Daddy’s Little Runaway by Lila Fox

Chapter Fourteen


He watched her carefully. He didn’t like how quiet she was. Some of it was that she was still tired, but he also saw a sorrow that hadn’t been there before. Most of that was probably the fact so many things were missing from the house, but he thought it was more than that.

They got back to the condo, and he set the luggage on the bed.

“Let’s get a load of your clothes in the washer, baby.”

“I can do this.”

“I know. But I want to help you.”

He set the suitcases on the bed, she started stacking the clothing by color, and then he took an armful into the small laundry room by the kitchen.

When she had them all sorted, he put the suitcases into the room he was using for storage.

“How about some lunch, pet?”

“All right. Can I help?”

“Yes.” He took her hand and pulled her into the kitchen. “After lunch, I need to go to my office for a few hours.”

“Okay. I can stay here and…”

“No, you’ll be with me. We’ll get you set up with a computer or a Kindle so you can read.”

“But I don’t want to be in the way.”

He walked to her and cupped her face. “You’ll never be in the way. Don’t ever think that. I very much want you with me.”

He felt her relax and then lean into him. He studied her expression for a brief moment before he lowered his head. The first touch of their lips made them both moan. Within seconds, the kiss strengthened and got hotter.

His tongue swept across her lips and then dove in when they started to open. Her tongue sparred with his as he tasted every part he could reach. A needy moan had him lifting his head and looking down at her.

“You like my tongue in your mouth, pet?”

She nodded and then licked her lips, trying to taste him, which made his body clench as a spear of desire raced through him.

“Do you know where else I can make you feel good with my tongue?”

She shook her head.

“All over your body.”

Her eyes widened, and she glanced down toward her vagina.

“That’s right. I want my tongue on your sweet pussy. Would you like that?”

She inhaled. “I don’t know … maybe.”

“Oh, there’s no maybe about it.”


He grinned. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll make you come with my tongue before bed.”

He saw her desire, excitement, and apprehension. “You know I’d never hurt you.”

She nodded. “It’s just … I don’t know what to do.”

“You don’t have to. That’s my job is to show you.”

“Is that what a daddy does with his little?”

His heart raced, and his cock grew harder at the thought of her giving up control to him. “Yes. Would you like that?”

“I … yes. I think so.”

“Good. We’ll see how it goes. Just remember, nothing is set in stone. If you don’t like something, tell me.”

“Okay … Daddy.”

“Fuck, baby. You have no idea what that does to me.” He couldn't believe what that one word could do to him. It made him feel more satisfied and settled than he ever had before.

“I hope it’s good.”

He swept his thumb across her cheek. “Oh, it’s very good. I’m going to take such good care of you.”

She nodded.

“Let’s get you fed.”

He heated up some chicken noodle soup and had her cut up some fresh fruit. It didn’t take long before they were sitting down to eat.

“Tell me some things you like to do, pet.”

“I like to read and play games. I spent a lot of time in the garden in the backyard. I really like growing things.”

“I didn’t get a chance to see it. You’ll have to show me the next time we’re there.”

“When do you think we can go back?”

“We’ll go back in a few days. We got started on a list of the things that are missing, but I’d like to see if there are receipts for the things missing or pictures that we can give to the insurance company?”

“Yes. My grandmother was very organized about things like that. There is a safe with all sorts of papers in it. I think Grandmother’s good jewelry is in it, too.”

“We’ll check it out when we are there.”

“Do you think my mother got everything?”

“Where is the safe located?”

“In the office behind a panel.”

“Did your mother know about it?”

“I don’t think so, but I can’t be sure. She grew up in the house.”

“Maybe your aunt knows.”

She shrugged.

“How long has the house been in your family, and why is it so big? It seems rather big for just two or three people.”

“My grandmother grew up in it. She had five siblings, but they all left the state and are now dead. She was the only one who stayed. She moved back in with her parents after my grandfather died. My mom was really young at the time, and my aunt was a teenager.”

“That had to have been hard being a widow so young.”

Emma nodded. “She was only in her mid-thirties. She loved him dearly, and although he died right after my mom was born, she never dated another man.”

“So, you’re an only child?”

“Yes. I wish I’d had a sibling. I think it would have helped when I was so lonely. How about you?”

“I have a brother and sister.”


“Yes. My sister is finishing college in Colorado, and my brother is back from overseas. He was in the military, and it messed him up. When he finished with his last deployment, he went off-grid.”


“I’m not sure. Something fucked him up over there. I’ve asked a few of his teammates that are here, and they are very evasive and just told me to ask my brother.”

“That’s so sad. Do you think he’ll come here?”

“Yes. Eventually. He knew about the business and wanted to be a part of it.”

“How long has he been gone?”

“It’s been close to a year.”

Her eyes widened. “He must be really sad.”

“Yes. I’m really worried about him.”

“Hopefully, he’ll come soon.”

“I hope so, too.”

“What will your sister do?”

“I’m talking to her about coming here. She can work with the business, and if she doesn’t want to do that, there are other jobs around. Our parents are gone, so we just have each other.”

“I hope she comes.”

He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I do, too. I worry about her a lot. She’s a tough cookie but is still very naïve and has a lot of sass that I can see that will get her into trouble someday.”

“She’s lucky to have two big brothers to look out for her.”

He snorted. “Tell her that. She doesn’t appreciate it most of the time.”

Emma giggled.

“Let’s get this cleaned up so we can get down to the office. After, we’ll come back here and have dinner and maybe watch a movie.”

“I’d like that very much.”

He smiled at her. “Good.” He couldn't believe how much he liked spending time with her. She was serene and easy to talk to and so fucking hot, his palms itched to get his hands on her. Soon, he thought, because he wouldn’t be able to last too much longer.