Feral Wolf by Caroline Peckham

The Belorian was having a lover’s tiff with me. That big beastie kept slashing his swipers at me and I’d already taken a bad hit.

I roared in his face then shoved my weight against him, driving him back. I could only see in heat signatures in this form which meant everything was a sort of blurry heat haze, so I didn’t know how much Big Bel could appreciate it when I shook my sexy ass at him. I turned around, giving it a whirl, serving me with a bite to the ass.

“Why are you so angry at me, baby!?” I shouted, except it came out as a series of grunts.

I’d managed to draw him a little further away from the others, but the guy was acting like he hadn’t had a meal in years. He’d definitely eaten a bunch of inmates though, so I didn’t know what his problem was.

“Calm down, honey pot,” I tried in a series of clicks and grunts that made Big Bel pause. He crooned suddenly, nuzzling my face and I curled a pincer around him.

There, there, lonely buddy. Sin’s here.

Something wet pressed to my stomach and I looked down, my heat vision picking up some seriously high temperatures. Through the blur of my heat sight, I saw a peen. A giant, red rocket of a peen.

Nope on a cantaloupe.

Safe to say, I wasn’t looking to get mounted by Big Bel, no matter how sorry I felt for the guy.

I released a flirtatious giggle – or a Belorian’s version of it – then yanked myself out of his pincery arms. He started advancing and I realised the fighting we’d just been doing might have been some kind of mating ritual.

Oh hell no, I’m not getting railed by the Belorian unless Rosalie is here actively encouraging it for her pleasure.

“I’m a taken Belorian!” I roared, turning tail and running for my life as the fucker took chase.

My ass felt all too exposed and I tried to cover it with one of my pincers, but this body didn’t have much flexibility in it. I missed my old body. I had the flexibility of a cat and the nimbleness of a goat in my Fae form. A goat could climb a tree right now, but me? I was stuck lumbering along like a wide open vagina on stilts.

I almost fell down the stairs as I fled and Big Bel’s hot breath rushed over my back as he drew closer to his prize.

I don’t wanna be his princess anymore!

“Rosaaaa!” I roared as I ran faster, finding these bug legs went pretty damn quick when you pushed them. But Big Bel had the same advantage and I had the feeling we were about to find out what happened when Beauty turned into a ten foot monster and stuck her magic mirror in the Beast. “Rosaaaaa!”

The Belorian nipped at my ass and as he had a tank full of teeth in that mouth, it hurt like a bitch. I growled, swiping a pincer back at him and slashing it across his face. That only spurred him on and I was starting to think I didn’t sympathise so much with him anymore. I mean, sure, I was his perfect fantasy, but that didn’t give him the green light to pin me down and have his way with me. Have you never heard of consent, dude?

Yeah, I’d toyed with him. Flirted, made it seem like I was interested. But my metaphorical panties had stayed firmly in place and I’d never invited him to my bed. Or nest. Or whatever the hell Belorians slept in.

Suddenly, there was a familiar tingling along my spine and panic made me gasp just before the shift took hold of me. I hit the stairs in my Fae form as the Order suppressant flooded my naked body and I started tumbling down them, hitting every – star - damned – one.

“Ow!” I barked in anger, throwing out a palm and casting air to catch myself on a cushion of wind.

My head spun from dizziness as I shoved myself upright and turned to look up at the Belorian still tearing down the stairs after me.

I threw out a hand, casting a huge barricade of air and the Belorian slammed into it full force, immediately starting to rip and claw at it. He gazed at me with a look of betrayal. I mean, okay, he didn’t have conventional eyes or any particularly distinguishing features that could give away the betrayal he was feeling. But I knew soul deep that that was how he felt. And now he was mad. Rip me to pieces and eat my cock for dinner mad.

“Now, listen,” I said softly. “This doesn’t mean I don’t like you. I just don’t like you like that.”

Big Bel roared furiously and I had to flood the air wall with magic to keep him from breaking through it. My butt cheeks clenched as I forced all of my power into holding the beastie back and my chest started to hollow out as my power began to wane.

Big Bel kept slashing at the wall, his giant dick still standing tall between his legs, looking me right in the eye. If he was still horny for me, I was in trouble. Because it was one thing being raped by that beastie in a form that was big enough for it, but like this, he’d split me in two. I could just hear the celebrant at my funeral now… “He was dicked to death by a giant cock. May the stars welcome what’s left of him into their divine embrace.”

Nah, no one would hold me an official funeral. Rosalie might shed a tear or two and Jerome would mourn me for a while, but the rest of the world wouldn’t even know what a badass I’d been. How I’d taken on a Belorian and nearly broken out of the world’s most deadly prison. Almost didn’t cut it. Sin Wilder would just be a cool name that some punk ass kid would eventually think up and claim as his own. But it was my name, motherfucker. And I wanted it to be remembered.

My magic failed me in that second, blinking out like I was just a naked mortal with clenched butt cheeks.

Damn, I really should have been running rather than standing here that whole time.

The Belorian stumbled forward through the place my wall had been holding him back and I could only do one thing. Fucking run.