The Alien’s Reward by Luna Kingsley

Chapter 2


My home is a secret,protected sky island called Bameh. We are warriors, fighting against extinction. We are a species called the Dhevieth, protecting its sacred land—the only place we have on Cruna to call our own. When this massive space ship flew too close to our island, setting off our radars, I was called into action.

Ships aren’t allowed to see Bameh—ever.

Strangers don’t know of Bameh’s existence. And we have every intention of making sure it stays that way.

This isn’t the first ship I’ve brought down from the skies. And these aren’t the first warriors whose lives I’ve ended in order to protect our secrets. But this is the first female who caught my attention.

I felt her before I saw her. Which was significant because I don’t allow myself to feel anything when I’m on a mission. My insides are empty and black like a void so I can do what I need to do and return home again.

My actions stay with me, though.

Regardless of why I do what I do, the images come back to haunt me. This female was one I couldn’t add to the growing list of lost lives. Her wide brown eyes showing every inch of her terror—the terror that I caused.

As I fly through the sky, holding this delicate creature, my mind wanders with all the things I didn’t think through when I took her.

What am I going to do with this trembling female in my arms? Is she hurt or cold? Or just afraid of me?

I circle the peaks of the mountains, searching for a place to keep her safe and hidden until I can figure out what to do next. I haven’t thought through what I’m going to do with her. We don’t even speak the same language. Communication is a challenge. I can’t take her to Bameh because the others won’t allow it. Not until I at least speak with the elders about it first. And yet, here she is in my arms while I fly away from the crash site, determined to find somewhere safe to keep her.

The peaks are snow-covered, the temperatures so much colder at these altitudes. Without any knowledge of what type of species this female is or how she tolerates variants in temperature, it’s impossible to know how she’ll handle the cold.

I’m quickly running out of options, however, when our military commander speaks, his voice loud and clear through the device in my ear.

“Mission update.”

Alpha Stux’an is efficient and impatient. Already aware that he’ll be expecting the most succinct response, I deduce how much longer it will take me to deal with my prize before they can expect me to return.

“The ship is down, military personnel aboard the ship now deceased. I’ll return soon.”

A uniquely shaped mountain catches my eye with four peaks curved inward like talons. The center is covered in smooth snow, no signs of animal tracks from above. This is a good sign because she’ll have no one around to provide protection while I’m gone.

I land close to one of the sharp peaks, inspecting the area for any openings that might end up being a cave or at least a large enough indentation in the rocks to provide shelter from the cold. After a few minutes of searching, I find it. It isn’t large enough to be called a cave but the two of us fit inside the small opening once I clear away the snow.

Once I set her down, I get a good look at the gaping, bloody wound on her thigh and finally understand why she’s been so quiet. Aside from a few whimpers, she hasn’t fought me or tried to get away. A glance at her face shows me she’s in pain and quickly losing a lot of blood. I did what I could with her wound at the crash site before I was interrupted. It wasn’t enough to stop the bleeding and maybe her species doesn’t react to my saliva in the same way it heals others. I take the small plaster dispenser from my belt and reach for her wound. For the first time, she clutches her thigh, her eyes going wide as her breathing intensifies, wondering what I’m planning to do to her.

“It’s okay,” I say in my native tongue. But she shakes her head, her eyes filling with moisture from the misunderstanding happening between us. Thinking quickly, I take the small device and hold it to my arm, pressing the button that allows a film of healing plaster to form to my skin. As soon as it’s in place, I hold it out to her so she can feel it if she’d like. Then I point to her wound, visible through the wide tear in her pants. My mouth waters at the sight of her bare skin from wanting to taste her again. Her scent is still with me, distracting me from my current task.

First I must deal with her injury. Then I will make sure she is warm.

She turns her head toward the rock as I move closer, but she lacks the strength to put up a fight. My inexperience with females isn’t helping me right now but I’m doing what needs to be done so she survives to see tomorrow. As soon as the cold, metal device touches her skin, her body jolts from the contact. After further inspection, her wound is deep and jagged, severe enough to cause her significant pain and discomfort. I cover the whole of her thigh with the healing plaster, determined to be thorough.

I finish and want to ask her if she’s injured anywhere else but don’t have the words to communicate. Instead, I hold up the device and touch it to her arm then her other leg, watching her face each time. She touches her head which makes me tilt my own, wondering if she’s indicating another injury. But after a moment, she brings her hand down and wraps her arms around her body.

She’s dressed in black pants and a thin shirt, nothing heavier. I also don’t wear anything heavier, but I’m covered in thick scales and my body is able to easily regulate various temperatures. Her skin is soft and fragile. Not conducive to being exposed to the extreme temperatures. Reaching to my belt again, I have one more tool that will come in handy while I’m away. I unclip the small pouch and unfold the thin material inside. It’s large enough to fit my body so there’s plenty of space for this small female. I wrap it around her, and she lets me without complaint. As soon as she’s covered, I activate the controls which automatically heat the material. As soon as she feels the warmth, she looks at me—a mixture of shock and delight.

Her eyes grow heavy as she relaxes against the rock wall in the small indentation. For now, her bleeding has stopped and she’s warm. Soon she’ll need food, water and much better shelter but that will have to hold off for another hour or two while I report back to Stux’an.

As soon as this small female’s eyes drift close and remain that way, I spend a few more minutes building up the shelter around her. Once I’m satisfied she can’t be seen by walking up to the peaks or even from above, I reluctantly leave her and take flight back to Bameh.

I fly straight from the mountain into the layer of the clouds that provides a permanent cover for Bameh. Once I break through the thick layer of white, the island appears, floating like a massive green and brown rock in the sky. As soon as I arrive, the energy from the core of the island fuels me up like having my battery recharged. Suddenly, I’m flying faster, my energy back to one hundred percent now that I’m so close to the source of our powers.

It’s more than just my powers regenerating this time, though.

I also found someone special on this mission. Someone who gives me peace even during battle where my Alpha demands my obedience in completing these missions. If it were my choice, I wouldn’t continue to initiate unprovoked battles. Even though I understand that we live secretly, and we haven’t been discovered for hundreds of years, there must be a better way of doing things.

We’ve never allowed outsiders into Bameh but for the first time in my life, I have a reason to take a stand.

Knowing there isn’t a lot of time before I need to return to her, I fly directly to our military compound where Stux’an will be waiting for the mission debrief. Though I’ve done this hundreds of times, now, I plan on asking for a reward.

* * *

“You did well, Vah’all,”Stux’an says when I return to our military compound. “You took care of all witnesses to your existence?”

“There was a female on board.” Stux’an’s large pointy ears twitch, his expression stern but challenging to interpret. Over the last fifty years, female dhevieth have slowly begun to die off. Diseases affect them more than males. Male young have been born more than females which has been a worry for years. The procreation of our species is a concern even if it is an issue that isn’t discussed among the alphas. The alphas worry about security while the elders make the continuation of our species their concern.

Stux’an quietly ponders my comment for a few moments before he says anything. “What type of female?”

“I’ve never seen anyone like her kind before.” Up until this moment, I haven’t confessed to going against the strict rules of our lands. But admitting to not only allowing this female to live as well as wanting to keep her…well, I’ll need to prepare myself for Stux’an’s reaction. “I want to keep her.”

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, the room goes deathly quiet. Stux’an stares me down along with the rest of my warrior brothers. I know what they’re all thinking…they’re wondering if I’ve lost my mind.

“Where is she now, Vah’all?” The alpha’s voice is low and calculating, his silver skin darkening along with his mood.

I’ve never lied to Stux’an before and it surprises me that it crosses my mind to do so now. “I’ve hidden her somewhere safe.”

“On Bameh?”

“No. Cruna. I wouldn’t bring her here until I’ve been given permission. But I’d like your permission. She’s harmless, Stux’an.”

“Harmless until someone comes looking for her. Are you certain she was the only one?”

Once I found her, I didn’t take the time to find out if she was the only female. I found her and took her. Not my smartest moment, but then again, I’ve never been so distracted by someone before.

“I’m not sure,” I’m forced to admit.

Before we have a chance to continue our conversation, Drocrek interrupts from the monitors. “Multiple heat signatures converging below the cloud lining.”

I rush to the screen as my worries are confirmed. Multiple red dots move toward her location which means we’re out of time. I need to go get her, regardless of what the others might think.