Feral Wolf by Caroline Peckham

Iscreamed Roary’s name to the sky, lurching after him, power brimming throughout my body as I called on every scrap of it I owned and prepared to fight to the death to tear him back from their clutches in that helicopter.

But as I started running, cries of panic sounded behind me and more helicopters crested the horizon, racing towards us with their own harpoon guns primed and aimed in our direction.

A solid body slammed into me and I was wrenched off of my feet as Cain’s arms wrapped around me and he began to run with the full force of his gifts in the direction of Dante who still waited beyond the fence.

Away from Roary.

Away from my heart.

Away from the entire reason I’d even agreed to come to this place on this suicide mission.

I fought and yelled, throwing a blast of earth magic up beneath his feet and sending us tumbling to the ground just as he crossed through the hole in the fence.

Dante roared in distress and Gabriel yelled out to us, “It’s now or never! Sixteen more seconds and we lose our chance to escape!”

“No!” I shouted, lurching to my feet again as someone else slammed into me and a shriek of alarm escaped me as my hands were bound in ice and my magic was locked away.

“I’m sorry, love, but you know he’d want me to do this,” Ethan said as he grabbed my arm and heaved me to my feet.

A tiny Sin suddenly leapt from the waistband of Ethan’s pants, shifting back to his full size as I fought wildly to break free and he grabbed hold of me too.

“We gotta go, kitten,” he said urgently, tugging me towards Dante who roared and shot a bolt of lightning towards the closest helicopter in a warning.

I fought harder, my gaze fixed on the aircraft which held Roary, his name ripping from my lips as my heart broke into a thousand pieces and pain sliced through every inch of me.

Cain was there again, his arms banding around my waist as he snatched me out of the others’ arms and we shot towards Dante before he leapt up onto his back.

Dante roared, spreading his midnight blue wings and taking off into the sky as Sin and Ethan leapt up and grabbed hold of his legs.

Lightning poured from the Storm Dragon’s mouth and Leon dragged me into his arms, two little sets of arms curling around me too as a choked sob escaped him and he squeezed me tight.

“We gotta go, little Wolf,” he whispered with heartbreak in his voice as we tore away across the sky. Gabriel circled behind us, shielding us with his air magic form the helicopters which were racing along in our wake, their hooked harpoons firing all around us. “He’d want me to save you, okay?”

I shook my head, but it was already too late. Leon tugged a pouch of stardust from his pocket and threw a thick handful of the glittering substance into the air ahead of Dante.

With a flash of magic, we were whipped into the stars and tugged away form Darkmore Penitentiary to our freedom.

Not that any of that mattered now.

None of it made the slightest bit of difference. Because the man I’d been in love with since I was fourteen years old wasn’t with us. And freedom had never tasted so bitter.