The Mafia Killer’s Wife by Rosa Milano



When Ethan makes a decision, he doesn't mess about. One night he's telling me I belong to him, the next he's planning the wedding. Now, don't get me wrong, I always had some thoughts about the perfect wedding. Doesn't every girl? Months of planning. Picking the flowers, the seating, the color scheme, even what slippers to wear the morning after.

But there's something to be said for moving quickly. By the time the sun rises on Saturday morning, he's got everything organized. I haven't had to lift a finger.

"When everything is settled, we'll have a big ceremony," he says as we sit together over breakfast.

"I get it. This is the legal side of things, right?"

"Exactly. The Mancini famiglia will get the message when they see the paperwork."

"What message?"

"That you belong to me. That Benito is ancient news and needs forgetting about."

"You really think the Don will be willing to let it go?"

"He has to. He's lost all his best men in trying to take me out once. He tries again, and he's only going to lose. There's not a shot in hell of him taking me by surprise. He had his chance and he blew it."

Of course, there was something neither Ethan nor me had anticipated. It wasn't going to be Ethan taken by surprise. It was going to be me.

The first sign that something is going to go wrong is on the way to city hall. The ceremony is booked for noon. Ethan had to stay behind to sort out some last minute business.

I go on ahead, driven there by Albie who had dressed up in a dapper looking suit for the occasion, complete with top hat. "Had to dust it off," he told me when he opened the back door of the car. "Never thought it would see the light of day again. I haven't used it since Ethan's parents got married."

When we get to City Hall, my father is waiting on the steps. Somehow he's got word of what's going to happen. I'm guessing someone in the city office talked.

He's looking nervous. Albie is beside me so I'm not too worried about what might happen. I know Albie can handle a gun and Ethan is only a couple of minutes behind me.

"You can't do this," Dad says, walking in front of me as I head up the steps.

"Not going to compliment me on my dress?" I look down and give him a twirl.

"Bright red," he replies. "I might have guessed you wouldn't even get the wedding dress right. It's supposed to be white, Amanda."

"It's supposed to be however the bride wants to dress," Albie says, his voice a snarl.

My father looks at him and then back at me. "I need you to marry Primo like you promised, Amanda."

"I never promised you anything. You wanted me to marry a Mancini, not me."

"I am in charge of you. I have the paperwork to prove it. You cannot marry without my consent."

Albie chips in. "Surprising what loopholes you can find with a few bucks in the right place."

I take over. "How did you even find out about today?"

"I have contacts, Amanda. I have ears everywhere. You'd be surprised what I hear sometimes. You want to know what I hear about your husband to be?"


"He's an enforcer, Amanda. A contract killer. Working for the Gianni famiglia. He's a murderer." He looks triumphantly at me like he's expecting me to be shocked.

"I know that already," I tell him. "Anything else?"

"You know that but you're still going to marry him? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you, Dad? I've met someone who actually makes me happy, who doesn't make all my decisions for me. I'm going to marry him, Dad. You're welcome to watch the ceremony if you want to. I'd love for you and mom to be there. Put this bullshit in the past. Let it go."

"Please, Mandy," he begs, tugging at my arm as he lowers his voice. "Primo paid me thirty thousand for you to marry him. If you don't, he'll want it back."

"So pay him back?"

"I haven't got it. I'm broke. Please, you have to do this for us."

"I don't have to do anything. I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions in life. You took money from him. That's on you, Dad. Not me." I feel Ethan inside me, his strength pouring into me. I know he's not there but it's like he's with me anyway. "It's not my fault you gambled it all away."

"Please, Amanda. Don't make me do this. I wanted you to listen to reason."

"Make you do what? What are you doing, Dad?"

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun. Everything happens in slow motion after that. Albie is reaching into his own pocket but my father is already pulling the trigger.

There's a deafening noise and immediately afterward screaming from the people passing by on the street. A car screeches to a stop at the bottom of the steps. Albie is falling backward like he's been punched, clutching at his side. Dad is turning the gun toward me.

"I'm sorry," he mutters, shoving the gun into my stomach. "You've got to marry Primo or I'm dead."

He's pushing me down the steps toward the waiting car. I look at Albie who's turning onto his side, pulling his gun out and firing back at my dad.

The distance is too great and Albie's already injured. The bullet flies high and then I'm being shoved into the car and it's driving away. Dad's sitting next to me, his gun pointing at me, tears running down his cheeks. "I didn't want it to go this way," he says. "But I haven't got the money to pay Primo back. You have to marry him. It's the only way."

"Thirty thousand," I spit at him. "That's what you shot Albie for?"

He wipes his cheeks with his free hand. I think about lunging for the gun but in the enclosed space I might just as easily shoot myself as save myself. “It’s not just that. The Don’s had a deal that went ass up because someone shot his contact. He’s pissed and taking it out on me, Amanda. I need your help.” He reaches into his pocket and brings out the engagement ring he stole from me. “You can wear this to the ceremony.”

"I'm not marrying Primo Mancini," I tell him, snatching the ring and pushing it onto my finger. "Ethan Gianni gave me this because he wants me to marry him and I'm going to."

Dad shoves the gun to my forehead. "I swear I will shoot you if you don't do this for me," he snaps, his eyes wild with fear and anger. "You're just like your fucking mother, always yakking. Not any more. You're going to marry the Don and you're going to do it with a smile on your face. Got it?"

I don't say anything. All I'm thinking is as soon as the car stops, I'm making a run for it. There is no way I'm marrying Primo Mancini.

I can't. My heart belongs to Ethan Gianni. Something I never thought possible, but it's true.