One Big Bite by Michele Mills


Roxy whimpered but did as Lila ordered. In two seconds flat she was off of Gorzan and backing away. He stood, his face bleeding and let out another roar. And then he literally tore off his work uniform and tossed it aside. Now he was naked and even in the dark, with only the ambient glow of nearby crystals, she could clearly see the outline of his monstrous cock.

Holy gods. She was going to take that inside of her?

He paused and intoned language she’d never heard before. She’d been able to translate and speak Xylan since the moment she’d paid for that transporter ticket to Timbur. Part of the expense was the translation chip they’d painlessly inserted at the base of her skull. But the words Cannibal used sounded ancient. He was reciting a formal declaration that she supposed all males recited to their Brides at claiming.

She felt bad that she’d initiated this in the dark recesses of the mine and this wasn’t happening for him in a typical Xylan forest. She needed to make this good for him. A claiming her husband would always remember. Gorzan was a virgin and this was his wedding day.

Finally, Gorzan finished his recitation. “Run, female,” he snarled.

Oh hell. He wanted her to run? Now?

So she ran. Good thing she was stronger now because of the serum. Not super strong, but instead bursting with energy. She ran from him through the dark mine as fast as she could, knowing he was giving her a head start, but it wouldn’t last long.

She’d clasped his bare claw. What was she thinking? It had been a total accident, but still. And now Cannibal was totally different. He was like a predator and she was the prey. And what was weirder was she wasn’t even all that worried. Roxy had listened carefully to all that Lila had told her and she’d been studying Xylan mating rituals and ceremonies since the moment she’d met Cannibal, so she knew what to expect.

There’d been that moment between them, when their bare claws clasped and the zing of awareness. He said she was his Bride. He’d been right all along that when he’d claimed she was his Bride because he had some ultra-special Xylan skill where he could scent that she was his Bride, even prior to clasping their hands. Only he and his brothers could do this? For all the other Xylan they had to go through the bother of the clasping ceremony. Because of this, Gorzan had never partaken in a clasping ceremony, there was no need. So he’d known since the moment he’d stood close enough to her in order to inhale her scent that she was his Bride. But he was still dormant. Until today.

She’d awakened the beast.

Normally, mating ceremonies were performed in ancient Xylan forests or on recreations of the forests on holo decks. But because they’d clasped hands here, in the mine this was where he was going to claim her. She was alone on this entire level with an enflamed warrior on the prowl.

The whole point of the claiming was for her to resist him as long as possible. The more violent, the better. This mine was completely new to her. It wasn’t like the mine shaft or the level she’d lived on for the last two weeks. But she’d studied lots of maps of the mine and she knew that the levels shared similarities.

A distant roar echoed behind her. On no. He was on his way to claim her.

She ran around a bend in the tunnel and found a pile of discarded logs. Ooh. She picked one up. Damn, it was so heavy. She lifted it as best she could and took a few practice swings, satisfied with the results. She heard his pounding footfalls coming closer and closer, the pants of his breaths. And then he flew around the corner, and she swung her log into his legs.

She knocked him down. For a moment she was worried she’d hit him too hard. But then he was back up in a flash and on top of her. “No,” she screamed. This was too soon, she wasn’t ready at all to give in. She needed to put up a fight. This couldn’t be easy.

Her hands curved into claws and she scratched at his face and then she bit him in the chest. He grabbed her around the arms and they fell to the ground and rolled in the dirt. He held her as they fell and he hit the ground with her on top. They both panted. Then he reached out his claws and literally tore her clothes to shreds until she was entirely naked.

What the hell?

She felt his hard shaft pressed between them against her stomach. Her eyes widened and a rush of heat flared between her thighs. She was wetter than wet and so ready.

He moved between her open thighs. All around them were the biggest crystals she’d ever seen. It was like they’d discovered a new cache. The cave was no longer dark as night. Before, there’d only been a dim amount of ambient light to guide her on, but now the small area was glowing with bright light. It created warmth.

“My Be’Ih,” he growled.

And then his tongue was between her thighs and playing on her clit. He stayed there for so long she almost had an orgasm. Her thighs shook and her belly fluttered. How was he so good at this? She’d never had an orgasm from sex before, but she was already on edge. Was she in her breeding cycle? Is that why she was so wet and so antsy? She needed him now.

And then he rose up and braced a huge muscular arm next to her head and notched his cock at her entrance.

“My Be’Ih,” he breathed. And then he rammed it all into her at once. All of it.

Her back bowed off the ground. At first it was like fire and she cried out from the pain. And then he didn’t even pause, he was suddenly fucking her in earnest. Her body was moving up and down on the hard ground, he held her hip and bucked against her. And wow, she loved it right away. It was raw. It was powerful. And…

In a matter of minutes the most powerful, all-consuming orgasm she’d ever experienced in her life rushed through her body.

And before she blacked out she was able to feel the warm rush of her husband’s own completion.