Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



"Oh God!"Adrenaline bursts through all my cells.

"I'm not God, baby girl," Obrecht booms.

I sit up in bed, trembling. The sun peeks through the windows. Sparkling water surrounds us.

His head's between my legs. He wipes his mouth on his forearm. The smirk on his face is sexy as always. "You had your dream again."

Heat fills my cheeks. No matter how many times I have the dream, it always embarrasses me. It also comes directly after I dream I'm back in the cage with Jack heckling me.

Obrecht lunges over me. "Happy birthday, my dorogaya." He kisses me, parting my lips with his tongue and hungrily rolling it in my mouth, as if he can consume every particle of my existence.

I return his kiss with a matched fervor. I'll never get enough of him. No matter how much time passes, there's nothing that could reduce my craving for him. Within seconds, he's inside me. He grumbles Russian in my ear. Our sweat merges, and I cling to him.

"I love you so much," I whisper.

He puts his face in front of mine. "I love you, too, baby girl."

I kiss him and hold him tighter as endorphins crash through my body. In my aftermath, I move my face out of the curve of his neck. "Obrecht?"

He strokes my hair. His icy-blue eyes drill into me. "Hmm?"

"Sometimes, I wonder if this is all a dream."

The corners of his mouth curve. He shakes his head. "It's not."

"I don't want it to end," I admit.

He sits up and pulls me onto his lap. "Do you mean vacation or us?"


He drags his finger over my lips. "There's no end to us, my dorogaya."

I don't say anything. There's no reason to think anything will happen to us besides the reoccurring nightmare I have about the cage. But I can't shake the feeling.

Obrecht tilts his head. In a commanding voice, he says, "Tell me to kneel."

I laugh. "What?"

"It's your birthday. Tell me to go somewhere and kneel."

"I'm a bit confused here. Aren't I the one that kneels?"

"Humor me. Tell me to kneel and where then wait a few minutes before you come out," he directs.


"Do I need to spank you on your birthday for not obeying?" he teases.

I turn my body and throw my ass in the air.

He chuckles. "Forgot you like it. If you want your birthday spankings, do what I ask."

Intrigued, I say in a stern voice, "Obrecht, kneel." I crack up laughing. I put my hand over my face. "I can't. It's not right."

He raises his eyebrows. "Try again. Don't forget where."

I take a deep breath. "Fine. Kneel in the sitting room in front of the window. And make sure you bow your head. Hands folded on your lap."

"Ooh. Sassy girl. Yes, ma'am."

"You'll call me madam."

He stifles a laugh. "Yes, madam."

I admire the back of his body as he leaves the room. I slide into the robe provided by the resort. Obrecht kneeling in a submissive position isn't anything I ever thought I'd see. I'm not sure why he's even doing this. When a few minutes pass, I saunter out to the main area.

Obrecht is facing the window. His muscular ass is sitting on his ankles. His hands are in front of his body, and his head bowed.

I stand in front of him, not sure what to do next. Anything I think of saying seems odd. I finally say, "You may look up."

He obeys and intently gazes at me. He reaches around my waist and pulls me closer. "The only thing I've ever been sure about is you. There is no end to us. No matter what, this is only our beginning. I submit my heart and soul to you, not just now but forever. Will you marry me?" He opens his hand and holds up the most breathtaking ring I've ever seen. A brilliant round diamond glistens on platinum. Metal twists together with more diamonds set where the strands meet.

I gape between him and the ring. Tears stream down my face. My voice shakes. "You want to marry me?"

"More than anything."

I can't answer. Too many emotions flood me. He's already given me more than I could ever imagine. I nod through my blurry vision.

"Is that a yes?" he asks.

I swallow hard. "Yes."

He slides the ring on my finger. I don't even look at it. I can't. I dip down and press my lips to his, trying to show him how much I love him. He stole my heart from the first day we met. Officially being his is more than I could ever ask for.

I pull back. "I should let you get off the floor."

He wiggles his eyebrows. "You don't want me to become your sub?"

I laugh. "Is that even possible?"

"Probably not." He kisses me one last time and rises then tugs me into his arms. "You just made me the happiest man on earth, baby girl."

So much joy fills me. I don't ever remember feeling so utterly happy. But I also feel cherished. Every day, that's how Obrecht makes me feel. I chirp, "I guess we'll be the annoying, super-happy couple all day, then."

He laughs. "Speaking of which, we need to meet everyone for your birthday brunch."


"Come on. It's shower time. I've got a full day planned."

"You do?"

He grins. "Yeah. It's your birthday."

We spend the day with our friends. They shower me with gifts. We explore the bay on wave runners, utilize the Hobie Cat sailboats, and snorkel in front of our bungalows.

After a late-afternoon nap, we gather with our friends and go to dinner. We order, and I rise. "I need to use the restroom."

Carla stands. "Me, too. I'll go with you."

Obrecht puts his napkin on the table. "I'll show you where it is."

"We can find it," Carla says.

"Yep. I know. Still coming."

I smile. I love how protective he is of me.

My future husband. I'm going to be Mrs. Obrecht Ivanov.

More happy flutters erupt in my stomach. It hasn't just been the best birthday ever. It's been the best day of my life.

Carla and I go into the restroom and are washing our hands when I freeze.

A woman with blue hair, a beautiful biracial complexion, and a face exactly like in my dream steps next to me. Her floral scent is the same, too.

"Giuliana! I didn't know you were in Jamaica," Carla blurts out.

Her name is Giuliana.

My heart beats faster. Heat scorches my cheeks. I've had dreams come to fruition in the past, but meeting the woman in my naughty dream has me speechless.

The woman's face lights up. My heart hammers harder against my chest cavity when she speaks. I've heard her voice too many times to count while I'm sleeping, and it's the same in real life. "I've been here a week."

"Are you going to the club tonight? I'll be there," Carla says.

Giuliana nods. She glances at me with approval. "That's the plan."

"Giuliana, this is my friend, Selena. She's Obrecht Ivanov's fiancée." Carla motions to me.

Giuliana's expression changes, and I'm not sure how to interpret it. "It's nice to meet you. Umm... are you and Obrecht here on your own or did umm..."

"He's here," Carla says.

Giuliana releases a breath and washes her hands. "Is he going to the club tonight?"

Who is he?

Carla turns the water off and tears off a towel. "I don't know, but he was there last night."

Giuliana dries her hands and smiles. "It was nice meeting you, Selena. I'll look for you tonight, Carla."

"Okay. See you later, then," Carla replies.

Giuliana leaves, and I stare at the door.

"You okay?" Carla asks.

I turn back to her. She has a concerned expression on her face, and my stomach flips again. "Why didn't you tell me you knew a girl that fit the description of my dream?"

Carla tilts her head. A line forms between her eyes. "She lives in Atlanta. I didn't think you'd ever meet her. Plus, if I told you that, would you have felt comfortable talking to me about it?"

I consider her question. No matter how much I want to tell her she's wrong, she isn't. "No, I wouldn't have discussed it with you."

"Okay. Now that you know she exists, what do you want to happen?"

"What do you mean?"

Carla's face stays neutral. "If you want to make it happen, now's your chance. Obrecht knows her. She's a service sub. I'm pretty sure he'd be open to whatever you want."

Jealousy flares in my belly. "Has he been with her?"

"I don't believe so, but you'll have to ask him."

"Who was she referring to? The man she asked about."

"Obrecht's cousin."

My pulse creeps up. "Which cousin?"


Relief fills me that it isn't Sergey or Maksim.

Carla puts on fresh lip gloss. She finishes and says, "I think you need to speak to Obrecht. Tell him what you want and don't worry about it. He's going to be your husband. If there's one person you should be able to talk honestly to, it should be him."

"What if I don't know what I want?" I ask. But deep down, I already know.

Carla smirks. "I'm pretty sure you know what you want. Don't do anything you'll regret, whether it's doing it or not." She pats my shoulder and passes me.

I follow her. When I step outside, Obrecht is leaning against the wall and texting someone. He looks up and tugs me into him. "There's the birthday girl." He studies me, and my cheeks flush hotter.

He drags his finger over my cheekbone. "What's going on, baby girl?"

I take a deep breath. "You saw her, didn't you?"

His expression doesn't change. "Yeah."

"Why didn't you tell me you knew someone who fit her description?" I ask.

He slowly inhales then releases it. "You were already embarrassed by it, and I didn't want to add to it. And I didn't want you not feeling safe talking to me about it."

His explanation makes sense. In some ways, he knows me better than I know myself at times. I can't fault him for his decision. It makes me love him more that he once again thought about how I would feel.

"Are you mad at me?" he asks.

"No. Umm..." I glance behind us then turn back to him. "Did you ever sleep with her?"

"No. I've never done anything with her."

"You haven't?"


"Why? She's beautiful and seems nice."

He shrugs. "She is, but it wasn't my thing."

"What do you mean?"

Obrecht brushes a lock of hair off my forehead. "Remember I said we all have our limits?"


"I'm not into pain during sex."

Confusion fills me. "I'm lost. Carla said she's a service sub."

"Yes. She likes to play that role and then move into pain before her aftercare. I can't fulfill that need for her, so I stayed away. Some tops have a session with her and then send her to a different top, but I usually feel too responsible for my bottoms. I would have felt too guilty to send her off to someone else to take care of her after," he admits.

"And Bogden is into pain?" I ask.

Surprise fills his face. "Why did you bring up Bogden?"

"She asked about him. She seemed almost desperate to see him."

Obrecht pauses then says, "They've gotten close over the years. He knows how to give her what she needs."

"Even after she is a service sub with someone else?" I ask.

"Yes." His piercing gaze makes me shift nervously on my feet. He hesitates then says, "Selena, is this something you want to do?"

My cheeks once again scorch, as if on fire. I struggle not to avoid him, but I stay fixated on his eyes. "I-I'm not unhappy with anything we have. I love you and us."

"I know that, baby girl."

"I don't understand why I keep dreaming about it. Nothing has changed. I'm still a total taker and don't want to do anything to her. And if you weren't there, I wouldn't want it," I blurt out.

"But you want it?"

Blood pounds between my ears. I contemplate lying due to my embarrassment, but I stop myself. Obrecht never lies to me. He deserves my honesty. "I think I'm curious. And that damn dream won't go away."

His lips twitch. "Your dream is pretty hot, baby girl."

My internal struggle to say no to this weakens. "Yeah, but it isn't real. And I'm super jealous. Like if you told me you did anything with her, my skin would be crawling right now. But if we're together... I don't know. It seems like it wouldn't bug me if it were like my dream where you were only focused on me."

He steps closer and holds my cheeks in his hands. All I see on his face is love. There's no judgment. He's not trying to convince me. The only thing I see is my future husband trying to help me. "The only woman in the entire world I'm focused on is you. It won't ever change. If you want this, or need this, tell me. I've had my share of everything. So if you want to experience this tonight, tell me. I'll make it happen."

My chest tightens, and my heart beats harder. "I want you."

"That isn't the question. I already know that. Answer me, Selena," he orders in a stern voice.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "What if I say yes, then don't want to go through with it once it starts?"

"You use your safe word and it stops. At any time, you say faucet, and it ends. There's nothing different than before. You still hold the cards," he claims.

A group of voices interrupts us. Obrecht moves me closer to the wall. They pass us and go into the restroom.

"Tell me what you want, baby girl. Say yes, and I'll set it up. Say no, and we'll still have a fun night." His eyes never leave mine. There's so much love and care for me in them. That's the thing with Obrecht. It's always all about me where I'm concerned.

His thumb grazes my jawline. "I need you to be honest with me right now. Yes or no?"

"Yes," I whisper.

His lips crash onto mine. He grips my head and circles his tongue in my mouth until my knees go weak. "For the record, I didn't kiss you since you said yes. I kissed you because you were honest with me, and I know it was hard for you." He kisses my forehead and spins me. "Let's go eat dinner."

I spend the rest of the meal attempting to engage in conversation, but I'm full of nervous energy. Obrecht is on his phone texting a few times, but other than that, he has his arm around me, and nothing is different. It's like he's unfazed by it all.

Everyone splits up after dinner. I barely hear where anyone is going, but Obrecht and I end up back in our bungalow.

I ask, "Are we going to the club?"

"No." The doorbell rings. My stomach flips, and Obrecht puts his fingers to my lips. "Don't forget, you're in control. If you want to stop, use your safe word. Now go into the bedroom and wait on the bed for me."

I do as he says. I twist my fingers in my lap, waiting. It feels like forever passes until Obrecht comes in. I jump off the bed.

He kisses me. "Did you change your mind?"


"Okay, baby girl. Pull your dress to your hips and bend over the bed."

I don't know why he's telling me to do this. It wasn't in my dream, but I do as he says. The sound of a drawer sliding open hits my ears. A moment later, his hands are sliding my panties off. Lube hits my ass, and his finger slips past the hard ridge. He works more fingers inside me and leans over my back. His hot breath hits my ear. "If we're doing this, you're getting everything, my dorogaya."

In my dream, we aren't having anal sex. But I trust he knows what's best for me.

His fingers come out, but he stays leaned over me. His lips hit my neck, and he kisses me as something goes back inside me.

I'm so relaxed, I hardly gasp. Obrecht and I have done everything together. I've learned he knows my body like it's his.

"Okay, baby girl. Stand up." He goes into the bathroom, and I hear water running. He returns and slides my panties up my body then pulls my dress over them.

I gaze up at him.

He holds my chin. "Don't forget you're always mine. No matter what, it's you and me."

"We don't have to do this is if—"

He covers my lips with his fingers. "I'm okay with this situation. But no other guys. And service sub only. I don't want you touching anyone else. She's here to add to your pleasure for your birthday, and that's it. I know she's safe, so that's why I agreed to this. You're going to enjoy it. I'm going to enjoy it. Then she's leaving. As soon as we step out there, I'm in charge."

"You aren't now?" I smirk.

"I'll give you the birthday spankings I owe you, later." He winks then pecks me on the lips. "Are you ready?"


"Good. Go kneel next to Giuliana."

"She's been kneeling this entire time?"


"We aren't doing it here?"

"No. This is our room. No one comes in here. Now don't get sassy since it's your birthday. Go," he orders.

I smile and obey. Fresh nerves hit me when I step into the other room. The lights are dim. Giuliana is kneeling in nothing but a black bra and underwear. Her head is bowed and she sits in a perfect sub position. The pink dress she wore is folded on the table. Matching stilettos are under it.

I kneel next to her. Several moments pass. The longer I kneel next to her, smelling her floral scent, the more nervous I become.

Obrecht finally stands in front of us. He crouches down. "Look at me."

We both raise our heads. He addresses Giuliana. "Look at my fiancée."

She turns toward me. I continue focusing on Obrecht. He says, "She's sexy as hell, isn't she?"

"Yes," she breathes.

"What did you think when you met my soon-to-be wife in the bathroom?" he asks.

"I thought she was beautiful. When I heard you were engaged, I imagined you controlling her," she says.

"And why did you imagine that?"

"I-I've always wanted you to control me, but you never have," she admits.

My jealousy high-fives my ego. I have Obrecht. She wants him but can't have him. It adds something even more taboo and exciting to what we're about to do.

"And why haven't I?" he asks.

"You can't give me what I need."

"That's right. What else did you think when you saw my dorogaya?"

She firmly says, "I wondered if you would ever allow me to service her."

My heart races faster.

"And what would you do if I permit you?" he asks.

"Whatever you allow me, sir."

My lower body pulses. I struggle not to look at her. Obrecht finally holds my chin and stares at me. "What are your hard limits, baby girl? Tell Giuliana."

I open my mouth to speak but stop. "You mean for her?"


I don't need to say the other things. Obrecht is in charge of those. "No kissing me above my belly button. She can't touch you, except when you're in me, and she's also touching me."

"What else?"

"That's it, sir."

"You don't call me sir. She calls me sir. I'm Obrecht to you," he says.

"Yes, Obrecht."

He leans forward and pecks me on the lips. "Good girl." He takes my hand and helps me stand. "Rise, Giuliana."

She obeys.

He steps back. "Take Selena's dress off."

She steps behind me, moves my hair to the side, then unzips my dress. My chest rises and falls faster as I stare at Obrecht's icy-blue flames. The dress hits the floor.

"Remove her bra," he commands.

She unlatches my clasps. Her hands slowly push the straps down my arms. Tingles break out across my body.

Obrecht demands, "Now her panties."

She does the same, but she kisses my spine where my belly button would be as she releases them.

"What do you think of my dorogaya's ass?" he asks her.

"It's perfect."

"Yes. It is. Step in front of her."

Giuliana stands in front of me, and I can no longer avoid her. Her eyes are bright blue; so much, I wonder if she wears colored contacts. Her electric blue hair hangs past her breasts. She licks her plump lips, and my body pulses again.

It's just like my dream but real. I swallow hard as she stares at every part of my body as if she's desperate to have me.

"She has beautiful breasts, doesn't she?" Obrecht moves behind me and slides his hands on my ass. He kisses the curve of my neck, and I shudder.

Giuliana steps closer. "Yes. They're perfect. Are they real?"

"Yes. Everything about my baby girl is real."

I turn to look at him, and he slides his tongue in my mouth. His arm glides around my waist, and he slips his finger through my wet heat, circling my clit slowly. He withdraws from the kiss. "Say happy birthday to my future wife."

"Happy birthday," Giuliana says.

"Do you want to show Giuliana how well you crawl to me?"

"Please," I respond, desperate to do something normal to balance my nervous flutters.

He crosses the room and sits in the chair. He pats his thigh. I drop to my knees and crawl with my ass in the air, feeling the girth of the plug with every inch I take toward him. When I get to Obrecht, I kneel between his legs.

He leans forward, fists my hair, and aggressively kisses me. "You get sexier, baby girl. You did such a good job, I'm going to allow you to sit on my cock now."

"Thank you."

He pats his thigh again, and I rise. "Undress me."

I unbutton his shirt then slide it over him. I release his pants, and he lifts his hips. When he's naked, he commands, "Spin."

I turn.

He straddles me on him so I'm facing away from him. The tip of his erection slips an inch inside me. He holds me so I can't go any farther then leans into my ear. "Look at Giuliana."

I gaze in her direction. Her chest is rising and falling faster. Her lips are trembling.

"Tell her to crawl over to us," he mumbles and sucks on my lobe.

"Crawl to us, Giuliana," I squeak out.

Obrecht softly chuckles. As we watch Giuliana come toward us with her ass in the air, he pushes me over him and murmurs, "Since it's your birthday, you get to come as much as you want tonight."

"Oh God," I cry out, his length and girth filling and stretching me more than ever before. I briefly forgot about the plug. It has to be bigger than anything we've used before. He might just split me in two.

"I'm not God, baby girl. Don't call for him," Obrecht growls in my ear then grips my hips and starts moving me.

"Obrecht," I whimper.

"We're just starting." He turns my head and looks me in the eye. "Do you want to tell her what to do? Or should I?"

"You. Please!"

Satisfaction fills his face. He keeps looking at me. "Giuliana, what do you think of my future wife's pussy?" He gives me tiny kisses, pulling back every time I try to extend them and assessing me.

"It's perfect. She's perfect," Giuliana replies.

"Do you want a taste?" he asks and licks my tongue, keeping the speed I'm riding him slowly, teasing my walls with his hard shaft.

"Please, sir."

"Oh...oh...f... Obrecht!" I cry out the moment her warm tongue swipes me.

A deep rumble fills his chest. His jaw clenches and dick pulses in me just like in my dream. He never looks at Giuliana, only me. He commands, "Suck her clit." His demands only turn me on more. He's so powerful and confident. He always knows what to do, but he's mine. She wants him, yet she's only here because I allowed her to be. She only gets a taste of him with me on him, and it sends me on a power trip I didn't know I had in me.

Giuliana latches on to me so hard, I instantly come.

Sweat pops out on my skin. A soft hum fills the air, barely audible through Giuliana's moans. The plug thrusts up in my ass as Obrecht's cock slides in the opposite direction.

It's a perfect storm of sensory overload. Adrenaline, heat, and dizziness consume me. Obrecht's finger plays with my breasts. His other hand stays on my hip, controlling the speed I'm riding him, stopping me from going as fast as my body is begging me to.

I put my hands on the side of his thighs, digging my nails into them.

"Grip her hair. You can touch her like that," he allows.

Sweet relief fills me. I do as he instructs, placing both palms on her head. She moans louder and returns to licking me. When Obrecht's cock comes out of my body, she licks that, too, then nibbles on my clit.

"Oh!" I cry out.

"Feel good?" Obrecht's tongue slides across my jaw.

I can't answer. Every part of my body spasms in delight. I've never felt so deliciously full or assaulted with so many orgasms. It's a Ferris wheel of orgasms that never stops. When I get to the top, I go down, only to go right back up.

Obrecht groans and he thrusts faster into me. "Look at me!" he barks when I close my eyes.

"I'm so...oh... I..."

"I love you, baby girl. Understand?"

"Yes. I lo... I... Obrecht!"

"Eat her faster," Obrecht demands, and she intensifies everything.

"Squeeze his balls!" I yell out.

"Fucking love you, baby girl," he growls then shouts out in Russian while continuing to stare at me. His erection pumps hard in me, stretching me farther, hitting me somewhere so deep inside me, I ejaculate my juice all over them. I collapse against him, no longer able to hold myself up.

The thrusting in my ass and humming sound stops. He tightens his arms around me. He lifts his face to mine and kisses me. Our kiss is broken momentarily for him to mumble, "Giuliana, clean us up."

I don't look at her. I can't. All I can do is stare into Obrecht's eyes as he watches me intently then continues to devour my mouth.

Giuliana begins licking us clean, and I lose the ability to kiss him. It's unlike anything I've ever felt. I'm so sensitive everywhere, and it's like soothing a sore muscle with a massage.

"Feel good, my angel?"

My raspy voice is barely audible. "So good."

Several minutes pass. Obrecht continues to kiss me, holding my head firmly. He finally says, "That's enough, Giuliana. Thank you." He releases my head and says, "Tell Giuliana, thank you."

I look at her. She's kneeling between our legs with her head bowed. Her body is shaking slightly.

"Thank you, Giuliana."

"Look at me, Giuliana," Obrecht says.

She looks up, smiling.

"Did you enjoy that?" he asks.

"Yes, sir. Very much."

"Would you like to see Bogden now?"

Her eyes glisten, and she blinks hard. "He's here?"

"Yes. Would you like to spend the rest of the night with him?"

"Yes, sir. Please," she says in a desperate voice.

"Very well. Get dressed. The bathroom is through that door if you wish to freshen up. He's waiting outside for you."

She rises, picks up her clothes, and goes into the bathroom.

"Stand and bend over," he commands.

I obey, and he pulls the plug out of my ass and sets it on a towel. It's the third item I got from the sex store that we still hadn't used. I straddle him but suddenly feel shy. "Hi."

"Hi." Like always, he studies me, assessing me in ways I don't even understand. "You okay?"

I nod.

"Intense, wasn't it?" he asks.


"But good?"

I agree again. "Yes. Did you like it?"

His lips twitch. "Yeah. I was with you."

Giuliana comes out of the bathroom. "Happy birthday, Selena."

I turn. "Thank you. It has been."

"Have a great night." She leaves.

Obrecht stands with me wrapped around him. He locks the door and takes me into the bedroom then starts the jacuzzi. When it's full, we get in the tub.

I lie against him and glance up. "I told you I was a taker."

He breaks out laughing so hard, his eyes tear up. "No plans to become a giver?"

"I'll stick to only being a giver with you."

"I'm good with that." He kisses my head. "Did you have a good birthday?"

I turn so I'm lying on top of him. "I had the best birthday ever. Thank you." My engagement ring hits the light. "When can we get married?"

His face lights up. I once again feel the ego trip that this man is mine. This man who does anything he can to give me what I want or need. This man who's fully devoted to me and only me. He claims, "As soon as you want."

"I'd say tomorrow, but your mom would kill us if she weren't here," I reply.

He groans. "Plus, you'd miss the barrage of bridal magazines."

I trace the snake tattoo on his neck. "Are you serious though? We can get married sooner rather than later?"

"Yeah, baby girl. Name the date and place, and I'll make it happen."