The Mafia Killer’s Wife by Rosa Milano



This is it. This is the moment that will decide the future. Mine and hers. She is still on her knees and I'm torn between tossing her out of the house and unzipping my pants.

I want to keep her. I have already sent a message to Mancini that I have claimed her, sent her father running off fearing for his life. He knows what I'm capable of. He watched me deal with the rest of his crew right before his eyes. He will never trouble me again. I only let him live because of her, because of this woman I still cannot trust.

I need her to tell me the truth. If she can do that, this whole thing comes together. She will be mine for life. I could use some of my usual methods with her. I have tortured many to get the truth from their lips. Torture is such a crude method. It does not work with everyone. With some, it is easier to use honey instead of vinegar. Carrot instead of stick. So it will be with her. I will get the truth from her whether she wishes it or not. I will have a lot of fun doing so, not that she knows that yet.

"On your feet," I tell her. "You wish to submit to me. This is how it begins. Get on your feet."

She stands up, looking expectantly at me, like she thinks I've dropped the difficult subject. She's no idea what's coming.

I walk her out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I don't look back. I know she's following me. It feels good to do this, better than I expected. She is embracing who she really is. So am I.

I walk into her bedroom. Iris has laid a dress out ready on the bed. I pick it up and hand it to Amanda. "Go into the bathroom and change into that. You have two minutes."

She doesn't ask, "Or what?" She doesn't complain or question me. She walks straight into the bathroom. I count out the seconds. She's done in a minute and a half. It's a light summer dress, and it clings to her curves, the red color matching her hair perfectly. I hold out a hand and she takes it, letting me lead her through to my bedroom. When we get there, I stop. "Lay on the bed," I tell her. "On your front."

She does as I say. I lean down under the mattress and pull out the ropes. "Do not move," I tell her, binding her wrists together and then attached the other end of the rope to the hook on the wall above the bed.

I move to her ankles and do the same, tying them together. Soon they will be wide apart, but not yet. Not until I've done this thing.

"In a minute I'm going to spank you," I tell her. "I will not stop until you tell me the truth."

With that said I walk out of the bedroom. I have to catch my breath for a moment. With her tied in place, every part of me was screaming to fuck her. I won't do that until she tells me the truth. I will have control over myself and over her.

I collect a pair of scissors before returning to the bedroom. "Ready to talk?" I ask, moving toward her. She turns her head from me. Going to play it like that, I'm guessing. Suits me fine. "Tell me the truth, Amanda," I continue. "You know you're going to talk sooner or later. Why play games?"

Still nothing. "Suit yourself."

I close the door and snip the scissors in the air. "That dress of yours. Such a shame to ruin it, don't you think?"

I sit on the side of the bed, my hand near her ass. She turns her head the other way, still refusing to look at me.

"I'm going to cut this dress off you and then I'm going to spank that peachy round behind of yours, Amanda."

I start to snip the dress. I go from the bottom to the top. The scissors are sharp and the fabric of the outfit is thin enough for me to move up in one motion. I move the two sides of the dress away from her back after unhooking her bra with my free hand. I look down at that ass of hers and without pausing, I snip her panties away. "Last chance. Tell me the truth and this all stops, Amanda."

I put the scissors down under the bed before lifting my hand into the air. She's had long enough. She's being stubborn. It won't last.

I slap my hand down onto her ass. I let it linger on her buttock, enjoying the heat coming off her sting. "You know the rules by now," I say as I slap my hand down a second time. "You know what happens when you lie to me."

I shift my hand, landing the next smack near the top of her thighs. Still nothing from her. I spank her several times before pausing briefly. "Just tell me the truth," I say quietly. "All this comes to a stop."

I stroke lightly between her buttocks, resisting the urge to plunge a finger into that naughty little hole of hers, the one where my cock so badly wants to go. She still says nothing.

I get to my feet. "Am I going to have to bring out the paddle?" I lean down toward her ear. "No one is coming to help you." I lower my voice to a whisper. "You are entirely in my power. You belong to me. I own you. You're my wife in spirit if not yet in law. You are mine, Amanda Davis, to do with as I wish."

She starts fighting to get free. I take hold of her head and turn it so it's facing me. "Look at me."

She opens her eyes and I see the fear that's there, the fear holding her back from becoming the real her. I get it at once. I understand her fully. She thinks I'll hate her when I know the truth, that what we have will be ruined. It will only be ruined if she keeps up this charade.

I decide it's time to go all in. "Either you tell me the truth or I plug that tight ass of yours. What's it to be? Your choice. I'll give you thirty seconds to decide. That's the time it takes me to collect the paddle and the plug. You have a think about how you want this to go, Amanda.

"Do you want a plug in your ass and a paddle turning those cheeks of yours bright red? Or do you want to tell me the truth and all this comes to a stop right now? Up to you. I can go on all night long. Can you?" I walk over to the door and pull it open. "You know you'll talk eventually. Everyone always does.”

I walk out of the room and head for the punishment room at the end of the corridor. I collect what I need from the shelves before returning to her. "

I pause for long enough to take off my jacket and roll up my shirt sleeves. Then I head back into the bedroom with the paddle in one hand and the butt plug in the other.

"Time's up," I tell her as I walk toward the bed. "What's your decision?"