Feral Wolf by Caroline Peckham

__Author Note__


Dun, dun, duuuuuuun.

Heyyyyy you. How ya doin over there? Are you filled with joy over Rosa and the gang finally escaping Darkmore?

I know, I know, not everyone escaped. And we really are sorry about Brett and Sonny. They will be missed endlessly and all of us will curse the stars for their cruelty and continued mockery of our pain.

On a happier note, I heard Plunger made it, clinging to Dante’s tail with his poo-tatoes and a couple of carrots firmly on board too, so all is not lost!

Today the sun is shining and we’ve been finishing off this book with summer all around us and the happies shining on our souls, and I feel like you really got that vibe from the way the book went. Aside from those few times when a thunderstorm rolled through and rained shit down on everyone of course. But who doesn’t love getting caught in a shit storm every now and then?

Oh right, Roary. Poor Roary. You’d think he’d suffered enough, but I guess he just hadn’t...

So ummm, if you don’t hate us and you like the way we torture you despite sometimes feeling murderous towards us then please come join our gang of deviants in our Facebook reader group. We’d love to have you because each and every one of you holds a special place in our hearts.

The next book in this series will be out as soon as possible, so keep clinging onto the edge of that cliff and we’ll write you up a parachute ASAP!


Love Susanne & Caroline x


P.S. If you like Leon, Dante and Gabriel, read the COMPLETE series the Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac now! It’s set ten years before the Darkmore Penitentiary series and features glimpses of young Rosa, Roary and Ethan.