’ve rescued me.

I’m wearing a chic little black dress tonight with black lacy lingerie.

I always feel sexy in black, and with my hair down and my lips painted red, I feel confidence in abundance. I wouldn’t feel this type of confidence in the real world for just being Evangeline Ricci, the girl who was always kept in the tower.

When I get to their house, and the guys look at me, I feel it all over again.

I kiss them both, like really kiss them, and we take turns spooning each other before they carry me upstairs, and we strip naked.

I’m not nervous anymore, and although it’s still early days, I seem to have fallen into a rhythm of knowing what to do.

I drop to my knees and start our magical night by blowing them both.

The next night is the same, just hotter and wilder.

We start by fucking downstairs in the living room on the sofa, but neither of them finishes in me.

I should have known something was up from that. They just take turns burying their cocks deep inside me, and then they carry me upstairs.

When they set me on the bed, Henry gives me a devilish grin.

“It’s time I claim your other virgin passage, Duchess,” he states, and my eyes widen.

He’s talking about my asshole.

“How do you feel about that?” he asks, seeing my hesitation.

I’m fucking terrified, but since I was the one who agreed to anything, I can’t go back on my word now.

“I’m fine,” I lie.

Georgiou strokes my side. “Are you sure? You can say no if you want to.”

Can I?

Do I want to say no?

Can I say no to them?

It’s them, the men of my dreams. If these were normal circumstances or some other guys, I probably would say no, or I might be inclined to ask if we could wait.

But it’s them—Georgiou and Henry. I don’t think I could form the words to decline anything they wanted to do with me, and the way they both look at me makes me want to agree to anything.

“I want to,” I say. “Will it be painful?”

“Near enough the same as when I took your virginity. But you’ll feel good after. Then we’ll do some other stuff that will be fun.” Georgiou winks.

“We have this.” Henry opens the nightstand and pulls out a tube of lube. “this will make it less painful.”


“Get on your hands and knees then, Duchess.”

I do as he asks, and he opens the bottle of lube.

He takes out a good amount and rubs it over the tight rosette of my asshole. When he starts pushing it inside, I moan because his fingers feel so good.

“You like that?” he asks.

“Yessss.” I moan.

That shouldn’t feel so damn good, but it does.

It feels fucking amazing, and the fact that I have him touching me there is all the more mind-blowing.

Georgiou gets on the bed in front of me, and I smile when I see how erect his cock still is from downstairs.

He sees me looking, and he lowers to kiss me.

“Feel free to look at me if you want, Bellezza.” He licks over my lips, and I take him up on the offer by running my fingers over his cock.

I’m momentarily distracted by touching and the pleasure on his handsome face.

“I’m ready,” Henry says. “Georgiou, stop hogging the girl.”

Georgiou laughs. “I’m not fucking hogging the girl. If she wants to touch my dick, that’s not my fault.”

“Duchess, focus on my dick now,” Henry states and gets on the bed behind me.

He pushes the head of his cock into my asshole, and I expect it to hurt like hell, but it doesn’t. It just feels weird and awkward.

He inches in slowly, oh so slowly. When he stretches my asshole and slides fully inside me, that’s when I feel the pain and my knees buckle.

Georgiou catches me. “It’s okay. You’ll soon feel good. You believe me?”


He bends down and kisses me, then fondles my breasts, making pleasure stir once more in my core. It distracts from the pain and discomfort in my ass until my passage stretches to take Henry’s cock, and he starts moving inside me.

Now I feel good. So good I can’t believe I ever felt pain.

“Oh my God,” I cry out, and Georgiou smiles.

“Told you. I can’t wait for my turn.”

I can’t answer. I can’t form words, and if I could, I don’t know what the hell I’d say that wouldn’t sound like gibberish.

Christ. I’m coming. Again.

Henry starts pounding into me, fucking my ass hard, and I come crying out. I expect him to continue pounding into me, but he stops.

He just stops and pulls out.

What the hell? No, don’t stop. That felt so good.

I look back at him, and he chuckles.

“Don’t worry, Duchess. We’re just making things more interesting.”

“Definitely. Come here,” Georgiou says, pulling me into his lap. “Straddle me, baby.”

His deep voice caresses over my skin, and I position myself to straddle him.

I slide down onto his cock and smile at the pleasure I feel to have his big cock inside me, but when Henry steps behind me and presses his cock back to my asshole, my mouth drops, and I feel like my damn heart might explode in my chest.

They’re both going to take me?


Like at the same time?

Oh my fucking God.

“It’s okay,” Georgiou soothes me, and I hold on to his powerful wide shoulders.

“Oh my God, I’m scared.” I don’t even know why I said that.

He dips his head to my ear and whispers, “don’t be scared, baby. Ti prometto che ti sentirai bene.” I blush whenever he speaks Italian to me, and this time is no different as he promises me I’ll feel good. “Okay, Bellezza.”


I gasp when Henry slides back into my asshole, and Georgiou starts moving inside my pussy.

Both of them move inside me, and instantly the rush of an orgasm takes me, robbing me of breathing, thinking, and existing.

Pleasure ravages my body, and they both fuck me. I didn’t know this could feel so good.

Like being injected with a never-ending supply of ecstasy, elation surged through me, and the orgasm I felt rises right from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, and I come, and I come, and I come.

I mewl like a cat in heat or a madwoman who’s lost her fucking mind. Georgiou comes next and then Henry, both of them flooding me with hot male cum.

The feel of their virile release pushes into my soul, and I know I’ll never be the same again—with or without them.

* * *

After the amazing ten days I’ve had with Georgiou and Henry, the last person I want to see is this guy walking toward me with that smug expression on his face that makes me sick.

Cordelia is inside looking out, and the guards are stationed about the place. Dad wanted Peter and me to be alone to talk. That was his one stipulation about today, and everyone was to give us privacy.

Peter isn’t allowed at the house at night. That came at Cordelia’s request. I was thankful she was able to stand her ground with Dad.

The whole thing is still so bizarre to me.

The maid made an amazing lunch of an assortment of sandwiches, and the setting looks fit for the happy couple. Peter and I aren’t that, though.

We’re so far from it.

The fucking bastard sits opposite me, and the only thing I can think of to calm my racing heart and mind is seeing Georgiou in the next three hours. John is picking me up to take me to Georgiou’s workplace, and then he’s taking me to the house from there.

“Hello, Evangeline,” Peter says.

“Good afternoon.”

He chuckles. “So it’s like that now? Formal.”

“I think it’s best.”

Every nerve of my body tingles with a warning of danger. Dad might trust Peter, but I never will.

I look at him now, and I consider for the umpteenth time his part in my brother’s murder.

There have been so many times when I told myself I just imagined the whole thing. I have nothing to go on, nothing to anchor what I suspect except for the feeling in my heart. That shouldn’t be enough, but it tells me it is.

“You and I got off on the wrong foot,” he states, cutting into my thoughts.

“I don’t think so.”

He leans close and takes hold of my hand resting on my knee under the table.

He secures his hand around my wrist so tight I think he might cut off the circulation.

I open my mouth to call out for the guards, but Peter stops me with the lift of his other hand.

“Don’t you dare say a word, Evangeline,” he taunts. “You made some type of trouble for me last time; that’s not going to happen again.”

“Let go of me.” I try to wrench my arm free, but he holds on tighter.

“Oh, no, no, Bellezza,” he says with a taunting vibe. It makes me sick when he calls me that. It’s not the same as when Georgiou says it. “You’re going to want to hear what I have to say. You need to listen.”

There’s something menacing in his eyes that makes me take heed.

“What do I need to listen to?”

“This: your old man thinks the sun shines from my ass, and it doesn’t matter what you or your little whore of a cousin says to him.”

“You bastard,” I hiss.

“Yes, that is exactly what I am and what I’ll be to you, my dear Evangeline. I heard there’s a car that comes here and picks you up every night.”

My blood freezes in my veins, and I swallow hard.

Jesus, who told him?

“I haven’t looked into that yet, but I could,” he adds with a sneer. “As your future husband, I should. I should know what my wife-to-be is up to and if she’s fucking around behind my back. Is that what you’re doing? Going off to some guy's house to fuck?”

“No,” I lie and pray he doesn’t press. How the hell did he find out? Someone must have told him. Then again, it’s not like Cordelia, and I thought we’d have to ask the staff to keep quiet about something like that. Now we’ll have to. I can’t allow my plan to fail. I’m nearly two weeks in.

“I doubt you would tell me the truth. What I know is I don’t think you’d want me to look into that or ask your father to. So here’s what we’re going to do, Evangeline. You aren’t going to make any trouble for me.” His vivid green eyes flash with the same menace embedded in his face.

“I agree to lunch, so we’ll do lunch once a week until we tie the knot, then I’ll punish you for this shit.” He chuckles. “You think you’re so clever, but you aren’t. The thing about it is this. I don’t care who you fuck because you’re mine, whether you want to be or not. I have always wanted you, and when you’re my wife, I’ll deal with you in whatever ways I want. What I care about is you jeopardizing my plans to get the business. You aren’t going to do it. Do you hear me?”

He squeezes my hand so tight my skin burns, and I press my lips together to keep from screaming out.

“I hear you,” I choke.

“Good. It looks like we have a mutual understanding then.”

He releases my hand and grabs a sandwich. Nibbling on it, he stands and bends down to plant a kiss on my forehead.

“Lunch next Wednesday same time, same place,” he promises with a wink.

He walks off, and the realization that I could be screwed hits me.

Cordelia comes out and sees the state I’m in.

“What happened?”

“Peter knows there’s a car that comes to pick me up from here.”

Cordelia’s eyes turn to saucers. “Jesus Christ, one of the guards, must have told him. Ugh, damn it.”

“What if he knows where I go?”

“Did he say that?”

I shake my head. “He could have me followed, and I wouldn’t even know. Cordelia, Georgiou sometimes drops me off.” I thought I was safe, and no one would know. The guards here know who Georgiou is.

“Calm down. I don’t think Peter knows everything. I’ll speak to the guards. Don’t worry. Just keep going as we are.”

She sounds so calm.

I believe her, but I’m the one who has to freak out because this is about me. I can’t allow Peter to ruin my plans either and trap me in his scheme.

Every time I feel like I’m making progress, I get knocked back several places behind.