Heart and Soul by Carrie Elks


Aweek had passed since their trip to White City, and she hadn’t seen Rich in that time. Jeannie had taken some paid time off and Meghan was working long hours at the ice cream shop – the beach was getting fuller every day with summer tourists – and she assumed he’d been busy at work, because his car was rarely in the parking lot.

Her own car was fixed, and she was just coming back from picking it up from the garage, thankful that Gloria had offered to take Isla to the pool while she ran her errand.

Like everywhere else in Angel Sands, the pool was getting busier by the day, too. During weekends it was always packed, but as the days began to warm up, the evenings were becoming more popular. She smiled as she heard the shouts and laughter coming from the pool – Isla had made friends with some of the kids in the apartment building, and she was so pleased to see her daughter happy and fitting in.

When she pushed open the gate, she didn’t see Isla among the heads bobbing in the water. She frowned, and looked across the chairs, spotting Gloria sitting on one close to the pool. And next to her was Isla, chatting happily away to a third person on the other side.

Meghan’s mouth went dry when she saw who it was. How the hell had Carlyn gotten into the pool area? Isla was smiling at her, and Carlyn was clearly pouring on the charm, talking away with her like she was best friends with an eight-year-old.

Feeling her heart hammer against her chest, she stalked over to the trio. Her hands shook as she reached them, and Isla looked up with a huge grin. Carlyn didn’t look at all phased to be caught talking to a child she didn’t know.

“What’s going on?” Meghan asked, her voice low. “Are you okay, honey?” She sat next to Isla, trying to fight the urge to whip her up and carry her right back to the apartment.

“Oh hello, Meghan. I dropped over to see Rich, but he wasn’t answering. So I thought I’d see if he was in here, and then I spotted Isla sitting over here and I thought she had to be your daughter. The resemblance is unmistakeable.”

Meghan couldn’t remember even telling Carlyn she had a daughter.

Gloria looked at Meghan, frowning when she took in her expression. “She said she knew you.” Gloria swallowed. “Is that okay?”

No it wasn’t, but this wasn’t Gloria’s fault. She just didn’t want Carlyn anywhere near Isla. And she definitely didn’t want her talking to her.

“It’s okay.” Meghan shot another look at Carlyn. She was still smiling. What if she was more unhinged than Rich realized? The thought of her hurting Isla sent a shiver through her body. “But we need to go now. It’s almost dinner time.”

“Can’t I go swim again?” Isla asked. “Please?”

“No.” Meghan’s voice was unintentionally sharp. But she needed to get her away from here. “Come on, let’s go.” She quickly folded Isla’s towel in her hands, then slid her sandals onto her feet. Gloria, realizing something was wrong, rushed to get up.

“What a shame. I hoped we’d be able to talk. Maybe another time,” Carlyn said, sounding way too normal. She stood and dusted her cream pants, sliding her sunglasses over her made-up eyes. “It was lovely to meet you, Isla. Hopefully I’ll see you again. Any friend of Rich’s is a friend of mine.”

* * *

“I’m so sorry,” Rich said later that night, as he stood in her doorway. She’d texted him earlier to tell him what happened. “I can’t believe she talked to Isla like that. She’s gone too far.”

Meghan wrapped her hand around his wrist and pulled him inside. She could feel the fury wafting from him. “Let’s not talk out here,” she said softly. “Gloria is already upset enough. I don’t want her to feel like this is her fault.”

“It isn’t her fault at all. It’s mine. I should never have involved you in this.” He shook his head, his jaw tight. “If Carlyn does anything to hurt you or Isla…” Breathing out heavily, he took Meghan into his arms. “I’ll kill her.”

Her cheek rested on his chest. She could hear the rapid thud of his heart against his ribcage, could feel the warmth of his skin through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. He stroked her hair with his hand, his fingers leaving a trail of electricity on her scalp. She could never get used to the way she felt when he hugged her.

He was breathing heavily. She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. He must have showered at the hospital, because a hint of spice and pine clung to his skin. She wrapped her arms around him, her palms pressed against his back, her fingers touching a thin sliver of skin exposed between his t-shirt and his jeans.

He pressed his face to her hair, his lips kissing her scalp. He was only trying to console her, that was all. But her body thought different, arching into him, the heaviness of her need pulsing through her body.

After being starved of a masculine touch for so long, her body was like a greedy monster, desperate for more. It took everything she had to pull away and take a breath, stepping back to put some distance between them.

His eyes were restless. They caught hers and she could see herself reflected in the darkness of his pupils. The heaving of his chest mirrored her own.

It was just a hug. That’s all.

“Would you like a drink?” she asked him.

“Have you got any ice cream?” He was such a kid at heart sometimes.

“I brought a tub of strawberry shortcake home tonight.” She grabbed a bowl and scooped some in, trying not to laugh as he devoured it in seconds. He was a big man, and she was almost certain he didn’t eat regularly, thanks to his schedule.

“I’ll go see her tomorrow,” he said, when the bowl was empty. “If she doesn’t back off this time, I’ll file a restraining order. I’ve spoken to a lawyer already, he thinks I have a good case. It’ll mean she won’t be able to come within a certain distance of my home or work. That should protect Isla, too.”

Meghan nodded. “Thank you.” The panic of seeing Carlyn with Isla had died down. She hadn’t hurt her, or even upset her. Isla had been as talkative as ever at bedtime, and had listened carefully as Meghan gave her the stranger danger talk again.

“And I’ll talk to Gloria, too. Tell her about Carlyn and ask her to be on the lookout.” He shook his head. “I should have taken this more seriously. And I should never have involved you and Isla in this.”

“I’m a grown up. I involved myself.” Meghan gave him the softest of smiles. “And you shouldn’t have to deal with this alone. This is her fault, not yours. You didn’t ask her to be obsessed with you.”

His laugh was humorless. “Yeah, but she is.”

“It’s weird how we blame ourselves for things that aren’t our fault. It’s like our brains are trying to make sense of things. To work out ways to protect us from ever getting hurt again. But the thing is, you just dated her. You didn’t make her any promises. Didn’t tell her she would always be with you. You took her out for dinner or drinks or whatever it was you did and that was it. The rest is on her.”

“That’s not how the world sees it.” He lifted an eyebrow. “The guys at the hospital think it’s a joke. And I know they think I did something to deserve it.”

“But you didn’t.” Her voice was firm. “You have to know that.”

His eyes flickered to hers. They were clouded. “You’re very sweet.”

“I am, or my ice cream is?” She grinned.

“Both.” He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again.


A smile played on his lips. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Do you know how infuriating it is when somebody says that? I’m going to be wondering all night what you were going to say.” He always made her feel giddy. Like a school girl having a crush on her teacher.

“Yeah, well this little thought is going to stay right where it belongs.” He tapped his head. “And with that, I’m going to go for a run to work off this ice cream.” He lifted the bowl and walked over to her dishwasher, pulling it open and stashing it inside. Then he turned to her, cupping her face with the palm of his hand, the sudden gesture causing her heart to skip a beat.

“Do you realize how beautiful you are?” His voice was low. “Outside and in.”

Her voice caught in her throat. All she could do was shake her head.

“I’m so glad you moved in next door.” He leaned forward, brushing his lips against her cheek. “And I won’t let anything happen to you or Isla. I promise.”

“I know you won’t.” She felt breathless.

“Thanks for the ice cream. I’ll let you know how things go with Carlyn.”

It was weird, because just mentioning her name made Meghan’s muscles tense. She didn’t like the thought of him spending any time with the glamorous gallery owner. Even if it was to warn her off.

As he left her apartment, giving her a wave as he headed to his own, she felt an emptiness she hadn’t before. He was only a few yards away, yet it felt like he’d gone so far.

Ugh, she needed to stop this. The last thing he needed was another woman going crazy over him. They were friends, and that was enough.

Or it would be, just as soon as she got over this stupid damn crush.

* * *

His ten mile run along the beach wasn’t having the effect he’d hoped it would. His thigh muscles ached, his lungs were screaming, and there was sweat dripping off him, but still he couldn’t get that thought out of his head.

I bet you taste even sweeter than the ice cream.

Those were the words he’d thought when she’d been inches away from him, staring up with those big green eyes. And now he couldn’t stop thinking about her laying naked on his bed, her soft thighs brushing against his cheeks as he made good on that thought. Couldn’t stop imagining how she’d taste like warm honey on a summer’s day, couldn’t stop hearing her gasps as he made her sweeter still. Couldn’t stop wanting the one thing he couldn’t have.

It was getting harder to stop himself from thinking about how good they could be together. Every time he passed her door he wanted to knock on it to see her smile. To hear her soft voice wrap around him like a blanket.

To check that she and Isla were okay.

Isla.The thought of her was like a cold bucket of water over his skin. How could he have exposed her to Carlyn like that? Another sign – if he needed one – that he needed to keep his distance from her and Meghan. Without even trying, he’d put her in danger.

Imagine how much worse it would be if he got involved with them. He’d messed up enough lives already, adding two more to the tally would kill him.

He’d reached the pier. He stopped for a moment, bending over to catch his breath. From here he could see the spot in the sand where they’d picnicked the other week. He could almost smell the sweet notes of her perfume.

He blew out a mouthful of air, his cheeks hollowing as it escaped. He needed to dig deep and find a way to stop obsessing about her so much.

Masturbation wasn’t working.

Nor was burying himself in his work.

Living next door to her was like a drunk living next door to a liquor store. The temptation was so strong he wasn’t sure the most disciplined of people could resist it.

And yet he needed to. Because he liked her. And wasn’t that a weak word? Whatever it was he felt toward her, it was enough to want to protect her from him.

Yeah, he was going to have to dig deep to find a way to stop himself from hurting her. And him.

Because the alternative was too damn awful to contemplate.