Savage Tracker by Maggie Cole



Relief rushesthrough every cell in my body. His erection grows harder against my naked sex. I don't want anyone else touching me. I want him.

He said no attachments.

Too late. I was already attached before last night.

But he's not attached to me.

I need to respect his boundaries.

He just said we aren't over.

"When can we have another session?" I intensify the pressure of my nails on his neck.

His chest rises and falls faster. He clenches his jaw. "We need to set some rules, Selena."

"Sir, I prefer you to call me baby girl or your dorogaya." It's a bold move on my part. In the past, I never would have spoken up, but Obrecht keeps telling me to.

His cock twitches, which makes me smile.

"You've got a naughty streak in you, don't you?" he mumbles.

"Do you want that, sir? Me to be your naughty baby girl?"

He sniffs hard. His hands slip under my T-shirt. They're warm and large, and it feels as if both of them cover my entire back. I shiver from the tingles racing up and down my spine, as if ready to electrocute me somehow.

There's a rumble in his chest. His hot breath merges with mine. "It's important to me you understand what you want, baby girl."

"Yes. Thank you. I want you, sir," I admit, my heart hammering in my chest.

He studies me. The tension in the air builds. His icy-blue orbs fill with heat. After several minutes, he finally speaks. "I'll be your mentor. Then you'll know how to protect yourself but still get what you need."

I need you.

"What does that mean, sir?"

He swallows hard and licks his lip. "I'll teach you what you need to know and help you learn to negotiate so no one can take advantage of you or misunderstand you."

"Does this involve more sessions with you?"


"As my top?"

The corners of his mouth curve up. "Yes. Very good, baby girl."

"I will submit to you as a bottom?"

"Yes. You will submit. When the session ends, you will not continue to submit until you negotiate another session. Is it clear?" he asks, moving his thumb up and down my spine.

"Yes, sir," I breathe. "Can we start now?"

He continues studying me. It feels like forever. He opens his mouth to speak, and his phone rings. I almost groan out loud over the inconvenience. When he tears his eyes away from mine, he picks up his phone and sighs. "I have to take this." He answers in Russian, and within seconds, his hand stops moving. His eyes turn to slits. He says something back and hangs up. "I'm sorry, Selena. I have to go. Something has come up with work that can't wait."

"Oh. Sure. Sorry." I jump off his lap.

He rises and spins me into him.

I stare at his chest, breathing hard, suddenly embarrassed. It's a workday morning. He has a life. I'm the uneducated girl who begged him not to leave me last night after he rescued me from a dingy sex club.

He tilts my chin and pins his steel gaze on me. "Why are you sorry?"

"I don't mean to overstay my welcome. Thank you for taking care of me last night."

"Did I say you overstayed your welcome?"

I shake my head. "No, but—"

He dips down and kisses me. He possessively palms my head and ass, holding me tight to his warm flesh. It calms my nerves but creates a new pulsing all over my body. My body submits to his. If I were butter, I'd be melted and slathered all over him.

He murmurs, "That's better. Tonight. I will text you when I'm back. We will negotiate before we do anything."

"Okay," I agree, my excitement racing through my veins.

He holds his face next to mine. "No coming, baby girl."

Wait. What?I tilt my head. "Never?"

His lips twitch. "I meant before tonight. Don't go downstairs and play with that hot little pussy of yours."

My cheeks heat up. He has me so turned on, it's probably what I would have done. But how did he know?

He cocks an eyebrow. He bunches my T-shirt to my waist then strokes his finger over my slit.

I immediately widen my legs.

"Don't move," he commands.

I freeze, whimpering.

"What are your plans today?" he asks, as if he doesn't have his hand between my thighs and it's just a normal conversation between two people.

My brain can barely function with his hand on me and the thought of tonight. "Umm... I don't know. What day is it?"

He smirks. "Tuesday."

I rack my brain and cringe. "Nothing?" It's the boring reality of my world.


Confused, I repeat, "Good?"

He reaches into his wallet and pulls out a wad of one-hundred-dollar bills. He removes his finger from my body, picks up my hand, and wraps my fingers around the cash.

"I have money," I say.

The corners of his lips twitch. "Yes, I know. This is for me."

I stay quiet, still not sure what the money's for.

"I'm sending you on a field trip. Vlad will escort you. You are not to ever ditch your bodyguard again, though, unless you are with me. Do you understand?" Anger settles on his face.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have—"

"No, you shouldn't have. You're going to get a punishment tonight for it."

My chest tightens with anxiety.

He must see it because he sternly says, "I'm not going to physically harm you with my punishments, Selena."

I exhale and smile. "Thank you, sir."

"Vlad will stay with you today. Forget about him and focus on your homework."

"What's my homework?" I ask.

"I liked the outfit you wore last night. You have good taste. Buy something that's only for me. I want to see your sexy ass in it. Something you'll never wear for anyone else. Understand?"

"I don't have anyone else."

His expression is a mix of approval and also struggle. I don't understand it until he says, "Yes, but after I train you, there will be other tops for you."

Or, you can just become my Dom.

I ignore the last comment and refocus. "Okay."

"You also are to choose three other items. Something you're curious about, something you know you like, and something you're afraid of." He releases my fist with the money and returns to touching me. His finger slides through my slit.

"Oh God," I mumble.

He leans into my ear. "I told you last night, baby girl. I'm not God."

Mmm, I pretty much think you're a sex god, Russian stud.

"Yes, sir."

His tongue swipes on my lobe, and I shudder. "Obrecht?"

"Hmm?" he replies, moving his lips down my neck.

"What time?"

He tilts his head up and cups my cheek. "I'm not sure. I have issues I need to sort out. I don't want you waiting around, but it could be earlier or later. Are you okay with that?"

I nod. "Yes. I understand."

His face brightens. "I'm looking forward to seeing what you choose."

"Umm, is there anything I shouldn't get?"

"No, my dorogaya. You get whatever you want. There are no wrong choices." He shimmies his finger through me and teases my clit quickly, pulls his hand away, and holds it in front of me. "Now give me a pretty visual for my day. Lick."

My stomach flutters. I start on the bottom of his finger, slowly licking my way to the top, then repeating it.

He groans, his orbs simmering.

"Can I suck you, sir?" I ask in my most innocent voice.

"Yes, you may."

I take his finger to the back of my throat and flick my tongue across it while moaning, pretending it's his cock.

He pulls away, fists my hair, and tilts my head up. "Be a good girl today. No coming or ditching Vlad. Got it?"

"Yes, sir."

He slides the finger that was in my mouth on my ass and pushes through my cheeks, so he touches my entrance. "Do you remember what I said I liked?"


"What did I say, baby girl?"

I intentionally leave out the no-attachments part. I recite, "Controlling another person, including when they can and can't come. Some mind games. Bondage at times. Toys. Penetration anywhere in my body you want, with whatever you want."

His chest presses into mine. The beating of his heart thumps into my shoulder. "You told me it's what you needed last night. Is that still what you need? Or is any of that no longer on the table?"

Jack did all those things to me. I always hated most of it. Even when I came, I detested myself for letting my body feel anything. He was rough, and it often hurt. But I want Obrecht, and I want him to keep wanting me. Last night was so different. I didn't feel any pain from anything he did, which wouldn't have been the case with Jack, so I'm not going to deny him anything he needs.

"Yes. I need it. The less you can make it hurt, the better," I add, since he told me also to speak up.

His face darkens. "Nothing I do to you is going to hurt, baby girl. All I'm going to do is make you feel really good. I promise."

I bite on my smile. More heat rushes to my face. "Thank you, sir."

"You've been very brave this morning. Since you just spoke up, I'm going to reward you."

"Oh?" My adrenaline bubbles in my veins. His last reward in the shower was pretty phenomenal.

"Vlad will take you."

"You're not going to give it to me now?" I ask, hoping I misheard.

An arrogant expression fills his face. "No, baby girl. All day, I want you wet, ready, and thinking of me."

"I already am wet, ready, and thinking of you all day," I blurt out then my face burns with heat.

He groans. "You just made me so fucking hard, baby girl."



"Can I take care of you, sir?" I lick my lips, hoping he'll allow me.

His dick pulses against my stomach. "No. You can think all day about how much you want it."

"Another thing I already do," I point out then bite my lip.

He slaps my ass, and I jump. He rubs the sting and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips then releases me. "I have to get ready for work. Let me walk you to your place."

"I can go myself."

"No, you won't." He gathers my belongings from the night prior. I follow him into the kitchen and freeze.

God, I hate that faucet.

He puts his body behind mine and leans down to my ear. "You okay, baby girl?"

Get a grip.I take a deep breath and force a smile. "Yes."

He slowly releases me and escorts me to the elevator. When we get to my floor, he sticks his head out, glances both ways, then quickly escorts me to my unit. I step inside and spin. "Do you want to come in?"

"I have to go. Get ready, and I'll tell Vlad where to take you. I'll see you tonight."

Something in me has shifted, and I'm not sure who this girl is anymore. I reach for his arms. "Can you come in for just a quick second? It won't take long."

His face falls. "Sure. What's wrong?" He steps inside and closes the door.

I retreat two steps, slowly remove his T-shirt, then shake out my hair. I fold up his shirt and hold it out. I innocently say, "Thanks for the T-shirt. I'm going to shower now."

His eyes are flames licking my skin as he slowly reaches for his shirt and takes it from me.

"Have a good day." I smile and turn. I stroll across the family room, swinging my hips slightly. When I get to my bedroom door, I put my hand on the frame and glance back.

He hasn't moved. His one hand clenches the T-shirt, and the other is at the side of his thigh, balled into a fist.

"Actually, can I keep the shirt?" I ask.

"You can earn it back."

"Oh?" My flutters expand in my belly, and I'm glad I'm holding on to the wall to steady my weakening knees.

He curls his finger in the air, motioning me to come back.

I drop to my knees and crawl to him, with my ass in the air and my head lifted so I can see him. When I get to his feet, I kneel on the back of my heels and straighten my shoulders. I bow my head.

I hated crawling on the floor for Jack. I couldn't stand kneeling or bowing my head. Something about doing it for Obrecht feels different than when I had to for Jack. I wonder again how messed up I am for voluntarily doing this.

Obrecht crouches in front of me and tilts my chin. The heat from his body radiates into mine. My pussy pulses and I can feel juice rolling down my inner thigh. "Make sure you don't hide your ass with whatever you get."

"I won't, sir."

He studies my face. Whenever he does it, I always wonder what he's thinking. I don't know what he sees in me when he stares like that, but it always sends heat straight to my core. His eyes are the most beautiful set of orbs I've ever seen. They're intense, dangerous, and morph between ice and flames. I love every moment of him focusing on me.

"Enjoy your day. Lock the door." He holds out his hand, and I take it. He pulls me up, and as soon as I'm on my feet, he fists my hair. It's another thing I don't understand. Jack pulled my hair, but it would result in neck pain whether he did it during sex or to drag me around. Every tug from Obrecht is a delicious surge of tingles.

"Is there something I can do for you, sir?" I bat my eyes.

He kisses me but doesn't touch me anywhere else or let it last long. It's still enough to leave me panting for more. "Have a good day, my dorogaya." His cocky smile molds onto his lips. He releases me and leaves.

I lock the door and lean against it a few moments then get ready for the day. When I step into the lobby, Vlad is waiting.

"Ms. Christian, are you ready?" he says in his thick, Russian accent.

I need to change my last name.

"Yes. Can you please call me Selena?"


"Thank you."

He guides me to the car, and when I get inside, there's a note.


When you getto the locker room, send me a picture of your legs.


Locker room? What's he talking about?

I take my phone out of my purse, hike up the skirt of my dress, and snap a photo of my hand on my inner thigh. I text him the picture.

Me: Is this what you want when I get to the locker room?

Several minutes pass.

Obrecht: If you touch that sweet pussy of yours, I'm going to know.

Me: What if I touch it thinking of you?

Obrecht: Don't make me punish you all night.

My chest tightens again at the thought of him punishing me.

He told me it won't hurt. He's not Jack.

Me: What if my panties are so wet, I have to take them off for the day?

Obrecht: You keep your panties on when I'm not with you, baby girl.

More flutters consume me. I slip my hand between the side of my panties and hip, as if I might be removing them, and take another photo. It shows the part of my panties that are slightly darker from this conversation. I send it to him.

Me: What if I'm so hot I need to?

So much time passes, I think he might not have seen it.

Obrecht: When you get to the locker room, lay your panties flat on the bench and send me a photo. When you get home, do the same thing. Front and back.

Me: Yes, sir.

The car stops, and I glance out the window. There are several shops.

Me: We're at stop one. Gotta go.

Obrecht: Take a new photo of the exact shot you just sent me when you get back in the car.

Me: Yes, sir.

I'm not sure why he wants the same picture with a different timestamp, but whatever floats his boat. I put my phone in my purse as Vlad opens the door. "Ready, Selena?"

"Yes. does this work? Are you going to stand over me?" I don't know where Obrecht is sending me, but I know enough about it that I don't want Vlad breathing down my neck.

"No, ma'am. I'll stay back but keep you within my view."

"Great. Thank you."

He nods, leads me into a store, then glances around. He steps to the side near the door and motions for me to shop.

I've never been inside a place like this. It has everything from what I assume are more vanilla toys to hardcore ones that I know too well from experience hurt.

My chest tightens, and my heart beats super fast. I try to stop the panic. I don't like any toys. Even the most basic ones, Jack used to hurt me.

A sales lady with pale white skin, jet black hair, and dark-red lipstick approaches me. My heart races faster. In a friendly voice, she says, "Hi! I'm April. Is this your first time here?"

Something in her voice soothes me. I straighten up and smile. "Yes."

"Do you know what you're looking for?"

Heat fills my cheeks. "No.—"

What is Obrecht to me?

She raises her eyebrow. "Top, bottom, sub, Dom, slave, Master, girlfriend, boyfriend?"

I laugh. "Top."

"I like to bottom, too," she says and winks. "Why did your top send you here?"

Something about April makes me feel like I can tell her all my secrets. I don't hesitate. "I need an outfit—one that accentuates my ass. And I have to buy something I'm curious about, something I know I like, and something I'm afraid of."

She wiggles her eyebrows. "That sounds hot. Who's your top? Can he be my daddy for the night?"

The heat on my cheeks gets hotter. No, he cannot, I almost say but then realize I'm thinking like an over-possessive, jealous woman when she's joking.

She doesn't wait for me to answer and takes hold of my arm. "Let's go find your outfit first. I think I know the perfect one. You'll look super hot in it."

I let April lead me around the store, which helps calm me when I'm looking at all the toys and other items. When I finish, I thank her and get in the car.

I take out my phone, snap another photo, and compare it to the other one. The damp part of my panties is slightly larger, but that's the only difference. I send it to Obrecht.

A few minutes pass.

Obrecht: Put your phone on FaceTime and call me. Slide your panties to the slide, and V your pussy with your second and fourth fingers. Take your middle finger and stroke yourself, but don't you dare come, baby girl.

I glance around the small backseat. No one is with me, so it's unnecessary. I take a deep breath, and another text pops up.

Obrecht: I better hear you moan.

I glance around the car again.

Obrecht: Hit the lock buttons on the car door for the divider window and your door.

Is he reading my mind?

Does he have a camera in here?

I scan the inside of the car again then hit the buttons. I lift my skirt, press the FaceTime button, and he answers.

"I have two minutes, my dorogaya." The blue sky surrounds him and the phone seems to be moving.

"Are you walking outside right now?" I ask.

"Yes." He turns his ear so I can see the earphones. "Now stop wasting time. I've given you orders."

"Yes, sir," I reply, lower my phone, and do what he texted me. My fingers slip under my panties, I V myself, then press my middle finger to my swollen bundle of nerves. The moment I make contact, I let out a ragged breath.

"Pinch it hard," he commands.

I obey. "Oh God!"

"I keep telling you I'm not God, baby girl. Now swirl."

I do everything he tells me, going faster, then slower, until I'm begging him to let me come.


"Stop. Let me see your face."

I reposition the phone so we're looking at each other. His jaw clenches. "Enjoy the rest of your day, dorogaya. Don't forget what you need to send me." He hangs up while I'm still panting.

I immediately get a text.

Obrecht: Get your hand out of your pussy, baby girl. No more touching yourself.

I look down and realize my hand is still in the same spot. I remove it, and the car stops.

Obrecht: Suck your finger clean. Video it and send it to me.

Me: We're parked.

Obrecht: Vlad won't get out until you unlock the divider. Now send me my video.

I do what he says, spending several minutes sucking on my finger, hoping I look sexy. When I finish, I watch the video, then send it off.

Me: This is what I'd like to do to you tonight, sir.

I hit the button to unlock the divider. The car door lock pops next. I don't know if Vlad or the driver did it. Vlad opens the door and escorts me inside a building. When we get to the fifth floor, he holds the door open and motions for me to go through.

There are two chairs and a table with some magazines. A woman with spiked blonde hair sits behind a desk. The wall behind her reads Hands. She says, "Hi. You must be Selena?"


"Great. I'm Marilyn. Let me take you back." She escorts me into a private locker room and opens a locker up. "Your robe and sandals are here. Just put them inside or in the baskets when your service is over."

"Great. This might sound bad, but the person who said to come here didn't tell me what this is." I wince, realizing how bizarre it sounds.

Her grin widens. "Yes, Mr. Ivanov said he was surprising you. Before you leave, I'll give you all the details on your membership."

"My membership?"

"Yes. Mr. Ivanov bought you the top tier."

I stand stunned, not sure what he bought me, but my heart also skips a beat.

"I'm afraid that we can't give you a full tour today, but we were able to arrange the service Mr. Ivanov wanted you to have."

"And what is that?"

She beams. "You'll love it. It's a full body massage with two of our therapists. They'll stretch you and each massage you at the same time. Ever had four hands on you at once?"


"Trust me. You won't ever want a normal massage again. And you'll be so limber when they finish, your body will go into any position you want it to. Any other questions?"

I shake my head, speechless.

"Great. I'll let you get ready." She leaves, and I stare at the robe, trying to process everything.

My phone vibrates.

Obrecht: Where are my pictures?

I snap one of my legs and another one of my panties on the bench. Then I turn my thong and take one of the back. I send them off.

Obrecht: Good girl. Enjoy your service, baby girl.

For the next two hours, I'm stretched and rubbed. By the time I get back to the locker room, I'm relaxed but hornier than ever. Marilyn was right. I've only had one massage before, but four hands are a different experience.

When I get back in the car, I turn on my phone.

Obrecht: Did you think of me during your massage?

Me: Yes.

It's not a lie. He's all I thought about.

Obrecht: Did you think of my mouth all over you?

Me: Yes.

Obrecht: If I flicked my tongue on your pussy right now, would you be ready to come for me?

Me: Yes.

Obrecht: V your pussy and send me a photo. And don't forget to take one of your panties when you get home.

I return to our building and go inside my condo. I do everything he requested. After an hour of no reply, I get antsy and text him again.

Me: Will we be at your place or mine?

There’s no reply so I pace in my condo, dying to see him. I finally get another text.

Obrecht: My elevator code is 684538. Memorize it. Don't shower. Bring whatever you purchased with you, get dressed, and wait for me to come home.

Me: You aren't back yet?

Obrecht: No. Have a glass of wine if you want. I put a bottle of Pinot Noir out.

Me: How do you know I drink that?

Obrecht: I know a lot of things about you, baby girl. Now get your sexy ass up to my place.

I gather my things and go into his penthouse. I set my items on the kitchen counter. When I glance at the sink, I freeze.

The old faucet is gone. An identical one to mine is in its place.