The Alien’s Reward by Luna Kingsley

Chapter 5


So…thisis really happening.

Sure the aliens rescued my friends and they’ve given us medical aid, but I can’t forget about the fact that Vah’all killed the marines right in front of my eyes.

He’s dangerous. And I need to keep reminding myself of that fact. He distracts me with his swimming blue eyes and bulging muscles until I forget that he’s a killer.

But I can’t forget.

Now I’m being taken in front of a panel of aliens who are about to decide my fate. Which means my job right now is to figure out everything I can about getting off this island and back below the clouds. Because if they tell me I’m not welcome, I’m not waiting around to see what they plan to do with me.

As I follow Vah’all through the hallway, I come up with a simple plan that consists of escaping this building, finding my friends and getting off this rock that floats in the sky. It’s only three steps but each one is even more daunting than the last. These aliens can already fly so does that mean they don’t need spaceships? Because my plan is counting on being able to steal a damn spaceship. And then I’d need Trinity because she’s the one who could fly it.

“Sarah.” I’m so distracted by my own thoughts that it takes me a moment to realize Vah’all is speaking to me. I glance at him as he walks next to me, his alpha leading us to an unknown location. “Do not speak while a decision is made.”

I don’t know what I thought he’d say but it wasn’t that. My anger spikes at his arrogance. It isn’t even my choice to be here in the first place. I’d much rather have landed safely on Nedruinia with our crew intact.

“Why don’t you just return me to Nedruinia where I belong? We can skip this entire charade.” I keep my voice low because I get the impression he doesn’t want his alpha to hear us, like he’s preparing me for how I’m supposed to act when we get to wherever we’re going. Well, I’m feeling more like myself now. My wound has healed and the shock of the initial crash has begun to subside. I’m ready to fight for our survival and get back to where we belong.

Vah’all’s hands turn to fists while his muscles tense. He’s angry but so am I. I can barely keep myself from shaking while my emotions are bottled up inside. This fight or flight instinct is real, and I’ve never wanted to turn tail and run for my life more than I want to right now. But before that opportunity presents itself, we arrive at a set of doors. Alpha Stux’an enters first and then Vah’all forces me to follow him while he prevents my escape by bringing up the rear. The doors close behind us and I’m trapped in a room full of silver aliens who look like Vah’all…all of them male.

The quiet murmurs quickly stop as all eyes focus on me. And then the whispers begin again. Suddenly, I’m incredibly self-conscious about my appearance. I’ve endured the crash, a kidnapping, an animal attack and now I’m being presented to an alien council. All without a shower or a change of clothes. Not the best impression I’ve ever made. I’m attempting to straighten the wrinkles from my top and comb some of the tangles from my hair with my fingers when Vah’all sets a chair behind me and motions for me to have a seat. He stands just behind the chair while the rest of the council takes the shape of a crescent, all standing and staring down at me.

“Stux’an has given permission for the four females to be present on Bameh. It is most unusual considering we’ve kept our home a secret from those who would seek to take what has been ours for hundreds of years. But this exception has been made because of the dwindling numbers of females and the reassurance that no one will come looking for them.” The councilor who speaks looks to be an elder, apparently in charge of deciding my fate. While physically he doesn’t look much older than the others, his silver skin is darker along with his hair which he keeps pulled back and tied. He wears an ornamental chain around his neck and no one else has anything similar.

“I want to claim Sarah as my reward for the missions I have completed for Bameh,” Vah’all says.

I snap out of the daze I’m in as all of this unfolds around me, and I stare up at this massive alien who just decided I’m an award to be claimed for a job well done. Absentmindedly I make a strangled sound that reflects my feelings because he glances down at me with a stern expression, reminding me to stay quiet.

“I don’t understand the appeal, Vah’all,” another elder says while looking me over like I’m a cow up for auction, “but if she is capable of carrying your young, I approve.”

“This is an opportunity to find out if our kind is compatible with humans. If Vah’all creates a successful bond with his mate, we’ll know we can keep the other three females and use them to mate with also.”

This type of talk continues around me and while at first I was offended that Vah’all told me to keep my mouth shut…I don’t know what I would even say at this point. Clearly I’m viewed for what I can do for their species. It’s horribly offensive but at the same time, it’s keeping me alive.

“Thank you, elders,” Vah’all says a while later. “I will take Sarah to my living quarters now so she can clean herself and recover. She has been through a lot.”

The council congratulates Vah’all, and I curse myself for not paying closer attention even when their misogyny got to be too much to handle.

“Let’s go, Sarah.” Vah’all squeezes my shoulder gently which I take as an indication to stand up so we can leave. It’s just the two of us once we’re in the hallway.

“What does this all mean?” I ask, leaning close so I can keep my voice low. They have these pointy, twitchy ears which I’ve come to learn means they can hear incredibly well.

“It means you are mine now. They’ve given me permission to keep you here…with me.”

“As your reward.” I say it with sarcasm but that’s lost on him. He simply agrees with me. “It doesn’t work that way, Vah’all. You don’t just take a woman you want and say, ‘Oh, you’re mine now.’ There needs to be a mutual attraction. An understanding between the two. There needs to be consent.”

He’s still holding my arm, pulling me through the hallway while I explain these concepts to him. But he doesn’t respond or slow down. In fact, this only seems to be making him more agitated. We finally step outside again and instead of releasing me, he wraps his arm tighter around my waist and lifts off the ground without warning. This is his preferred way of travel. Swallowing my anger for the moment, I hold on for the ride.

He flies me over buildings but there isn’t a specific area of Bameh that is the central city. Instead, there are buildings spaced sporadically with trees and gardens interspersed. We fly over plenty of sparkling ponds that look black this time of night. Golden orbs float through the air, illuminating the land below. Are they some sort of flying animal or plant? I have no idea. It’s beautiful here…exactly how I would picture a floating island in the sky to look. But it doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stay here. I need to find my friends and get back to where we belong before I find myself pregnant with an alien’s baby.

We’re on the edge of a forest when Vah’all finally lands. There’s a home built into the side of a hill, the back all trees. But leading up to the house there’s a river not far off to the side with a rocky bank full of vegetation. It’s quiet here, and peaceful. Not what I would expect from the alien assassin Vah’all. “Is this your home?” I ask.

“It is. There’s a shower inside and I’ll find something for you to wear so you can change out of those clothes. Then you must be exhausted. We’ll sleep and figure everything else out in the morning.”

“I don’t want to figure everything out, Vah’all. I want to see my friends and return to Nedruinia. We have work to do there…you don’t understand.”

“No, you don’t understand, Sarah. I’m not letting you go. I’m not taking you anywhere. You are mine now. I plan on keeping you.”

I open my mouth to argue but he doesn’t let me. He leans down, closes his fingers around my chin and presses his lips to mine.