Daddy’s Little Runaway by Lila Fox

Chapter Twelve


Emma held Devon’s hand tightly as they took the elevator up to Lacey and Cason’s condo.

“Why are you so nervous? You already know her.”

She shrugged. “Not really. We’ve only said a few words to each other.”

“You’ll like her, pet. She’s very nice.”


They stepped off the elevator and met Cason.

“Good, I’m glad you’re here, Emma. She is so excited to see you. She’s driving me a little crazy.”

Emma’s heart lifted. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

“Is she here, Daddy?” Lacey yelled from down the hall.

Emma’s brows scrunched together. “I didn’t know you were her daddy. I thought he was dead.”

“I’m not that kind of daddy, honey. I’ll have her explain.” Cason turned to the hallway. “Yes, she’s here.”

Emma heard a squeal, and Lacey raced out.

The breath left Emma’s lungs when Lacey hugged her tightly.

“Baby, not so tight. She can’t breathe,” Cason said and then chuckled.

Lacey snorted and released her. “That’s not funny, Daddy.”

Both men chuckled.

Lacey grabbed her hand. “Daddy, can I show her the room?”


“Wait, Emma, I’m leaving right now, but I’ll be back to get you.”

“I…” She didn’t know what to say as fear started to take over.

“I’ll stay here with the two of you,” Cason told her.

“It’s just … I feel bad that you have to do it.”

Devon pulled her into his arms. “I wouldn’t let anyone else do it. I’m going to get great pleasure out of getting her out of there. I just feel bad that Cason can’t help. He was looking forward to it like I was.”

Cason grinned. “Another time.”

Her mouth turned down, but she didn’t say any more. Lacey took her hand and led her to the back of the condo.

Lacey shut the door behind them. “He’ll be back, Emma.”

Emma turned to the beautiful woman and suddenly felt incredibly ugly.

“What?” Lacey asked.

“You’re very pretty.”

Lacey snorted. “I think I’m weird-looking. You’re the beautiful one.”

Emma wasn’t going to say anything because she knew they both knew the truth. Lacey was just being nice to her.

“How about I show you my room, and maybe we can play a game.”

Emma’s spirits rose. “Do you know how to play Gin?”

Lacey clapped. “Yes.”

“My grandmother, aunt, and I played it frequently, and it’s been a long time since I’ve played.”

Emma had no idea how long they played before Cason came to get the two for dinner.

Emma looked and saw how dark it was outside. “Why do you think it’s taking them so long?”

“I’ve talked to Devon a few times, honey. Everything is fine. They are just working on locks.”

“Oh. Was my mom there?”

“Yes. She was arrested.”

Emma’s eyes widened. “For what?”


“Oh. Did he tell you how the house looked?”

Cason shook his head. “No. He did say the two of you would be going over in the morning to make a list.”

Emma nodded.

Cason gripped her shoulder. “Try not to worry, honey. Devon will take care of everything.”

“I’m sure he can, but he shouldn’t have to.”

Lacey grabbed her hand. “Let’s eat, and then we can watch a movie until he gets here.”

“I think I’ll just go back to Devon’s and wait for him.”

Cason shook his head. “No. You’ll stay here like Devon wants you to.”

Emma sighed and sat at the table. She pushed her food around on her plate.

Cason looked at her in concern. “Honey, try to eat.”

“I can try, but my stomach hurts because I’m anxious.”

“Do the best you can. I know you’re tired, but it shouldn’t be too much longer.”

Emma took a few small bites and watched Cason and Lacey together. Cason was very handsome, but she thought Devon was even more so with his black hair and bright blue eyes. Although Lacey was the most beautiful woman she knew, and she thought she and Devon would look gorgeous together, the two at the table looked really good together, and she could tell they cared very much for each other.

Cason stood and grabbed some plates. “Lacey, why don’t you take Emma over to the sofa, and you two can find a movie.”

Emma stood. “I can help with the dishes.”

“Not tonight, honey. Go sit with Lacey.”

Emma sat down next to Lacey and watched as she went through some channels.

“What do you feel like watching, Emma?”

“Anything, really.”

“Have you seen Beauty and The Beast?”

“No.” They had one television at her home, and it was an older one, and they never got cable. Her grandmother didn’t like her watching too much and preferred her to read, and since she loved reading, she hadn’t minded.

Lacey clicked on it and then rested back against the sofa.

“Here, girls.”

Emma looked up to see Cason with two pillows and blankets.

“Why don’t you lay head-to-head? The sofa’s long enough so you both can stretch out.”

Emma let Cason set the pillows and then got comfortable before he covered them both.

“I’m going to be at the dining room table getting some work done if you need me.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Thanks, Daddy.”

Emma wanted to ask about why she called Cason Daddy, but she was suddenly so tired, she couldn’t keep her eyes open.

She had no idea how long she was asleep when she felt herself lifted.

“Thank you for watching her,” Devon said.

She thought she should take exception to that but was too darn tired. The next time she woke up, Devon was pulling her clothes off her and putting her in one of his shirts.

“Hey, sleepyhead.”


“Yes, pet.”

“How did it go?”

“Good. I’ll tell you all about it in the morning. Go back to sleep. I’ll be to bed in a few minutes.”

She rolled to her side, sighed, and fell back to sleep.