Stolen By The Vampire King by Roxie Ray



My sides actually hurt. I’d heard people talk about laughing until their sides hurt, but I hadn’t believed it was really a thing.

“What?” Aimée turned to me and made her eyes so wide in protestation of her innocence that her carefully placed slices of cucumber fell away. “Fuck,” she said mildly as she replaced them, smearing Chef’s homemade avocado facemask in the process. “But I am serious. Tomas’s idea of a grand gesture was naming a star after me. A star I’ll probably live to see fucking explode or something.” She sighed and shook her head. “But I love that crazy guy. That’s got us through the first fifty years, right?”

I chuckled again but my mind whirled with thoughts. Fifty years was a hella long time, but it was almost nothing in Aimée’s lifespan—the way she spoke about it, anyway.

“I can’t imagine being with someone for fifty years.” I slid my own cucumber slices into place, grateful for the excuse not to have to meet her gaze. It felt strangely intimate to talk to this other woman about anything more than the weather or current events, but I liked it.

Aimée and I had an almost instant connection, and I hadn’t even found the energy to be mad at Nic when he left me with a complete stranger.

“I miss him,” I blurted out. “I feel like something has been taken from inside me.”

Aimée didn’t even ask who. “Of course, you do,” she said. “You’re true mates. That’s one stage up from what most of us get.”

“But you and Tomas…” I let my question trail away, no idea what I’d even been about to say. I didn’t know the first thing about vampire relationships, and it wasn’t my place to ask.

“We’re together by choice. Not by some sort of biological compulsion.” She chuckled. “I can’t imagine that at all. A need to be with someone else? What about free will?”

“It’s not really like that.” I shifted and smoothed the fluffy bathrobe Nic had provided for me, my skin heating even as I thought of him. “I don’t feel like it’s a lack of choice. The world feels opened up. Like I can feel more, see more. Like I’m somehow doubled through Nic.”

“Tell me, tell me, tell me, because I’ve always wondered… What’s he like in bed? There has never even been the smallest of rumors. He must have been very selective in the past.”

I lifted myself onto my elbows and removed one of my slices. “Uh, Aimée. He’s your brother,” I said like she might have forgotten.

“Meh.” She waved a careless arm and the whole mattress shifted with the gesture. “There’s no true biology. Nicky’s natural and the rest of us are made.”

“Oh, yeah. I forgot. I think Nic mentioned something like that. It’s more like being adopted, right?”

She grinned and more of the avocado face mask shifted out of position. I stuck my finger in my mask and then into my mouth. Oh, who the hell was I kidding? I was lying on a bed next to a vampire, with guacamole on my face. Hello, Twilight Zone.

“Yeah, I guess it’s like being adopted?” She made it into a question. “I mean, if being adopted comes with immortal life and family members who drink blood to survive, then it’s a hell of a lot more like being adopted than I thought.”

I chuckled but there was a little more tension in the room, and she was quiet for a long time. I almost thought she’d fallen asleep or gone to a quiet meditative place, or whatever vampires did.

“I was human once,” she said.

I jumped at the sudden words.

“It was a long time ago, and I don’t remember it, but I looked up my birth records many years ago. Did the whole genealogy thing. The rest of my family is long dead. I have no idea what they looked like or if I even loved them. I expect I did, but maybe they weren’t good people, you know?”

I made a noncommittal noise. This didn’t seem like a conversation I could really join in with.

“That’s the thing with hundreds of years. You forget. If we didn’t, we’d never move on. How could I love Tomas if I was still pining for human parents? How could I embrace technology and wearing fucking food on my face if I could still remember riding in a horse-drawn farm cart while I was a human?” She fell quiet again. “Still, there’s a lot of things they don’t tell you.”

“I don’t think I’d want to be vampire.” I spoke with quiet certainty.

She didn’t say anything, but my skin prickled like she was watching me so I spoke again.

“I wouldn’t want to lose everything I remember about my mom. I lost her too early as it is. And I’ve worked too hard on everything to just… to just let all of that fade away. Or to let it get taken by whoever steals your humanity, you know?”

She chuckled but the sound was uneasy. Maybe even nervous.

“Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to suggest anyone had stolen your humanity. I put that all wrong.” I sighed. “There are just things about me I’m not ready to lose. Things I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to lose.”

She took a breath like she might say something, but a knock at the door distracted us. I lifted a cucumber slice again as Mr. Baldwin entered.

“Chef asked me to inform you that he will serve your lunch in the informal dining room in thirty minutes.” He bowed his head as he spoke, not making eye contact with us or fully appreciating our green faces.

I launched myself from the bed, my cucumber slices flying. “I’m grabbing the first shower.”

* * *

As usual,Chef had provided way too much food, and cold cuts, fresh bread rolls, and salad plates filled the table.

“Yum—deconstructed subs,” I murmured, as I grabbed a roll and started filling it. “Lying around with a facemask on is really hard work, amiright?” I glanced at Aimée as I gestured at the laden table. “Are you going to help me out?”

Her lips tugged down and she shook her head. “Maybe a little, but too much human food makes me sick.”

I shrugged. “Oh well, more for me.” Then I grinned as I lifted my sub to my mouth. “See—I’d miss this as well. Chef’s food.” I rolled my eyes and sighed dreamily. “I have no idea why he’s even employed by a vampire, but his food is literally to die for.” I stopped. “Well, stay alive for. I’ve never eaten better in my life. Oh, and his beignets?” I pursed my lips and lifted my fingers away from my mouth in a chef’s kiss. “They are out of this world.”

“Baldwin?” Aimée snapped her attention to the butler, where he stood in his usual corner.

“Yes, Miss Dupont?”

She spoke to him in the lazy way of the truly entitled. “Does my brother have any champagne in this big old museum of a house? Anything alcoholic and a little interesting?”

Baldwin nodded. “Yes, Miss Dupont.”

“Fabulous.” Aimée grinned. “Then I would like to see a range of the most expensive options.”

I paused, my sub halfway to my mouth. “Aimée, I’m not sure that Nic w—”

She waved a hand in that airy gesture I was fast becoming used to. “Relax, new little sis. My brother probably has so much booze around the place he won’t even miss it, and Baldwin won’t even have to touch the oldest vintages to bring us a little something special. Besides, drinking is definitely something I can still do. Care to join me?”

Well, when she put it like that… I nodded. “Sure. I could go for a small drink, I guess. It’s not exactly like we have a lot more to do while we’re stuck here this house.”

“That’s my girl.” Aimée nodded her encouragement and held grabby hands out toward Mr. Baldwin as he came back into the dining room, champagne flutes in one hand, a deep green bottle in the other. Aimée cast a narrow-eyed gaze over the label. “Huh. Well, this will do to get this party started. We can move onto the harder stuff later. And if Nic’s collection disappoints me, I’ll just get his permission to continue this party elsewhere—somewhere with better booze.” Her eyes sparkled. “I know a place, but maybe that’s for another day.”

As the afternoon continued, we moved our tiny party to the cozy den, but no farther. Curled up on the soft, brushed fabric, still wearing my pamper-day robe, a fluffy blanket over my knees, glass clutched in one hand, a palmful of peanuts in the other, I surrendered to the warm feeling spreading through my body. As I grew sleepier, though, Aimée remained unaffected, her grip on the conversation as bright as it had been before we even popped the cork. Meanwhile, my limbs had all become floppy and vaguely Jell-O-like.

“Mr. Baldwin?” I called, and two of him glided through the doorway. Glided? I giggled. Glode, right? Glidden? Well, something like one of those, but I blinked and he solidified into just one-and-a-half butlers. “Hey, uh, please could I have, like, some, uh, coffee?” I was too sleepy.

Aimée laughed, a deep, throaty chuckle. “Oops. I shoulda remembered human tolerance. It’s just been so long since I hung out with one. Damn, Baldwin, can we get some water for Leia, too? Maybe some food or something to help soak everything up? Nicky might make himself responsible for my final death if I get his mate totally wasted our first afternoon together.”

I giggled again. “Mate totally wasted. That’s so funny.”

Aimée petted my hair. “I’m glad you think so, sweetie. But we need to see if we can get you a little more alert.”

I laughed again and pointed at the door. “Two Nics!” I yelled. “Yay!” Two of him suddenly sounded like a fucking awesome idea. Two tongues, two sets of fingers, two amazing cocks… Mm, mm, mm. “Fangtastic, right?” I swayed against Aimée. “Get it? Fang.”

“Everything okay, Aimée?” The Nics strode toward us, and I pouted a little as two of him became one.

“Aww. Where did the other you go? I was looking forward to two of you… Hubba hubba!” I wiggled my eyebrows so he’d understand my meaning and reached out to stroke his hair but poked his eye as he leaned toward me.

He chuckled and took my hand then pressed a kiss to the back of it. “Hubba hubba, huh?” He laughed again, and the sound warmed me. “Let’s get some coffee into you,” he murmured before lifting me into his lap and cradling me against him. “Can I trust you to at least pour the coffee, Aimée?”

Amusement mingled with censure in his tone, and I giggled again as I nuzzled against his shirt.

“So soft. Why are you so soft?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, he shifted and slid his hand into his pants pocket. “I’ve brought you a present. Although it isn’t really from me. I had a visit from Lettie, and she said for you to wear this.” He held up a charm bracelet that held chips of stone and crystal. “And don’t stop wearing the pendant.”

Then he gently took my hand and clasped the bracelet around my wrist.

I held my arm up, watching the light play across the colors. “Oh, it’s beautiful. Tell Lettie… Tell her…” I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his as I ground against him a little bit.

He pulled back and laughed. “That’s what you want me to tell the witch?”

My face heated. “Oh, I meant to say thank you. The kiss part was for you.”

“And the part where you rubbed against me so beautifully?” He dropped his voice but Aimée made a retching noise then laughed.

“I’d say get a room, but this is technically a room, and you own it, Nicky, so I’m going to make myself scarce. The coffee pot’s on the table. I already filled one mug.”

Nic waved then reached forward before handing me the mug. “Let’s sober you up a little, mate. I want you to remember everything we do together.”

Then he sat, arm around me, stroking my hair while I sipped my coffee.

Eventually, I looked up at him. “Hey.” I swept the hair that had tumbled over his brow.

“Well, your aim’s a bit better at least,” he said, but he kissed the back of my hand again anyway. “Are you hungry at all? Need a painkiller?” Then he glanced toward the door. “Baldwin? Can I get some pretzels and sliced apple?”

When Baldwin brought the tray, Nic fed me some of the pretzels. “Carbs and fruit help to slow the absorption of alcohol. If you were serious when you were grinding on me, I want you right here with me when I accept your invitation… Because you know I’m never going to turn you down if I know you mean it, right?” His eyes glowed the familiar dim red, and my heart rate increased.

“I mean it.” My words came out breathy, but I wasn’t sleepy any more. I was almost wired, hyper aware of Nic’s muscular thighs and the arm wrapped around my waist, irritated by the clothes we were still wearing. “We need to be naked for this part, though.”

He laughed and raised an eyebrow as he glanced around the room. “Here?”

I shrugged. “It seems pretty comfortable.”

He lowered his lips to my neck and I arched away, allowing him better access. “It’s very comfortable,” he murmured as he placed his first kisses. His hands rested lightly on my hips and he urged me to turn, drawing my thigh across his lap so I straddled him.

As I moved, I brushed his cock where it pressed against his pants, and he groaned, his hips pushing him closer to me.

“You always feel so good, Leia.” He placed his palm over me, cupping my core. “How are you? Are you sore?” Worry creased his brow and flickered through his gaze.

I leaned forward and touched my lips to his. “Hmm? More in danger of forgetting what you feel like when you fill me, I think.”

He chuckled and it was dark and delicious and full of promise, and it rolled right through me, spreading heat through my limbs, and making my clit pulse.

He dropped his head forward to nuzzle at my neck and his fingers toyed with the low neckline of my robe. “I’ll never be able to resist you.”

His words were a confession, and I moved to help him as he pushed my robe from my shoulders. He immediately cupped my breasts, kneading them softly under his palms as I watched him, arching into his touch, pressing wantonly forward.

“I could torture you,” he murmured softly. “Make you want me until you’re as half-crazed with it as you make me feel.”

I laughed at the sudden rush of power his words gifted me. “I make you crazy?”

“Fuck, yes.” He lapped his tongue over my nipple, watching it harden beneath the wet fabric of my bra. “You make me so crazy,” he murmured. “So hard…” He fisted his cock through his pants as if to demonstrate and groaned before letting his hand drop away. “Fuck. So ready.”

My body throbbed with awareness of him, and I wriggled, grinding teasingly against him as I reached between us to release his button and zipper, setting his cock free.

I was so greedy for him, touching that soft, hot skin with my fingertips and taking the hard shaft in my hand, smoothing up in a hesitant stroke.

He rolled his hips, burying his face against my hair, his breathing coming in spurts against my ear. “Never wanted anything more.”


He drew back, a half grin tilting one corner of his mouth. “Well, I might currently be thankful you’re wearing a robe today. Remind me that you never need clothes ever again. Just more robes.”

As he spoke, he skimmed his hand up my right thigh, and I caught my breath on an inhale, my top teeth pressed softly to my lower lip.

Part of me wanted to stop him because even now, the intimate touch was almost overwhelming. The rest of me wanted to spread my legs wide and guide his hand to touch me where I needed it most. I giggled.

“You okay?” His hand stilled.

I nodded. “I just really want you touch me. I don’t think I can wait.” I still gripped his cock in my hand, fluttering light touches over it to make him spasm and to hear strange gasps emerge from him.

“What do you want, Nic?”

When he groaned this time, it rumbled through his chest. “All of you.” He moved, the fabric swishing as he changed how he sat and his grip on me.

My panties were suddenly a scrap of material in his hand, and he tucked them into his pocket. Like he was starting a collection or something.

Cool air hit my clit, and I shivered. His fingers trailed forward, stroking me then doubling back, the same way I teased him with lazy strokes. He kissed the edge of my jaw, teasing me there too, with soft nibbles of his flat, straight teeth.

I bent my neck and pulled my hair over my shoulder, my invitation unspoken as his eyes bled to the dull red I’d come to associate with heightened emotion. Currently, it was desire, lust, want.

“What do you want, Nic?” I asked him again as he circled his finger around my clit, my voice breathy, my words a little broken.

“All of you,” he repeated, his voice strained now too, as I stroked him with greater urgency.

I wasn’t playing now, wasn’t teasing, and I leaned to kiss him then paused as I just touched his mouth with mine.

“Bite me,” I whispered, and a sound of need worked through his chest, vibrating against me.

My arousal increased and his nostrils flared as he groaned again.

“Your scent…” His hands were on my waist, and he lifted me, positioning me over him and holding my waist as I gripped his cock and nudged it against my entrance.

I wriggled, taking him inside me, and he sucked in a breath as I rose back up then down, allowing my body the time to accommodate him. I breathed out a long breath as he filled me. Part relief, part satisfaction. All was right in my world as Nic and I joined, although I almost laughed at the flowery, romantic thought that we’d somehow become one.

I just couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be, or anything I’d rather be doing. Only one thing could possibly improve this moment.

I bared my neck again, and Nic’s voice emerged as a growl.


I moved gently up and down on him, easing his cock in and out of my body as his fingers still worked over my clit, stroking the delicate bundle of nerves. I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. “I want you to bite me, though.”

“Are you sure?”

“Are you kidding? It feels amazing.” I lowered my voice on the last sentence. “You make me feel amazing.” I almost swooned thinking about it.

Instead of replying, he picked up the pace, not waiting for me to move against him, setting the rhythm and taking control, his finger pressing against my clit, stroking it, thrumming it, until my control started to loosen, my body threatening to fragment.


I looked into his eyes at the urgency of his voice, and he revealed a hint of fang as my body began to tighten around him. I nodded then his mouth was at my neck, his fangs piercing my skin as my orgasm crashed through me, washing away all of my thoughts, and drawing me to a place of ecstasy and tightened muscles as I splintered around him to the beat of him drawing the blood from my vein.

As my breathing steadied, the only sound left in the room was Nic’s gentle sucking, the only sensations the tug on my skin and echo of the way my body had pulsed around him.

Then he drew away, arched his back, and a guttural groan emerged from his throat as he thrust his hips one last time and shuddered against me. I smoothed my hand over his back before he dipped his head and his tongue slid over the sensitive skin on my neck.

He grinned at me, and I pushed my hands into his hair, claiming his mouth as I rocked carefully against the hardness still inside me, enjoying each flutter and spasm of pleasure, and each tiny murmur of the same from Nic.