Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



Several Months Later

I wake up.Obrecht's body is caged over mine. Sweat coats my skin, and I'm breathing hard. He cocks his eyebrow. "You had your dream again."

My cheeks burn. "So embarrassing." I don't know why I keep having this threesome dream. It's the third night in a row.

He kisses me, and I taste my orgasm on his tongue. No doubt, he went down on me. He mumbles, "No way. Super-hot."

I kiss him back and lift my hips, but he rolls off me. "We need to get ready. You've got your session with Carla and then we need to get to Dmitri and Anna's."

I moan, "Noooo. Come back."

He holds his hand out. "Come on. If you're a good girl, I'll play some shower games with you."

I jump up on my knees and lean on my ankles, bow my head, and reply, "Yes, sir."

Obrecht laughs. "No time for that."

I whine some more and follow him into the shower. We have a quickie and get dressed. Obrecht takes me to my session with Carla.

Over the last few months, we've reduced my sessions to weekly. It was shortly after Adrian got out of the hospital. His ex-wife broke into his penthouse and almost killed Skylar. Carla suggested that after this session, we move to bimonthly ones.

Obrecht stays and makes phone calls at a table nearby while I talk with Carla. When my session is over, we go to Dmitri and Anna's.

She's looking for an assistant for her interior design business. Her reputation is growing quickly, but she also wants help since she's pregnant. I've not worked since I waitressed tables in Greece. I don't need to get a job, but I think it sounds fun. Plus, I'm ready to get out of the house more.

We get in their elevator. My palms turn clammy. "I'm nervous."

Obrecht glances at me. "Don't be. It's Anna. She wouldn't have asked you if you were interested if she didn't think you would be great."

All the insecurities I feel come rushing to the surface. "What if I mess up? I don't want to let her down. Or what if she hires me because she feels like she has to?"

Obrecht's lips twitch. He picks up my hand and kisses it. "She wouldn't. And you won't. Just talk to her and see what she's looking for then make a decision."

I take a deep breath. "Okay."

The elevator opens, and we go into the main room. Dmitri meets us near the entryway. "Come in. Anna's just freshening up. She got sick again."

"Is she okay?"

Dmitri nods. "Morning sickness. Everything is normal, the doctor said."

We talk for a while, and Anna comes out. "Sorry for making you wait."

"It's okay. Are you feeling better?"

She smiles. "Yep. It never lasts long. It just hits me at odd times. I hopefully won't get it for much longer." She points down the hall. "Do you want to go talk in my studio?"

"Sure." Obrecht squeezes my hand. I nervously follow Anna down the hall. We sit on the couch in her office.

She goes through the different things she needs help with. Some things I already know how to do and others I would need to learn.

Her eyes shine bright. "So? What do you think?"

"It sounds fun."

"I think it is."

"What about the things I haven't done before? I don't want to hurt your business," I admit.

She waves her hand in the air. "I'll train you, and you'll catch on in no time. What do you say? Want to work with me?"

"Are you offering me the job?"

She laughs. "Yes! Of course! It'll be great."

My insides do a happy dance. I realize how much I want this job. "Thank you. I'd love to work with you."

Anna claps. "Yay. Okay, so should we start Monday? That will give me some time to organize things. Dmitri is going to add another desk in here, too. You can do some stuff from home, but I'll also need you here, maybe half of the time."

"Sounds good."

She rises. "Great. Should we see what the guys are doing? I'm hungry. Do you want to stay for lunch?"

"I'm free if Obrecht is. I'm not sure of his schedule."

We walk out to the main room. Dmitri and Obrecht are in a heated conversation in Russian. Anna and I glance at each other. The color drains in her face, and I remember she learned Russian. She clears her throat.

They turn.

"Everything okay?" she asks and holds her belly.

Dmitri gets up. "All good. Taking care of some loose ends." He kisses her. "Are you feeling okay?"

She beams. "I'm great. Selena accepted the position."

Obrecht and Dmitri congratulate me. We stay for lunch then go home.

We go back to our building, and Obrecht leads me to his elevator.

"I need to go to my place and switch some things out. My clothes are all dirty. My plants are probably thirsty, too." I haven't been in my condo in several days.

He pushes the button for my elevator, we go to my unit, and I hand him the watering can. "Here. You water while I'm gathering my things."

"So bossy," he mutters and slaps my ass.

"Ha!" I go into my bedroom and stare at my closet, debating what to take upstairs.

He comes into the bedroom, pulls me to the bed, and positions me on his lap. The intense gaze he always pins on me makes me nervous. He says, "Why are we doing this?"

My chest tightens. "Doing what?"

"This. Moving your stuff back and forth all the time."

My stomach flips. My voice shakes. "Are you trying to break up with me?"

His eyes widen. "No. The opposite."

"I don't understand."

He tucks my hair behind my ear. His icy-blue eyes bore into mine. "I know you love your condo, but my penthouse is bigger."

I stay silent, not sure where he's going with this.

"Why don't we have movers come and move all your things into my place?"

My heart skips a beat. "Really?"

He nods and studies me. "Yes. You shouldn't have to move your things back and forth. We're together every night. Move in."

I want to yell yes but also want to be smart. "All right. Say I move in. What do I do with this place?"

"Sell it. Rent it. Whatever you want."

The thought of selling my condo when it saved me doesn't sit well. It was the only place in America I lived where I felt safe. I feel the same in the penthouse, but this place is all mine and has special meaning. "I don't think I can sell it."

"Okay. Don't. Rent it out," he says.

I tilt my head. "You're serious about me moving in?"

He strokes my cheek. "Would I ask you if I weren't?"

"Probably not."

"There's no probably about it. Tell me yes, and I'll schedule the movers."

I laugh. "I don't know if I need movers. Besides my clothes, plants, and some personal items, I don't have anything else I would want to take."

"However you want to do it, baby girl. As long as you have whatever you need and are in my bed every night, I don't care how we move your stuff," he says.

I reposition myself so I'm straddling him. "What about laundry soap?"

"I have laundry soap. I'll buy you as much as you want," he claims.

"Yeah, but yours doesn't smell like mine."

"We can switch the laundry soap." He sniffs near my collarbone. "Is that why you smell like lavender?"

"No. Well, maybe. My perfume and soap are, too," I admit.

He kisses the curve of my neck. "What else do you want?"

"Hmmm. What about dish soap?"

He arches his eyebrows. "You don't like my dish soap?"

I can't keep my face straight and laugh. "I'm teasing. The laundry soap is my only requirement."

"You drive a hard bargain. But there's a more important thing I need to tell you."


He flips me onto my back. His body hangs over mine. He pushes the hair off my face and stares at me intently.

My heart races. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I want to tell you I love you."

My heart soars. I smile. I don't ever remember feeling so protected or happy. If I lost him, I don't know what I would do. He's become my life. "I love you, too."

He kisses me then says, "Pack a bag for the weekend."

"Are you trapping me in the penthouse?" I tease.

He grins. "No, baby girl. I'm taking you on a trip for your birthday."