One Big Bite by Michele Mills


Cannibal carried his Bride out of the mine and back to the compound.

Roxy had passed out. She was dirty and exhausted from his claiming. His body was in pain and his ankle was weak, but he managed to lift her in his arms and carry her through the small exit tunnel in back of level 1367. He’d shredded her clothing, and his own, during his claiming rage. They were both naked as he climbed out of the mine and into the jungle. He carefully made his way around the edge of the mountain and through the dense vegetation. Their compound was on the edge of town, bordering the jungle which enabled him to tread directly through the quiet, dark jungle and to the back door of the compound without altering any other Xylan of his location.

His mating pheromones kept the adrenaline racing through his veins as he walked on bare feet through the rough underbrush and over the rocky ground.

My Be’Ih.

He arrived at the compound as the sun rose in the horizon and found everyone awake and waiting for him. He hugged his Bride close to his chest, covering her ass with his claw. Humans were weird about nudity and he knew Roxy wouldn’t be happy to later discover everyone saw her naked.

Also, he had no time to chat. He wanted alone time with his Bride in his room. He wanted to care for her. But he did pause for a moment to show off his bite marks and the other wounds she’d given him as he’d chased her in the caves.

Lila gasped and made a point of covering her eyes, “Cannibal, you’re naked and so is Roxy, oh my gosh I didn’t mean to see any of that. And… and there is a bone protruding out of your ankle. I cannot believe you can even bear weight on that, let alone walk out of the mine and all the way back to the compound carrying Roxy.”

“I see your Bride put up a good fight,” Chief acknowledged.

Cannibal grinned, proud of her marks of possession on his body and his own strength. His Bride was fierce. He was also proud of how he’d protected her. She was his. There was still the Scales to contend with to legalize his claim, but she was his. He’d planted his seed in her womb and she was already growing their offspring. He would keep her or die trying.

And then he turned around and took his Bride with him to his quarters. He immediately stepped into the cleansing unit so the both of them could be removed of the blood and dirt caked on their skin. Roxy murmured in his arms as the warm water rushed over her body, but he kept her close and she went back to sleep when he placed her in bed so she could continue sleeping.

He pulled on a shirt and trousers and limped out to the front room and allowed Heavy and Rook to tend to his wounds. His brothers brought out the med kit and snapped together a fast-acting bone-knitting brace around his ankle and they glued his other bleeding cuts together. Finally, they gave him pain killers, then he paused to drink some ale and eat a meal and stumbled back to his bed. He pulled his naked Bride into his arms and fell into a deep sleep alongside her.

“We can’t,they’ll hear us,” she whispered.

Cannibal had his Bride pressed against their bedroom door with his fingers between her thighs, testing her readiness to take his cock.

Roxy had finally awoken to see him watching her as she slept. They’d made love on the bed, in the cleansing unit and now…she’d simply been trying to get dressed and she’d made the mistake of bending over and Cannibal had seen her ass and the wink of her pussy and he was on her again. Not that she seemed to mind in the least.

He could hear his brothers moving around in the hallway. There were three of them standing outside their door, having a conversation about the latest episode of Gladiator Nation. “I don’t care,” Cannibal snarled. “You’re mine and I’ll have you where I want. If they don’t want to listen, they can move on.”

He shoved two claws in between her thighs and straight up into her pussy, sliding in and out. Then his mouth was sucking one of her nipples. He cupped her jaw and kissed her, then she lifted her legs and his hips were between her thighs. He enjoyed his bold Bride. He gripped her hips, loving the feel of the ridge of his hard cock rubbing against her wet slit. There were no clothes between them and no gloves. He’d thrown his gloves of the unmated away in the incinerator. He now only needed to wear gloves for work purposes, and he still was amazed at his ability to touch her when he wanted.

His brothers started laughing loudly outside their door.

Her channel was fluttering and tightening around his fingers. She was already on edge and about to explode with another orgasm. Her head rocked side to side, her back against the wood. He let her nipple pop out of his mouth and he notched his leaking cock at her entrance and slid home, all the way in with one smooth thrust. Wow. She cried out. And then he was fucking her hard, her back moving up and down. She held onto his neck and wrapped both legs around his hips.

“I want to hear you come.” He really didn’t care if they heard. “I want them to hear your pleasure. They thought I couldn’t care for you. Let them hear how good I can care for you.”

She screamed out her orgasm.

And then he stilled and jetted his own hot rush inside of her. There was so much it leaked down the inside of her thigh. It was wonderful.

He pulled out and carried her back to the cleansing unit for another wash and blow dry. “And now I will feed you again,” he told her as he handed her some clothes to wear.

“I can’t go out there, they all heard us having sex.”

He grabbed her hand. “And they’ll hear us again if they don’t stay out of the hallway. They’ll soon learn to give us privacy.”


“I will cook for you.”


And then they ended up in the kitchen and they were alone. He suspected the others were indeed giving them alone time. Cannibal cooked for her and sat down next to her and fed her from his own claw. It was basically one of the best moments of his life.

“I was born and raised on New Earth,” she told him. “My mother died from a cancer that is completely curable using the most rudimentary med lab. It’s very important to me to be working somewhere where I can help beings have the medcare I never got, that my mother never received.”

His chest warmed with pride. His female was a very caring individual. This pleased him. “You don’t have any parents?” he questioned.

“No, both of my parents have now passed away and I don’t have any siblings. My family was small.”

“We’re your family now.”

She smiled.

“You’re pregnant.”


“You are.”

“I can’t be, it’s too soon to know.”

“You were in your breeding cycle.”

He wrapped a claw at the base of her neck and pulled her in close. He tipped his forehead against hers. “You want my offspring?” he questioned with a rough voice.

“Yes,” she answered. “So very much.”

In the earlyevening Cannibal finally walked out into the front room with Roxy of One, ready to finally join his crew again and make dinner for everyone. He noticed Hook, Leah and their tiny offspring had arrived too for dinner. They did this often—showing up to eat his food and then returning to their own quarters. It pleased him greatly.

While Cannibal started cooking for this large crowd, his Bride went and sat between Lila and Leah and quickly started joining conversations with his brothers. He was happy to how quickly she was accepting his crew and bonding with the other human females. “Where are the Lurks now?” he heard his Bride ask Scar.

“Now that our battleships have returned and the Lurks are outnumbered, the Imperial Commander is demanding they leave or we’ll blow them to space dust. They are saying that they didn’t mean to threaten bombing. That was a miscommunication.”


“They are claiming we have in our midst a traitor to the IHO named Roxy Johnson and that they are on the side of the IHO. They thought at first that Minecorp might be aiding and abetting this traitor. But now they want us to know we have this traitor and if we hand her over to them, they will dispose of her properly for us.”

“They think Minecorp is stupid enough to fall for this and they will then escape punishment from the Xylan military?” Trunk questioned.

“This is tricky because Roxy is human, and even though she is of royal pigment, as far as the Admin is concerned she hasn’t been claimed by a warrior. They think no one has placed their honor before hers, and she is unmated. She isn’t technically Xylan, nor does she formally have protections.”

“They think she isn’t a Xylan citizen, afforded the rights of a female of royal pigment?”

“But she is mine,” Cannibal shouted from the kitchen, “therefore she’s a citizen.”

“The Margol Judge is set to arrive tomorrow,” Scar noted. “And we will finally get this whole Margol versus human royal pigment nonsense sorted out.”

They all nodded.

Leah raised her hand, “I also have an idea, for later. Roxy was a lab tech for the IHO? Well, she could then easily move over to working in the med lab here on Timbur or in the Minecorp lab. She could literally have her choice of positions.”

“Ooh, thank you, I’d love that,” his Bride said. “But first, I need to know…what do all of you think will happen next? Do you think they know I’m here in the compound?”

“Well, after the Lurks stood down and the red alert was rescinded,” Chief answered, “we returned to our level to clean up your presence in three-oh-four. We went there to take all of your items back to the compound and make it look like no one had ever been there. But we were too late. When we arrived we found the guards had beat us to it and most of your things were gone, as well as your IHO tablet.”

“Uh oh. That can’t be good.”

“They have to know we were hiding you and suspect you’re here with us right now. I’m surprised they haven’t contacted us yet,” Scar said, “or brought us in for questioning.”

“I think it’s because they’re planning a raid,” Trunk said.

Oh hell.

They all grew quiet because Trunk spoke the truth.

“Um, maybe Lila should spend the night with us at employee housing,” Leah proposed. “Or for as many nights as it takes until this situation settles down.”

“Yes,” Claws growled. “This is a good idea. I want my Bride safe while is in her final trimester.”

“No,” Lila answered.


“No,” she said with a hard voice, “Claws, I am not leaving you. I’m not. We will get through this. Together.”