Dare You by Ella Frank



“HE THREW YOU over his shoulder?” Jackson Davenport’s gorgeous blue eyes—one dark, one light, a pretty dreamy combination—widened, and then he shook his head. “I don’t know, Bash. Are you sure this isn’t just another one of your hot firefighter fantasies?”

I lifted the back of my hand to my forehead and feigned exasperation at my friend and right-hand man sitting on the other side of our video chat. Not that I could blame Jackson’s incredulity, because even though it happened, it did sound like something I’d dream up. The fact that I still felt like I was coughing up ash—not to mention staying at a completely different hotel now—was the only thing that grounded fantasy into reality.

“Sometimes reality is better than the fantasy,” I said, shrugging a shoulder.

“Did you even see the guy’s face?”

“Well… I saw his eyes, kind of.”

An inelegant snort sounded behind Jackson, somewhere off camera, and then I heard his boyfriend, and one of my best friends, Lucas Sullivan say, “So you’re drooling over some guy in a mask? Man, things have really gotten desperate there in Chicago.”

“You should know better than to include the words ‘desperate’ and ‘drool’ in the same sentence when it comes to me.”

“Right. I meant desperate and salivating.” Before I could say anything back to that, Lucas dragged a chair over beside Jackson and sat down. “By the way, I didn’t hear how you set the place on fire.”

My mouth fell open. “I did no such thing.”

Lucas’s dark eyes gleamed with mischief. “You’re forgetting we know all about your infamous parties. All that sexual friction was bound to turn things hot and heavy…”

“He does have a point, Bash,” Jackson said. “It’s surprising this is the first time the fire department’s been called.”

“Hold the phone, please. This wasn’t one of those parties. I save those for my special friends, which used to be you guys, but now I’m reconsidering.” I sniffed and held my hand out to inspect my nails. The dark blue paint was beginning to chip, a result of all the traumatic events of the last two days, no doubt. A manicure was definitely in order. I lifted my eyes and narrowed them at Jackson. “And you’re supposed to be on my side. Don’t make me fire you.”

“Fire him, or set him on fire?” Lucas smirked and then popped a grape in his mouth.

Ugh. Maybe, with any luck, he’d choke on it.

“Hello?” I snapped my fingers. “Are we forgetting I almost died? Thank you both so much for your sympathy, by the way.”

“Yes, you seem terribly traumatized having to move from one penthouse suite to another,” Lucas said dryly.

I wrinkled my nose and gave Jackson a pointed look. “Doesn’t he have a job he can go be a pest at?”

“Don’t you?” Lucas grinned.

“Yes. This is a private work conversation, Lucas. Bugger off.”

He laughed. “Sure it is.” He leaned in and gave Jackson a quick kiss before getting to his feet. “Call me when you’re back, Basherton. Try not to burn down Chicago.”

“Nope. Can’t. Shan’t.” I waited until I heard the door click shut before saying, “Aren’t you glad I’m stealing you away in a few days? Feel free to stay longer, since you obviously need an escape.”

“Nah, I’ve got the Techrone meeting the next day, remember? Besides, I can handle Lucas.”

“And bless your heart for that.” I reached for my phone and opened up the joint work calendar I shared with Jackson. “How’s everything at the office?”

“Oh, you know. Falling apart. No one can seem to manage without you.”


When I looked up, Jackson grinned. “I’m kidding. You have a well-oiled machine on your hands here, so just focus on setting up the new Chicago office, and then you can worry about how to split your time between the two.”

“Well, if my interviews go well, I’m hoping I’ll only have to drop in once a month. Surely there’s someone capable of running AnaVoge in this city.”

Jackson cleared his throat. “You know if you don’t find someone you’re comfortable with to set things up there—”



“Off the table.”

“Would you let me finish—”

“Absolutely not. It took me forever to find the Charlotte to my Samantha, the Robin to my Batman, the Shirley to my Laverne, and now I have you, and even then I had to poach you from your father’s company. So the answer is: you will never move, not over my dead, but still impeccably dressed and well-preserved, body.”

Jackson bit his lip and looked down, clearly trying to hide a smile. “Got it. Staying put.”

“Good.” My shoulders relaxed. I needed to add a massage to the manicure.

“Wait a minute. Why am I the Charlotte?”

I should’ve known that was coming. “Oh my sweet, sweet Jax. It’s because you’re the purest of heart. Well, of the rest of us, anyway.” Out of our friend group, Jackson would be the one voted least scandalous, which wasn’t saying much, considering the company he kept. Me, his former playboy boyfriend, Lucas, as well as Shaw, tattoo artist extraordinaire, with more hidden secrets than I’d ever know, and his man, Trent, who—no big deal—happened to be rock star of the friggin’ world. So, yeah, Jackson was the Charlotte. The man wore khaki pants when we met him, for God’s sake. Enough said.

“Well, how about you just find someone quick so you can get back to South Haven, yeah? Sunday brunch isn’t the same without you.”

“Maybe not, but I’m sure they’re saving on the champagne order this month.” I shot him a wink and scrolled through my notes. “Okay, so I’ve got the speech at the tech expo in a couple of days. Mind if I shoot it over so you can add any notes?”

“Whatever you say, Laverne.”

I smiled. “Also, make sure your assistant rebooked your room at the new hotel. It’s called the Regent. The driver picking you up from the airport has already been notified. Oh, and at the meeting with Techrone, he’s going to try to lowball us, but make sure we get at least four point two million or no deal. He won’t like it, but he’ll take it.”

“Done and done.”

I tossed my phone aside and clasped my hands together. “Now for the important things.”

“Let me guess. What to do about the hot firefighter?”

I gasped. “See? Michele to my Romy. We’re so in sync.”

“Scary, isn’t it? Have you thought about a donation to the firehouse?”

“Yes, but the point is to actually see who hauled me into his arms so…effortlessly.” I might’ve let out a dreamy sigh at that point, which was probably overkill, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the man who’d saved my life.

“What if you get one of those massive checks, you know, like when someone wins the lottery? You could go all out and hand-deliver the check wearing nothing but a nude G-string and some heels. All your naughty bits will be hidden behind the check. It’s perfect.”

I snapped and pointed at him. “Now you’re thinking. See? This is why we’re friends.”

“Right. Or if that’s too much—”

“Too much?” I didn’t even understand those two words.

“Yeah. What’s something all guys appreciate?”

“A G-string, heels, and a check sounds good to me.”

“Yes, but other than that?”

I tapped my glossy lips. “I’m at a loss here.”

“Food. These guys are doing insanely hard work, right? Carrying people over their shoulders, running up all those stairs. It’s bound to build up an appetite, sooo…”

“Get a five-star restaurant to cater a dinner?”

Jackson chuckled under his breath. “I love that you think big, really, I do, but since they’re always off and running to an emergency, maybe something they don’t have to schedule in. Like…maybe a gift basket or something.”

“Huh. Okay. In addition to the showgirl ensemble, right?”

“Or maybe just wear some jeans. That’s casual, and they’ll be casual.”

“Jackson, have you ever seen me in jeans? I don’t even think I own a pair.”

“Then it gives you an excuse to go shopping.”

“You forget I had to buy a whole new wardrobe yesterday due to smoke damage.”

“Then adding a pair of jeans won’t be an issue.”

“Jeans?”The prospect was utterly horrifying. How was I supposed to get a guy’s attention in jeans? “I like your other idea better.”

“And it suits you, buuut maybe save that for another time.”

“Ah yes,” I said, nodding. “A second visit once I’ve met everyone. I could do that.”

“There you go. And since I can see your calendar and you don’t have anything on it for today, why don’t you send me your speech to go over while you find something to wear that’ll take everyone’s breath away?”

“You’re such a genius. Truly the Goose to my Maverick. What would I do without you?”

“Show up to firehouses naked, I’m guessing?” He shrugged. “Lucky for you, you’ll never have to find out.”

“Good answer. Now shoo. If I’m going to wear something casual, it’s going to take all day to find.”

And Lord knew I had to look practically perfect for my Prince Charming.