Stolen By The Vampire King by Roxie Ray



Ipaced down my entrance hall to the front door then back up again, Baldwin wringing his hands together in the corner by some random Greek statue I couldn’t recall the name of. Mrs. Ames was dusting a Ming vase she’d already dusted seven times today.

None of us knew what to do to keep ourselves busy, and my brain was working overtime to make sense of everything that had happened and formulate a plan. Several times, it pounded like it might just explode out of my skull and put everyone in my house out of their misery.

Two fucking days. Two days too long already. The intel we’d received about where Francois was holding Leia had turned out to be a bust—they’d moved on by the time we’d raided the facility.

Next time, though, I’d be there. Next time, it would be done right.

“Mrs. Ames,” I barked as she began dusting the vase again.

She gasped and whirled around, her face pale and drawn.

“Could you prepare some tea?” I softened my tone as I sent her to do something else… Anything fucking else.

We all knew I wouldn’t drink the fucking tea.

“Francois fucking Ricard. The little fucking prince.” I raked my hand through my hair and met Baldwin’s gaze. “You don’t have to say it. I fucked up.”

He remained quiet, but my butler had always been a wise man.

I’d been stupid. Too arrogant, parading Leia around like she was my prize. Like no one could touch me or her, like they’d respect my word and my claim.

My fault.

It was all my fault.

Worry was eclipsed by guilt and remorse. Leia made me feel all kind of things I wasn’t used to feeling. She always had. Right from that first moment I’d kissed her.

But I’d told myself it was the power-rush, the bloodlust.

I’d been wrong.

“I have to talk to her.” There was a hint of desperation in my voice, and I didn’t do desperate.

I did decisive and logical and successful. Fuck. I did aggressive and violent and furious, and the end always justified the means. I got what I wanted, and I never made apologies.

But I didn’t just want Leia for the power she would bring to me. I wanted her because I… I loved her. I couldn’t believe it still. Humans were too fragile, too fleeting to love. But this one had wormed her way in without my say-so.

“Has no one ever told you about the true mate bond?” Baldwin’s voice was hesitant but the sound of it still startled me.

I huffed. “Of course I know about the true mate bond. It’s a power exchange.”

Baldwin nodded. “Yes, sir, it is.”

“But that’s not why Leia’s useful to Francois. She isn’t his true mate.” My gums ached under the weight of my fangs as I thought of Francois with Leia. I wanted to rip his throat out for even having looked at her.

Baldwin shook his head. “Miss Boucher can still aid Prince Francois’s ascension.”

“I know that, damn it.” I curled my hands into fists at the unwelcome image of Francois with his hands on Leia. “I know what he wants her for.”

It was the very same thing I’d first wanted her for, when my body had only recognized her as a virgin—nothing more than a conduit to guarantee my own successful reign. But she was so much more now, and my chest ached at the distance between us.

“The mating bond…” Baldwin started to speak again, apparently determined to finish whatever it was he had to say, but his nerve deserted him and he cleared his throat.

“What? What is so fucking important you need to tell me now?” I turned and stalked away from my butler. “I need to get Jason and Kyle here. I need to talk to Benedict. I have more important things to do than have you tell me shit I already know.”

I pressed my lips together because I was being unreasonable, and Baldwin didn’t deserve my wrath. I’d done this to myself.

“You love her, sir.” Baldwin spoke his next words so quietly I almost thought I’d misheard.

How the fuck did he know? I’d told no one. Barely admitted it to myself. Love was a weakness I’d never expected.

As if he’d read my mind, Baldwin shrugged. “The mating bond isn’t just a power exchange. Perhaps it’s time for you to reread some of the old lore, sir. When a human is involved, a true bond is invoked, whereby your desire to protect and love the human will surpass all else, and changes will need to take place—this ensures the longevity of the bond and enables power to be shared between you for a lifetime.”

His face lit up as he spoke, like he was discussing magic.

And maybe he was.

“Smells like bullshit to me.” My voice was a grumble as I scrolled through my phone to get hold of Kyle. He was part of my guard, an excellent strategist who had superior strength. Plus, I trusted him more than the other guards in my employ, and I wasn’t going to take any more chances.

Even though I didn’t tell him, Baldwin’s words made sense. I couldn’t think of another reason why I yearned for Leia so deeply. Love—fated and mystical—was the only explanation, and I needed to find her and tell her.

And fucking beg for her forgiveness.

“Baldwin, can you contact Ben? I need him to remain in post at The Pour House until further notice.” I didn’t want to consider what would happen if I failed to retrieve Leia from Francois. Failure wasn’t an option. “Emphasize that this needs to remain confidential. Leia has some good friends who frequent the bar, and their involvement at this stage would be…unhelpful.”

The last thing I needed to do was instigate the deaths of humans at the hands of the New Orleans monarchy.

Baldwin inclined his head. “Of course, sir. You can rely on me.”

He walked away and I returned my attention to my phone. I should have paid more attention to that glint of madness in Francois’s eye when we met at The Neutral Zone. But I was going to rectify that now. I was going for Francois, and I was reclaiming my mate.

I’d burn down New Orleans if I needed to.

A noise on the porch distracted me, and my fangs descended immediately. Fucking Sebastian. Contacting Kyle would have to wait. I shoved my phone into my pocket and ripped open the front door so fast I almost yanked it from its hinges.

Sebastian stood in front of me, his hand poised to ring the doorbell.

For a moment, anxiety creased his brow then it was gone. “Baldwin no longer greets guests?”

“I should rip your throat out. You’re no guest.” He was on my shit list right behind Francois.

I started to close the door again, but Sebastian dropped to a knee, his head bowed in deference. “Please, Your Majesty. I’m here to right old wrongs.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Your wrongs are not so old, Sebastian.”

He looked at me briefly before returning his gaze to the stone beneath him. “I know.” Regret laced his tone. Something I’d never heard before. “I forgot myself at the party, Nicolas, and I’m here to offer my apologies and my sword.”

I stepped back, not gesturing for him to stand but not insisting he remain at my feet. His king or not, Sebastian was my brother. “Are you coming inside, or have you simply come to kneel at my door?”

He barked out a chuckle. “I’ve come to offer my sword in your fight, brother.”

When I raised an eyebrow and allowed him inside, he tried again.

“Not my sword? My crossbow then? I wish to fight at your side. It’s my duty as your brother and my honor as your prince.” He bowed his head again, every one of his movements respectful.

“I think war is different these days, Sebastian. Do you not watch any news? We’re all merely the press of a red button away from destruction.” My fingers itched to destroy Francois. “We’ll gain Leia back with intelligence and strategy.”

Sebastian nodded. “I need to help you. I shouldn’t have gotten so close to overturning your claim on a virgin. On the throne.”

My chest tightened. “More than my claim,” I whispered as images of Sebastian, his fangs so close to Leia’s neck flooded my mind. “You nearly stole my first touch of my mate, brother.”

“Your true mate?” His eyes widened. “I thought those were stories.”

I shook my head. “Not all stories.”

“We need to storm Francois’s castle, we need to rescue your mate before he…” Sebastian looked at me, his eyes a little wild. “Before he…” He swallowed and looked away.

“Before he claims my mate as his,” I finished grimly.

Sebastian nodded then clasped my forearm. “We’ll get her back. I’ll swear an oath of fealty to you right now and promise to protect your mate above all else.”

I chuckled without humor. “No oath necessary. Just keep your fangs to yourself around Leia, and you’re welcome in my army.” I grabbed my phone. “I need to get everyone together. You coming on the plane?” I glanced at my brother.

“Did you not just hear me? I’m in this battle with you.” He took his own phone in his hand. “Who can I call?”

* * *

I walkedtoward my private jet with Sebastian, Jason, and Kyle by my side. We strode with purpose across the tarmac, like four avengers. Or four bringers of death.

It was time I brought the war to Francois, and if I happened to leave him dead in the process, so be it. Daddy would wake up from his stasis one additional crazy family member removed from the royal line. I’d be doing the old man a favor, really.

“You okay?” Jason grasped my shoulder.

“Yep.” I forced the word out, my gaze focused wholly on my jet as I closed the distance between the terminal and the short flight of steps.

The plane was sleek, like a bullet aimed just for Francois. I slipped into the cream leather seat. Not to relax. I had too much energy, but the pilot had a habit of refusing to take off until I was buckled in.

Jason skimmed his hand over the silver-gray woodgrain accents and whistled through his teeth. “No expense spared on the new jet, Nic?”

“Hm?” I glanced up. “I guess not.” The finish of my G6 was the lowest of my priorities.

Once we began to taxi down the runway, Kyle leaned toward me, his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped like he was about to say a prayer. But his eyes burned with the fires of Hell because Kyle wasn’t the praying kind.

“Okay,” he said. “Now, I know you’re going to want to go running in there as soon as we land, Nic—”

“Fuck,” Sebastian grunted. “We should all want to do that.”

“And we do.” Kyle emphasized his words. “But it’s not the smart thing to do.”

“What made you think Sebastian was smart?” Jason managed to look innocent as he asked his very pointed question, and I rolled my eyes.

“What’s the plan, Kyle?” I wasn’t all too eager on waiting, either. Leia was out there. “Look, the longer Francois has Leia, the longer he could—”

Sebastian hissed. “He could use her virginity to position himself for the New Orleans throne. He could fuck her.”

I held up my hand to stop him. “Yeah, and—”

Sebastian ignored the hand. “Fuck. Once he’s done that, what use is she to him?” He looked at me, his eyes wide like he’d only just realized the full implications of the destruction Francois could bring to my world. “He could kill her to deprive you of your true mate, or he could turn her for himself.” He paled.

Turn her? Fuck. I hadn’t even thought that far. I needed to bring this all back under my control—and fast.

Jason pressed the tip of a fang to his lower lip, but he nodded, not disagreeing with Seb’s assessment.

“It’s a cluster fuck, all right.” Kyle ran his forefingers up the bridge of his nose, intensifying the illusion he was saying a prayer. “But like I said, we need to play this smart. We can’t go in without a strategy because Francois is a loose cannon. We don’t know what he’s doing, we don’t know what he’s going to do.”

I scrubbed my palms over my face, the movement impatient rather than hopeless. “He could have done it already.”

Kyle nodded, the movement small. “And I’m not going to deny that. But it doesn’t mitigate our need to head to the safe house I’ve arranged as soon as we land and make a solid plan.”

I stood abruptly. That landing would be soon, and although the jet was carrying me closer to my mate, I’d never felt so adrift. “I have a call I need to make.”

I fixed my earbuds in place and retreated to the back of the jet, where the hum of the engines gave me at least the illusion of privacy.

She answered on the first ring.

“Mom?” Sweet fuck, I sounded desperate. I never called her Mom.

“Nicolas? Is everything okay?” She sounded worried.

I sighed. I hadn’t meant to worry her. I’d just needed to hear her voice. “Francois has Leia. He abducted her.” I hadn’t meant to blurt out my news, either. “I’m going in to get her with the guys I trust most.” I skimmed my gaze over Seb. Fuck it, I even trusted that bastard.

“Francois did what?” Her voice shrilled down the phone.

“Yeah. I know,” I said. “I’m going to make him pay, don’t worry about that. I’m on my way to New Orleans now. But I might need more help.”

Mother released a long exhale and the sounds behind her grew fainter and more muted. When she spoke again, her voice was lower, too. “I don’t think we can arrange that. Even you going to New Orleans like this, chasing a virgin who’s still technically unclaimed… It’s… It’s an act of war, Nicolas.”

“Oh, I know what it is.” I stretched my arm out along the back of the chair at my side. “But Francois knew what gauntlet he was throwing down the moment he took Leia from Baton Rouge.”

“Be that as it may—”

“—Be that as it may nothing. He has my virgin mate, I’m reclaiming her. He came onto our territory, onto my territory to abduct her in the first place.”

“Yes. And look how weak that makes you look. Francois was able to sneak into Baton Rouge and take the one thing you were supposed to hold most dear, to prize above anything else, from directly under your nose.” Her tone was cold, stern, and I knew she was right. “You’re positioning yourself as the next king, Nicolas. And for now, your people have been understanding. They’ve seen your virgin; they know your intentions. No one can know she’s gone. They can’t know that Francois has more potential power than you. Mon Dieu. He could already have her blood running through his veins. And then what?” She stopped talking and only her soft breaths let me know she was still on the line.


She exhaled again. “Just keep this quiet, Nicolas. It will make the start of your reign even more unstable if you have no way to complete your ascension. There is no one I trust enough to provide you with discreet backup, and the council mustn’t find out. Ensure your men know this.”

I scoffed. “They’re trustworthy,” I assured her.

“Be that as it may,” she said again. “We need a plan B. You do what you need to in New Orleans, and I’ll start making discreet enquiries about a second virgin. She seemed like a sweet girl, if a little out of her depth. But we need to secure your rule—and by any means possible. Leave that part with me.”

Anger washed through me, and my gums ached at her words. A second virgin? How the hell could a random virgin replace Leia? I didn’t give a fuck about my rule anymore. Not without Leia by my side.

I waited a moment to compose myself before I replied, but the line had already gone dead. Mother had hung up without even saying goodbye, her focus on her latest mission more important than anything else.

I sighed and launched my phone onto the seat across from me. “Fuck.”