One Big Bite by Michele Mills


Cannibal strode through the main floor of the mine.

It was now early evening, and he was eager to return to his female. He’d tried to visit with her at lunch, only to be turned away. And then after his shift ended he’d traveled to the compound to use the cleansing unit and prepare more meals for him and his Bride. He had a comfortable rhythm of work, cooking at the compound, spending time with his female and making sure she was fed, and then work again—all the while disguising his movements from the other crews, technicians, engineers, support staff, guards and admin.

He still had no idea why Roxy was so resolved to remain hidden, but he was determined to support his female. She would tell him everything eventually and he would help her out of whatever predicament she was in. Meanwhile he would keep her safe and fed to the best of his abilities until such time as she finally trusted him enough to explain why a human had followed the guidance of Illibrium crystals to hide in mine shaft three-oh-four. If they knew why she was hiding, and from whom, then he and his brothers could destroy her enemy. And he was eager to destroy her enemy.

His boots echoed in the main chamber. Ground level was quiet at this time of day, which was perfect considering he was wearing civilian clothing and returning to the mines with his arms and shoulders loaded with meal packs and flasks of drink. Cannibal stopped in front of a lift and tapped the indicator, waiting patiently for the doors to open.

There was a sudden rush of movement as groups of personnel arrived. Cannibal stepped into the lift at the same time as Grytel of Thirty-Nine and a group of guards.

Grytel frowned, not appearing overjoyed at the idea of being crowded into a lift with a Fever Brother.

He shouldn’t.

The Fever Brothers all basically wanted the CEO of Timbur Minecorp dead.

The only reason they hadn’t killed him yet was because there was no direct evidence tying him to their parents’ murder or the overthrow of Daxon as head of the Miners’ Union and his brother’s subsequent banishment. Grytel tried to act as if this chain of events was shocking and horrifying and that he had no idea how it happened and had nothing to do with it. But of course he did. He was royal pigment and in charge.

Cannibal shifted his packs and tapped his level. Grytel tapped his own level.

The doors shut and the lift began moving. The guards started chatting among themselves about the latest episode of Gladiator Nation.

He glanced at Grytel’s resolute profile. Admin had to be losing their minds over the fact that they’d lost the human female of royal pigment somewhere in the mine and couldn’t find her. A huge contingent of guards had boarded the lift with Grytel and another group had waited to board another lift. They were systematically checking each level? This would take forever, considering there were over two thousand levels. The lift didn’t stop at every level, only the thirty most popular. Most were closed and left for regeneration.

The doors shut and Grytel turned to examine him. “You’re returning to your level tonight, alone?”

Cannibal met the CEO’s steady gaze. “I am preplanning for tomorrow,” he lied easily, “and leaving extra food.” He knew this would be believable because he’d actually done this before. He often liked to stock extra food in workrooms, just to make sure he didn’t run out.

“Again?” one of the guards grunted. “You’re always cooking and leaving so much food.”

“Yes, but this time I’m adding extra ale to our stash of food.”

“Along with a change of clothes?” Grytel questioned.

Cannibal shifted the bag in his arms. “I never know when one of us will need an extra uniform.”

“Uh huh.”

“And where is security needing to go this late?” Cannibal asked. “Is there an emergency the mining crews need to know of?”

“No, there is no emergency. We are searching for an animal loose in the back caverns,” Grytel lied.

“Cannibal, is it true you brew your own ale?” one of the guards cut in, “In the ways of old? Like the ancient Margolians did in the badlands on Chronos?”

“I do. I let it ferment in ebony barrels in the backyard for two months before I unplug it. The barrels are shipped here direct from Chronos.”

“See? I told you,” the guard commented to another. “Cannibal is a master brewer.”

Heh. He had plenty of ale… Cannibal handed the guard who’d spoken a pack full of cold ale. He’d known most of these Margol males since he was a child. They’d all grown up together, but as adults they’d separated into different sections of the mine to work. Why not use his brew as a way to create unity on the mine? “There is enough for all of you to share. If you ever want more, just come by the Fever Brothers compound. I brew more ale on my days off.”

There was a chorus of cheers and murmurs of thanks. Each of the guards reached over and gave Cannibal a pat on the shoulder.

Grytel looked pissed.

The lift stopped at level 942 and all the guards exited, including Grytel.

“Have a good evening,” Cannibal shouted out after them. “And good luck in your search.” The doors closed and he grinned as he continued on to 2400.

Cannibal finally arrivedat the tiny workroom where his female was hiding.

“Can we eat together next to the pool tonight?” she begged as he walked through the door. “I love it there and it sounds like a nice place for the two of us to have dinner.”

“Yes, this sounds like a good idea,” he agreed. He was simply pleased that her request didn’t involve her needing alone time again. It was very difficult for him to be separated from her while she’d had her “girl talk” with Lila. He’d eaten lunch with his brothers like usual, but he could tell that after being close with her in the last diurnal and confirming she was his future Bride, it was becoming more and more difficult to remain apart from her.

“Let me help you with that,” she said.

With his Bride’s help, he carefully unloaded his bag of clothing and all the meal packs. She watched each move he made, which pleased him. He enjoyed her heated gaze as it lingered on his chest and his ass. Maybe if she saw more of his skin this would help her decide whether to remain and try to become his Bride?

He reached back and took off his shirt, exposing his chest and abdomen for her enjoyment.

She sucked in a sharp breath. “What are you doing?”

“Are we going to bathe in the pool together?” he said, pretending to have misunderstood her intentions.

“No,” she choked. “No, we aren’t taking a bath together. We’re just going to eat. Please put your shirt back on.”


He did as she asked, and she let out a sigh of relief.

They each picked up a meal pack and slung it over their shoulder. Cannibal grabbed an extra bag of drinks and desserts. Roxy held a lantern. He took her other gloved hand and they walked quietly together from the workroom, back into the same cavern where he’d originally met his Bride. It pleased him that even though they weren’t ready to perform the testing, his female wanted to spend time with him and loved to practice holding his claw.

She chatted with him as they walked, asking him questions about his day. He told her in great detail what section they’d worked that day and what he’d found, because he’d learned last night that she was very interested in the workings of the mine and in all things Illibrium. She’d asked insightful questions about the crystals until she’d finally fallen asleep from exhaustion. Roxy was extremely knowledgeable about science and medicine, which made him wonder what his female’s vocation had been prior to her arrival.

They arrived in the back cavern and sat together on the large expanse of smooth rock next to the pool. The water glowed from the light of crystals. The ceiling was filled with more crystals. Roxy set her lantern down next to them.

“It is very nice here,” he admitted.

“Isn’t it?” she smiled. “This is my favorite spot in three-oh-four.”

He loved the way her ancient pigment gleamed under the glow of Illibrium. Her dark eyes glittered like rare jewels. She was stunning. He could gaze upon her smooth, exotic features for a lifetime. Her lack of fangs and claws in no way detracted from her beauty.

He took out the napkins, plates and utensils. Then they each had a flask of ale.

“How was your ‘girl talk’ with Lila of One?” he asked, still resenting the fact that he’d been told to leave. He’d come over at lunch time intending to eat and spend time with his female, only to discover he…wasn’t. He and Claws had both left, unhappy at being separated from their Brides.

“Oh, it was great. I really like your sister-in-law. She’s nice.”

He nodded. “Lila is an honorable female.”

“She answered a lot of my questions.”

He frowned. “I can continue to answer any questions you have.”

“You have, and thank you for being so patient with all my questions. But Lila can explain things from a human female point of view. She can anticipate things that might be hard for me to understand and explain them for me.”


“For instance, she told me that your brothers thought you wouldn’t be able to care for a Bride because you’d steal my food?” she laughed. “That’s so weird. Why would they think that about you, Cannibal?”

His cheeks heated. “I sometimes get very hungry,” he muttered.

“Well, I told her it wasn’t true at all and that you’ve taken very good care of me so I knew you’d take terrific care of your Bride.”

He crooked a ridge. “I will take good care of you, because you are my Bride.”


“My brothers are grouchy because I now only cook for you and I,” he said, allowing for a change of subject.

“Why are you doing that? I didn’t ask for you to stop cooking for them too. Oh no, now they’re going to hate me.”

“No, Lila is helping out and cooking their lunches. I have taught her well. I accept her cooking as a worthy replacement.”

She popped another piece of spicy meat into her mouth. “How did you learn to cook so well?” she asked with a full mouth.

“I like to cook. I imagine myself as an amateur chef. Also, my great-grandfather and my grandmother were both celebrated cooks. When I was a youngling, my father would cook fresh food and I would work with him. I learned all my early skills from my father.”

“Fresh food, on Timbur?” she asked. “I’ve been meaning to ask you how you get all these amazing ingredients.”

“We are very lucky to get fresh, organic food transported here daily.”

The female coughed. “Are you kidding me? Minecorp has fresh food sent via transporter for you guys, daily?”

His lips twitched. “It’s one of the perks of being an Illibrium miner. Our contract states we are to be provided with the same level of food as if we were living on Chronos, no matter the expense. We are sent fresh meat from the best ranches on Chronos. The best fruit and vegetables grown on local farms in the river valley. And our ale is from House Ulmath breweries.” At least those royal pigment assholes were good for something—fresh ingredients.

They continued eating. They’d had the appetizer, the first course, the second course and now he handed his female the variety of three-layered mini flame fruit mousse he’d made for her with blood ganache.

She took a bite of dessert and said, “Let’s just pretend we were two beings who were mates.”

He paused mid-bite.

“Just pretend,” she repeated. “Tell me, in detail, how would that work? Would the Timbur Minecorp allow a human like me to stay here? Someone who arrived illegally and hid here? Or would you be fired for marrying a human you’d help hide?”

“Well, the problem wouldn’t be that you’re human. I have three brothers already mated to humans. Two of them live here. Humans mate with Xylan, but what is different in those instances is that those two humans are either colorless or Margol, so their joining was allowed without review. But you are royal pigment and this makes it difficult.”

“Yeah, because it’s illegal or something? If I were Xylan, they don’t allow royal pigment and Margol to marry and have kids? And would you be in trouble for hiding me?”

“How could I be in trouble for helping my Bride?”


“In the end, the law holds that whatever I do in order to protect my Bride is honorable.”

“Anything? What about murder?” she squeaked.

“Huh. Murder would require a Judge to dispute. But if they allow our testing despite the difference in our caste, you could stay and work here too. We could possibly move out of my team domicile if that’s what you want. I would let you decide where we’d live.”

He was quiet for a moment and so was she. Did she like fantasizing about a possible future together as much as he did?

“It seems weird right now to even be thinking of leaving this cave because of my reasons for hiding here. But I like being here alone with you. Thank you for keeping me fed, and for protecting me and for staying with me.”

He noticed that she’d scooted very close.

“We can’t kiss,” he reminded her. “We can’t touch. I will become enflamed and take you.”

She shifted on her seat. “What if I want all of that?”

He groaned. His body wasn’t awoken, but all of his possessive instincts were lit up and he wanted nothing more than to keep her near and care for her, and the idea of her needs not being attended to, this was very difficult. If only he could clasp her hand now. He’d take care of every need she’d ever had. “Don’t tempt me, female. I cannot ask to test mating compatibility with you. Although I do have a Margol judge on the case right now.”

“You already asked for a judge?”

“Actually, my brother has sent in the request and they are researching the matter.” He took another bite of meat. “Have you considered offspring?” he questioned.

“Oh, well, not really?”

Disappointment sat heavy in his chest. He’d always wanted a large family someday. The idea of being able to someday create his own branch of his own line that was large enough to create his own family compound sounded appealing. He wanted this so he could teach all his offspring to cook. There would be large meat cookouts. Buffets. Cabul displays and bake-offs. All of his family would eat well, and often.

They were both quiet for a moment then she continued, “It’s not that I don’t want children, someday, it’s just that I wasn’t married and was busy with my career. Although all of that seems up in the air now. Actually, planning for anything as normal as marriage and children sounds impossible. I can’t truly think of it until I get the opportunity to move out of this cave and have a real life again.”

He found himself gazing yet again at the generous curve of her ass, and for the first time in his life he was truly curious about sex. He’d overheard mated miners chatting about the joys of mating, but he’d never paid much attention. He’d been at post-claiming luncheons and watched the vid of the claimings but remained emotionless. Happy for the couple at their joining, but unmoved by the act itself.

“I did hear you have cats. This could convince me to stay.”

He threw back his head and laughed.