Mafia Daddy by Aster Rae



One week later

The binky sitson my desk.

Soft. Pink. Beautiful.

Just like Rowan.

A deep growl escapes me.

I'm trying to work. Timofey just discovered that the Riccis — my mortal enemies — are working with a cartel based in Cartagena and Medellin.

They're teaming up with Colombians to bump us from the top position as the leading Mafia family of New York.

That's why the Riccis tried to steal my cryptocurrency last week.

They want the authorities to trace their next shipment of heroin back to me if they get busted.

They're trying to sabotage me.

They're trying to fuck with my family's livelihood.

They will pay dearly.

I'll blow their heads off with my AK-47 if I have to.

But right now I have something more pressing on my mind.

"Fuck," I groan.


Beautiful. Precious. Rowan.

Rowan is a dorky cutie through and through.

If I thought he was the universe’s gift to mankind at the ice cream parlor, up close Rowan is a sight for the gods.

It’s fucking crazy, because after my last housekeeping "arrangement" went down in flames, I vowed to never enter into a relationship again.

But one look in Rowan's eyes told me that I'd waste every fucking day of the rest of my life if I didn't spend every waking minute getting to know him.

It was impulsive.

It went against everything I promised myself.

But I had to bend my rules to accommodate him.

I had to meet Rowan in person.

And then… Standing in my penthouse, staring at Rowan, I knew I wasn't wrong.

Jesus Christ, he was even cuter in person.

Emotion pounds me as I recall the way Rowan's baby blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

His floppy blond hair brushed against his rosy cheeks and I lapped up the sight like a parched wolverine.

Rowan's beauty nearly caused me to crunch the glass of scotch I was holding in my hand.

It was like the locomotive engine of my heart finally came to life again after a lifetime of neglect.


I try out the name in a guttural voice to see how it sounds.

It’s delicious.


Exactly how I knew it would be.

I've gone to countless New York City fashion shows throughout my life and I've gone on countless dates with fashion models from the most luxurious designer brands.

But not one of the fucking models I've ever seen holds a flame to Rowan.

I can't believe I've wasted so much time on boys who mean absolutely nothing when Rowan’s been existing on this Earth the entire time.

"It's his confidence," I growl.

His sheer, unalterable confidence.

Rowan isn't afraid of who he truly is inside.

When Christian got together with Nikolai, Christian's biggest worry was that Nikolai wouldn't accept him for who he was.

Christian hid his little side until Nikolai proved that he'd love him despite his kinks.

But Rowan is different.

Rowan owns his regression kink like a boss.

He had no qualms about wearing his binky necklace in front of me or donning his adorable pair of ducky socks.

And Rowan wasted little time in telling me exactly what he needed to feel comfortable in my space when he showed up at my apartment.

“I won't wear traditional clothes or a uniform that other housekeepers wear.”

“I’m most comfortable in my coveralls and onesies, so you'll mostly see me wearing those around the house.”

It took everything in me not to collapse into a puddle of warmth as Rowan spelled out his demands to me.

Rowan refuses to compromise his principles for anyone.

But there's something Rowan’s keeping from me.

There's something tragic about Rowan that he keeps under lock and key that I'm desperate to find out.

Has Rowan been hurt by men before? Does Rowan have trust issues?

I don't doubt that Rowan's attempted to talk to men online who have tried to hurt him.

But what Rowan doesn't know is that most men can’t handle someone like him.

I've been in the scene long enough to know that men typically shy away from guys that young.

They want older guys.

Mature guys.

Guys with six packs and ripped abs.

Did a bad experience with a man make Rowan leery of trusting anyone?

Rage grips me at the thought that someone may have done something to Rowan to give him trust issues.

I know that Rowan’s put up walls.

But I can tear them down.

I can prove to Rowan that he can trust me and that he doesn’t have to worry about me hurting him.

I push the binky aside and force myself to concentrate on work.

But I've barely begun typing when Timofey walks in.

He takes one look at the binky and glares at me. "Are you still thinking about that boy?"

I blow out a breath. "It's not what you think."

Timofey's eyes turn to slits. "You can't afford to do this, Igor. The last time you went crazy over a housekeeper, our business suffered and the Riccis gained the upper hand. The boy didn't even stay with you. He left you for another sugar daddy in Milan. You can't fuck up our business by doing that again."

Red seeps into my vision. "Rowan's different. He's nothing like Mario."

"You said that last time," Timofey growls. "You think every boy is different until they break your heart. You can't fuck us over by doing this again."

I refuse to take any more shit from my younger brother.

I pull out my Glock and aim it at his head.

"Rowan is different, asshole. Get out of my study before I have to say it again."

Timofey glares at me. But he steps out of my study. "There will be hell to pay if we lose a turf war over a boy again."

The second Timofey leaves, I slam the door shut behind him.

"Asshole," I bark.

Timofey has no idea what I'm feeling.

He has no idea what the truth is.

Rowan is different.

He's pure. Honest. Trustworthy.

He's nothing like the braindead models I've messed around with in the past.

Rowan is special and there's no way on Earth he could ever hurt our family.

Rowan needs me to be his rock.

He needs me to show him that I won’t hurt him if he puts his faith in me.

Get ready, Rowan.

Time to meet your new Daddy.