One Big Bite by Michele Mills


Her arousal permeated the air, filling his lungs with the assurance that this human was his future Bride. He hadn’t been entirely certain how she viewed him. Was he her potential mate, or simply a male who brought food?

But now he grinned and held her tight. “Female, do you want to pleasure mate with me?” he questioned.

Her cheeks darkened and a whimper escaped her lips.

Gorzan dipped his forehead and placed it against hers. “Tell me the truth,” he ordered.

“I…I do um, wish we could pleasure mate, but I know we can’t, so please, don’t worry. It doesn’t have to mean anything. We could just carry on like usual and act as if you didn’t know. Humans can’t smell arousal. I’d planned on keeping my inappropriate attraction for you hidden.”

“Why keep it hidden?”

She placed her gloved palms against his chest and pressed back for release. He allowed it. “Because it’s embarrassing that I want a male who can’t possibly feel the same way for me, okay? Can we just change the subject and sit and eat dinner?” She stepped away from him and grabbed the meal packs and placed them on the bunk.

He watched her for a moment as she fumbled with the clasps on the top of the packs. She was obviously agitated. It was time to tell her the truth. “Female, I feel the same way.”

She paused and turned to look up at him with surprise. “No you can’t. You can’t feel the same way I do. We haven’t done that testing of compatibility your species does, so we’re just friends.”

He gazed down into her beautifully expressive human eyes. He was discovering that her lack of ridges caused more emotions to flash across her smooth face. He could see she was nervous. Was this female ready for such an enormous commitment? Humans and Xylan were not built the same. Humans pleasure mated and could have many mates within one lifespan. If he clasped her claw and physically latched onto this female and then she chose to leave him afterward…it would be his death sentence. But Xylan only had one life mate and he didn’t want to miss his opportunity to start his line and join with a female of her obvious worth. He’d only known her for a short time but he was certain she was hiding here in the mine shaft for honorable reasons. He would be lucky to have this female in his life. He had to try for her hand despite the risks.

“It is true I cannot tend to your needs at the moment,” he apologized. “But this is because I don’t want to simply pleasure mate with you. I want you as my Bride, but it is illegal for a Margol and royal pigment to test mating compatibility. And I have no idea why you’re hiding in a mine shaft. But I will somehow find workarounds for these barriers and I am hoping you will agree to eventually perform a testing of mating compatibility with me.”

She blew out a breath. “Does…does this mean you want to marry me?”

He nodded. “Yes, marriage and mating are similar. But marriage is a temporary human mating contract. A Xylan bonding is a physical mating that is a life-long commitment.”

She remained quiet, biting her lower lip.


“You just met me…how can…and hold on, yesterday I was offering you my hand and you said you didn’t want to perform a testing of compatibility. But now you do? Why did you give me these gloves if that’s what you want?”

He shook his head. “I can’t grasp your hand yet until I know that they will let me keep you. I gave you the gloves because my mating receptors are in my hands and that is how Xylan find mates, by clasping hands.”

“I read about this. You hold hands and know instantly that and you’re…mates.” Her face heated. “And is it true that you’re virgins until that moment?”

He noted that she seemed to be conveniently forgetting the part where he’d said it was illegal for Margol and royal pigment to test. “Yes, all Xylan remain dormant until the moment the touch of their mate causes them to enflame and ready for mating.”

“Enflame?” she squeaked.

“Yes, often when two mates clasp hands, the female is discovered to be in her breeding cycle and she needs to be taken care of immediately.”

She sat down and covered her face with her five-fingered hands. “But we don’t even know if we’re compatible, right?” she muttered. “Your wish that I could be your Bride, but could in the end be just that, a wish? Isn’t that what testing is all about? I read that often a testing proves false. What if we clasp hands and we aren’t even right for each other?”

He didn’t answer and instead sat down next to her on the bunk and began taking out the food. They could feast and that would make her feel better. This would put her in a better mood and open to hearing him out as he admitted that he already knew she was his future Bride. In his case clasping wasn’t for testing, but purely for initiation.

In Cannibal’s experience, food cured all ailments. His female quickly turned to gaze longingly at the napkins, utensils and dishes. “Oooh, what did you bring?” she questioned.

He smiled and handed her a cold flask of ale. “First, drink some of this. I will set out our dinner.”

She took a sip and sighed with gratitude. Then she tilted the blue flask back and took a big gulp. She placed the flask down in her lap and used the back of her long sleeve to wipe the moisture from her lips. Then she grinned at him.

He took back the ale, handed her a plate of hot meat for her to balance on her lap and decided now was a good time to start asking questions of his own. “Why do you think the Illibrium wanted you to come here and why did you think it was a good idea to travel to Timbur? Why would you sell everything you owned in order to purchase a transporter ticket?”

She took a huge bit of meat, swallowed and said, “Well, it’s a long story.”

He handed her a napkin. “I have plenty of time.”

“Actually I can’t tell you my story because I’m worried it will bring my troubles on you and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

He took a bit of his own meat first then said, “You think a fever-bonded Illibrium miner on Timbur can’t take care of himself?”

She grinned. “I think you might slip and tell someone something about me that might trigger an investigation.”

He frowned. “You do not trust me.”

“No, really I do trust you. I just worry an accident might occur that you didn’t foresee.” She delicately licked sauce off a blunt fingertip. “You’ve already told your brothers and their mates. This is already getting out to more beings that I meant.”

“You think I’m foolish?”

“No. I’m trying to keep you safe. I’m trying to keep your brothers safe too. The less you know, the better. But…okay, Sara Setmayer isn’t my real name,” she admitted.

“I know. I heard the lie vibrating in your voice the moment you told me.”

“You’ll know when I’m lying?” she squeaked.

“I don’t know if I will be able to decipher all of your falsehoods, but I did know that was not your name. Hopefully you will trust me enough to always tell me the truth. I will always tell you the truth in return. Now…what should I call you?”

She blew out a breath. “Oh gods, I’m sorry I lied to you. My name is Roxy Johnson. Please call me Roxy.”

He paused to feel the vibrations, as well as finish the last of his meat. “Yes, that’s your real name. I can sense it. Roxy of One.”

“One? Why did you add a number to my name?”

“Are you the first Roxy in your line or were you named after others? I am the Forty-Fifth member of my line to have been named Gorzan. If you are the first so named in your line, then you are Roxy of One.”

“Yes, I’m the first. Oh, I see what you’re saying. You’ve sort of given me my Xylan name, haven’t you?”

“Yes. Because this is your new home.”

She shook her head. “We can’t know that. I have to warn you that I don’t think the testing will be positive. This is why we need to ignore how I feel about you. It will go nowhere and just get in the way of our friendship. I’m willing to clasp hands with you whenever you’d like, but I think I’m only here for a short time…”

He continued to grin and took another swig of his ale. Friendship was a good first step, but he wanted so much more. He set down his flask. “Roxy, there’s another reason why the testing will be positive. You need to know something—I am a rare type of Xylan who is able to scent their Bride prior to clasping. I know you are my Bride. When we clasp hands, it will be to confirm and initiate our bonding. It will not be a test that would normally have a fifty percent chance of positivity. I am already positive you are my Bride.”

She paused mid-bite and put her meat stick back on the plate. “No.”


“You think you can smell that I’m your mate?”

“I’m certain I can scent that you’re my mate.”

“When did you know? Right now, when we stood close…?”

“I knew when we were standing by the spring. I knew just before I placed my honor before yours.”

“That’s why you did that?”

“No, I did that because it was my duty. But it made it an easier decision.”

She blinked at him.

“It was the same with my three other brothers,” he explained. “They all scented their human mates prior to clasping of hands.”

“Wow. Three of your brothers are mated to humans. If what you say is true, we would be the fourth.”

He gave her a rueful smile. “I can’t believe it either. But I’ve already scented all the unmated females on this planet and none of them are a match. When you stepped close, your scent naturally filtered through my lungs and I inhaled, and I knew.”

“Did I smell good?”

His lips twitched. “You smell like blossoming flowers.”

“I think I smell like dirt, ale and spicy meat.”

“All of which are good.”

She continued to quietly gaze at him. He could tell she was in deep thought. And she wasn’t eating, which bothered him. “Do not worry about this. There is plenty of time for you to get used to the idea. I will not force you into anything. Clasping of hands is always voluntary. It would be against the Scales of Xylan Law for me to force a testing with a female. We will only clasp hands when you are ready.”

He handed her a dessert, and she was instantly distracted. She clapped her hands like she always did at the thought of eating the food he provided. “Oh, this is going to be my new favorite.” He loved watching her sink her blunt teeth into the steamed dumpling. She spent time spooning Chronos jam and blood custard on the top and then finally crunched on the caramelized crunchy bottom. He gave her two more and he ate the other six.

Roxy of One again licked her tiny human fingers.

“I will sleep here with you in the workroom,” he announced, handing her a wet cloth to clean up her hands and face. “I was originally going to sleep at the mouth of the cave but I prefer this location.”

She glanced around the small room. “Where will you sleep?”

“On the floor, next to your bunk. I will be here each night so I can make sure you are always safe.”

“Well, okay. But it’s very uncomfortable here. I’ve been here for a whole week and I at least have a bunk but it’s not super comfy. The floor will be worse.”

“Female, I’m a miner. I have been walking this mine since I was a child. I remember when my father’s crew first blasted open this level. I’ve spent the night in workrooms in other shafts and even on the floor of caves, making sure the Illibrium we’d harvested was secure. This is no hardship.”

“Oh. Sorry, sometimes I guess I forget this is your workplace and this mine is your second home.”

It would soon become her second home too.

She twisted the bottom of her tunic in her fingers. “I…I think you should sleep on the bunk with me. It’s narrow but it will be more comfortable than the floor.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


“Because you might accidentally touch me, and this might lead to me becoming enflamed and then I would want to claim you.”

She licked her lips.

“Female,” he growled. “We cannot do anything that would initiate testing. I do not know yet if they will let me keep you. You refuse to tell me why you’re here. Touching me isn’t the same as a human male. I’m not built for pleasure mating. If you want me, it’s forever. You have to know your own mind before you start anything with me.”

Cannibal woke earlythe next morning and did his best to not awaken his sleeping female. She’d slept on the bunk and he on the floor next to her, lulled by the sound of her even breaths. He slept well with her scent nearby, knowing she was healthy and safe.

He kept the room dark as he rose from his pallet. He left breakfast and lunch arrayed on the worktable for her, then stepped out of the room and softly closed the door behind him. His uniform and gear were already outside. He changed his clothing, took the garment bag with him, his own meal packs, and strode out to meet his brothers who were exiting the lift.

They greeted him half-heartedly. He supposed this was because they were all carrying lunches made instead by Lila.

He sat at a break table, opened his own breakfast and started eating.

Scar sat down across from him. “I listened to the security chatter more closely last night.”

Cannibal swallowed the food in his mouth and said, “How did you do that?”

Scar looked disgusted. “You think I’m ever going to let anyone get the jump on us again?”

Cannibal nodded in agreement. After their parents’ death, Scar’s mission in life had become intel collection. “You want a bite of my food?” Cannibal offered. “I’ve got more.”

“No, I’m full.”

Full? It never ceased to amaze him when others used this excuse. “Well, what did you learn?”

“The guards have been looking for a human female they lost.”

Cannibal sat up straight. “How successful are they?”

“Not good. They’ve been quietly looking for a week and haven’t found her. The security footage is blank on all the levels. They don’t have the red alert out because they consulted with the new head of the Miners’ Union and he said the Illibrium was content. There was no disturbance in growth. He thought the Illibrium was most likely hiding her.”

Cannibal stabbed another chunk of meat with his claws and popped it into his mouth. “That’s good news,” he mumbled. “They’ll treat her with more respect now that they know the Illibrium likes her.”

“Yes, and for once Hyzin did something right. He’s still not a worthy replacement for Daxon as head of the Union though.”


They were both quiet for a moment, thinking of their brother who’d been banished from the mines. Daxon had to go through the difficult task of slowly breaking his fever bond with his crystal and starting his life over elsewhere, without his line. It was basically each miner’s worst nightmare. And it had happened to Daxon. The one consolation was that Daxon had found his Bride, so when one door closed for their brother, another had opened. If anyone deserved happiness, it was Daxon.

“The good news is they don’t want to harm her or kick her off the mine,” Scar said. “They want her because the Illibrium is protecting her and they want to know why, and they consider it their duty to ascertain her safety because she’s royal pigment.”

“I still don’t trust them. If they found her, they might try to break my claim as the male who placed his honor before hers. I’m Margol and she’s royal pigment. I’ll have very little claim.”

“True. I see many ways this could play out and all of them involve that female being separated from you. She might end up back on Chronos, assigned a temporary Manager and on the mating database for royal pigment.”

Cannibal winced. He stood and walked over to wash his claws and face. “Do they suspect me? Or us? Do they know I’m hiding her?”

“No.” Scar grinned. “They’ve no idea where she is and it’s driving them crazy. Especially Grytel. He’s eager to place his honor before hers and ask this female of royal pigment to perform testing with him.”

“Never happening,” Cannibal growled.

“Never happening,” his brother agreed.