The Mafia Killer’s Wife by Rosa Milano



Iknew it. She did tell him. Felt guilty enough afterward to come and warn me like that would make up for it. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her.

"You shouldn't have come," I tell her. "Go home."

"Did you get my message?"

"Both of them."

"That second one wasn't me. It was my father. He took the phone off me."

"How many are coming?"

"I don't know. I took Dad's car. He'll have to get picked up on the way here. The way he was talking, I'm guessing he's bringing men with him, but I've no idea how many. I'm sorry, Ethan. I didn't know what else to do. I had to come and warn you. He broke the phone, I couldn't send any more messages."

"Get inside."

I unlock the gate and watch as she gets back in the car and drives through. Soon as she's past the perimeter, I close the gate again. The next person driving in won't get such a friendly reception.

I follow on the cameras as she drives up to the house. An alarm is pinging at the outer perimeter. I switch screens. Two cars. Max of ten men against me alone.

I've had worse odds.

They've followed her car. Must have done. I've no doubt Victor keeps a GPS in his vehicle. She brought them straight to my place. I should never have let her come here at all. My private safe haven is now going to become a warzone.

I switch screens. Amanda is about to reach the house. I march fast to meet her.

By the time she stops the car, I'm waiting on the doorstep.

"Can you shoot a gun?" I ask as she walks over to me.

She shakes her head. "Never."

"Then you're best off in the panic room while I deal with this."

I bring her into the house and take her hand, leading her to the kitchen. Albie is inside, making himself a cocoa. "Company," I tell him.


"Two cars. Three minutes out."

"Got it. What's the play?"

"Take the corner of the roof. They'll come in the front, that's all Mancini's wise guys know how to do. Don't take out anyone on the way in. I'll handle them." I think of her father running away and Albie taking him out. Much as I want him dead, I know Amanda would never forgive me. "Let any stragglers go, but give them a few warning shots at their heels, make sure they don't want to come back soon. Victor's with them. Don't kill him."

"What about a second wave?"

"If that happens, go nuts."

"Got it."

He empties his mug down the sink and vanishes. He knows the drill. He'll man the sniper rifle, ready for any that try to retreat back the way they came.

I hit the button on the wall by the cooker. "Company," I say into the speaker above it. I hear footsteps running a few seconds later. Iris appears from the corridor, skidding to a halt in front of me. She looks from me to Amanda and back again.

"Get her inside with you," I tell Iris.

She nods and comes over, leading Amanda over to the shelving unit by the pantry.

Amanda turns back to look at me. "What are you going to do?" she asks.

"Kill them," I reply as Iris twists the copper kettle on the third shelf. The door to the panic room slides open in the wall next to her. "Kill them all."

"But what if my dad's with them?"

Iris vanishes inside and tugs a protesting Amanda in after her. I watch the door close. There's no sign it was ever there. I run into the corridor as another alarm pings on my cellphone. They're at the gate. I need to get to the study before they get in.

I run but by the time I get there, I see on the screen that the car's empty. I look at the cameras and try to track the occupants. The motion sensors have picked them up. They've climbed a tree and are hopping onto the top of the wall. I've been meaning to cut those branches back. If I get out of this, it'll be the first thing I do.

I've got about a minute until they get to the house. One thing in my favor is they don't think I'm expecting them. I have the advantage of surprise. That and the skills I've developed over many years of working for the Gianni family.

I'm also on my own turf. They could have brought an army, and they'd still be on the back foot.

I look at the laptop screen, and they're halfway to the house. Time to move.

I hit two buttons under the desk and a panel on the wall behind me slides open. I reach inside and pull out my choice of weapons. Two Glocks, silenced. I add wire to my arsenal and then make my way out to the corridor near the front door. The other button under the desk opened the window in the smoking room. That's where they're most likely to come in. I'm inviting them inside. They won't get out alive. Denzil's going to have a busy night.

I hide in the old silverware walk in safe near the front door and wait, listening and glancing down at my cellphone screen. They're at the window. I count eight of them, Victor Davis at the back.

They're all armed. Associates the lot of them. This is no doubt a test run, see who can make their bones, earn a place in the Mancini family. I already know the answer. None of them. Not a single man out there will get out of here alive. None of the enforcers would touch this job. They know how good I am.

They're climbing through the window. I wait until they're inside and moving away from me, deeper into the house's interior. Only when I'm sure they're heading away do I step out and make my way slowly toward them.

Time to deal with them once and for all.