Original Sins by Faith Summers



Evie’s scream is what catches mine and Georgiou’s attention as we run to the doors of the house.

I look across to where I heard the sound and see a black Sedan taking off down the private road leading to the lake.

I can see Evie in the back of the car glaring back at me with terror in her eyes.

“Georgiou look,” I shout.

“I’m going after her, you take cover and don’t fucking die.”

Georgiou runs back to his bike, jumps on it and speeds away.

In the midst of battle and bullets, I watch until the car disappears down the road and Georgiou rides his bike like he came straight out of hell.

As Vincent and Frankie rush past me and kick the doors to the house in I follow them.

I know Donny is in here, that’s why I’m going in. If I’m going to be here I’m not going to take cover like some pussy and hide. I’m going to fight.

This might not me my world but it is today so I run with my gun in my hand and shoot whoever shoots at me and take down whoever stands in my way.

When we get to a hall, Frankie kicks the door in and we run through meeting Marcus and Ricco inside with some other guards. One of the guards I recognize from Cordelia’s house. When I see his ugly mug, things start to add up, but I don’t waste time because I can see Donny on the floor bleeding out.

Frankie ends Cordelia’s guard with a bullet to the head then he and Vincent tackle Marcus and Ricco.

With my path clear I go to Donny. Relief washes over me when I see he’s alive and responsive, but he doesn’t look good. his skin is pale and when I touch him he feels clammy.

I grab his upper arms and pull him behind a wall out of the crossfire.

Once there I check the damage by ripping away his shirt.

Damn it, they fucking got him in his stomach.

I pull out my phone and call 911. The operator answers straight away.

“I need an ambulance; my friend’s been shot. I need one now.” I stare at Donny as I quickly rattle off the address of where we are then hang up when the operator promises the paramedics will be with us soon.

“Hang on Donny,” I tell him, but he reaches out and squeezes my hand, shaking his head.

“No. I don’t think I’m going to make it, Henry. I feel like I’m dying. Peter shot me.”

That bastard. I already knew it was him the moment I saw Donny on the ground.

“I’m not going to make it,” Donny says again in a weaker voice.

“Bullshit. Your fucking Donatello Ricci, you have to make it. Your daughter needs you.”

He winces with pain but he rivets his gaze to mine.

“I’m sorry… Henry. I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did. I felt… betrayed. She’s my daughter.”

“We can talk about that later. You don’t have to apologize to me. Not when I’m to blame.”

“You’re… a better man than me, son. Both you and Georgiou.”

His eyes roll back in his head and his lips stop moving.

“Donny, no,” I say, shaking him but I can’t wake him up.

His lips then turn blue.