Original Sins by Faith Summers



Donatello Ricco—Donny, if he considers you a friend—is the kind of man who commands respect just from his mere presence, and that’s even before you know about his net worth.

Just from looking at his well-built frame, his silver-streaked beard, and those cunning, almost black eyes, you know not to piss him off.

I’d say most know if you did anything to displease him, that might be the last day you live.

I’ve been wondering for the last hour as I’ve sat in this meeting which of those elements has my father eating out of the tycoon's hands.

Everybody treats you with respect when you have money. That’s a given. But Donny has money older than dirt. So that could be it. It’s certainly by the graces of bringing in that said money that my ass is here.

We’re in the meeting room of Dubois’ Developments. Around the table is Donny, who’s sitting at the head like this is his company, next to him is Peter, his assistant who is a prick I can’t stand. I’m sitting next to the prick. My father and Carson, my idiot stepbrother my father wishes was his actual son, are opposite me. So, I can see every emotion play out over their features.

Carson is undoubtedly fucking afraid. He’d be an idiot not to be around the presence of a man who is a known mobster. I guess Dad would be too, but he’s used to my association with the Giordanos. I’m guessing, though, that Donny is a bit different.

So with that in mind, I think what I’m witnessing in my father’s eyes is fear.

Dad is afraid of Donny.

The fear is most evident in the way he holds on to every word Donny says, and he’s taking notes.

I can’t remember the last time I saw him do such a thing. Normally his secretary would be present in a meeting like this to take the minutes, but the people in here are all approved by Donny himself. He’s particular about who hears his plans, and he didn’t see the need for a secretary when we could note down what he’s saying.

“I want the restructure of the resort done by the end of the summer. I need it ready for my daughter’s wedding,” Donny says.

While everyone looks at the images on the screen showing the beautiful resort, I think of this daughter of his.

I knew his son, Dante, but he keeps his daughter hidden so well, I forget she exists. I guess, like most guys in his circles, he keeps family out of business—women in particular.

Dante was a few years younger than me, and he worked alongside his father. Donny was preparing him to take over the business. That was the only reason why I knew about him.

While Georgiou and I were at Donny’s house on Saturday, he told us his daughter would be marrying Peter. We talked about the resort then, and we’re doing it now for the same reason.

Of course, Dad nods his head off.

“That should be no problem,” Dad says. “Carson organizes the contractors. He gets the best, and we have the finest resources.”

Dad sounds like a walking advert for the company.

Donny looks at me because I’ve been quiet the whole time, and I don’t think he’s missed the way Dad always refers to Carson and snubs me. It’s not actually on purpose, although it seems that way to the casual observer. It’s also evident to the said bystander that my old man and I have issues.

He hasn’t spoken to me once. Last month was the first in five years, and that came because of a phone call from Grandfather’s lawyers.

“Is that true, Henry?” Donny purposely directs the question at me. “You guys have the finest? Maybe I just need to hear from a man I trust to confirm that because that’s exactly what I want.”

I smile for the first time today, taking in my father’s defeated expression and Carson’s jealousy. I wish I could relish in both, but I can’t. What gets to me more than I like is the fact that my own father can’t see the good work I’ve done in establishing this connection, but Donny can.

“I assure you, Donny, we do have the finest. Every contractor and supplier has been vetted to ensure they’re using the best materials, and most importantly, they care about their work.”

That’s information I got from my grandfather, and I can see Dad is shocked that I remember those key things about the company.

“That sounds great to me,” Donny replies. “The resort is close to my heart and worth in the billion-dollar region just for its age. It was the first thing my grandfather set up when he moved here from Italy. Even though it stays in the family, I want it to always look its best. It will be my gift to my daughter and Peter once they are married.”

I notice the way Peter’s face brightens at the mention of such a gift. Lucky prick. He’s probably even luckier for marrying into the family.

I’ve heard stories about his ass that have never sat well with me. He’s silent and would appear nonchalant, but I know he can be a ruthless motherfucker if he wants to be. That in itself isn’t a problem.

What I don’t like about him is there’s something off that I can’t put my finger on. It’s hard to read a guy when he doesn’t talk. Harder still when he always has a poker face. It means you can’t spot his tells.

“We promise to look after everything the way you’d like it,” Dad assures Donny.

Carson straightens up. “I’ll send you over a list of the suppliers and contractors we’ll be using so you can feel more assured.”

“I’d like that, thanks.” Donny nods. “I’ll be transferring the money to Henry’s good care later today.”

Dad stiffens at the mention of that. He doesn’t like that I’m handling the money and issuing out the payments to the contractors. But what the fuck else is an accountant supposed to do?

Working with money is my job while they do the rest. I have the same role Grandfather had when he worked here, and I take after him in every sense.

“Fantastic, I guess that’s it then.” Donny claps his hands. “I don’t have any other items of business to discuss.”

Donny gathers up his paperwork, and Peter stands.

“We’ll be in touch when the work begins,” Dad says, rising to shake both men’s hands.

“Great. I suppose I’ll wait to hear from you.” Donny smiles and looks over at me. “Drinks on Friday?”

He’s really laying it on thick. We have no plans beyond today other than going to his daughter’s engagement party in a few months, but that must be something else he’s doing to show his appreciation.

“Absolutely,” I reply.

Donny dips his head and leaves with Peter.

The moment the door closes, the tension thickens, and I wonder if Dad is going to continue to pretend I don’t exist.

Carson barely cuts me a glance before he leaves, and Dad starts gathering his paperwork and notebooks, getting ready to go too.

I can be a fucking asshole most of the time, but my old man can rob me of the title any day. I don’t think I could have a son in this world and treat him the way he treats me. It wouldn’t matter what my son did. Dad, though, is of a different species altogether.

The thing about it, though, is he’s treated me this way all my life. It just got worse when Mom died and even worse when he married Carson’s gold-digging mother, Elaine.

I can just imagine how pissed she was when she found out her son hadn’t been included in the will. They were both purposely written out with clauses excluding them because Grandfather saw her for what she was. Dad was in love with her, and she hated me. She wanted their family to just be them. She got her wish when I made my unforgivable mistakes.

I clear my throat just as Dad’s about to put his hand on the door handle.

I guess I should be happy he stopped and acknowledged me.

I rise when he turns to face me.

“Is this really how it’s going to be?” I say. “Are you planning to pretend I don’t exist for another five years or forever?” I have to ask the question so I can know what I’m up against.

“I’m sure you can understand that things are still tense between us.” Dad looks me over and hardens his gaze. “You might have brought in Donny, but I’ve spent the last five years rebuilding the name you destroyed.”

“All I can do is apologize for that.”

“Saying you’re sorry isn’t always enough, and neither is money. What I don’t like about this project is that my faith lies with you. If you fuck this up, we all suffer, and the company name goes to hell once again.”

“I don’t plan to fuck things up.”

He considers that for a moment, only for a moment, though, before his eyes become emotionless once more. “I’ll have to see that to believe it, son. But, it’s good to see your mind is on the right path. There just might be hope for you yet.”

“I’m trying to make amends with you,” I blurt, cutting off his rant.

I wanted to talk before today, but I held off. I’m only talking now because I don’t want this to drag on unnecessarily.

“I don’t want to be disappointed in you again,” Dad replies. “It’s too painful. I don’t know which is worse, what you did or the fact that you didn’t stay behind to help me fix the problem. Carson was the guy who helped me restore the good faith in the company. Not you, so I don’t know what you want me to say to you.”

I can’t find an answer for that, so I don’t try.

He turns and leaves. I watch him go and stare at the door long after he’s gone contemplating what I’m really doing here.

When I left before, he didn’t fire me. I left because I felt I should, and he didn’t stop me. I never knew if he was happy I took the choice out of his hands or was disappointed that I never tried to fix the problem. I guess now I know, but I don’t believe he was completely disappointed I left.

After all, it’s been five years, and he could have met me halfway.

I was a hotheaded twenty-five-year-old who just wanted to get out of a fucked up situation. I also knew the Giordanos would take me in without question, and that’s exactly what happened.

Now I’m back here again as if time has reset itself and placed me back on track to where I was five years ago.

I promised my grandfather I’d do this, so I will.

I just hope I don’t go fucking crazy while doing it.

It doesn’t look like Dad is ever going to forgive me. If I can bring in unimaginable amounts of money like I have and he still thinks he should treat me like shit, then I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.

It’s shit like this I knew I’d come up against when I registered Georgiou and me for the auction. My liberal, unconventional lifestyle is precisely what helps me escape my fucked up reality where my father clearly favors his stepson over me.

Better to lose myself in a dark fantasy than get lost in real life where you end up losing your soul too.