Demon Discord by M.J. Haag

Chapter Sixteen

Azio openedhis eyes and reluctantly released my hand.

“Every woman’s period is different. But the best thing we can do is pay attention and keep asking if there is anything we can do to help make it better.”

“That’s pretty good advice. But you know you don’t have to cater to me, right? I’ll still stay here even if you didn’t do all of this stuff.”

His expression grew guarded.

“I want to care for you. And maybe touch you?”

“Your hand on my stomach did feel good. It was nice and warm.”

“Eden likes that too. When the cramps are the worst, she lets Ghua lick her pussy in the shower.”

I could feel my face flushing.

“Eden didn’t think it was a good idea at first either. But it took her pain away. She liked it so much she begged Ghua to do it twice more and rode his face like a pony.” A sexy smirk briefly flitted over Azio’s lips. “If you would like to ride my face to relieve your pain, I am willing.”

My face felt like it was on fire.

“I’ll keep that in mind, but the water bottle should do the trick for now.”

He grunted.

“Angel’s breasts get sore. She taught Shax how to give her a massage. It’s not sex. It’s comfort. No playing with nipples. Only rubbing the swollen tissue.”

A boob rub that didn’t lead to sex sounded kind of nice, but after the shower story, I wasn’t confident his motives were purely altruistic.

“I’ll let you know if I need one,” I said

A smile parted his lips, giving me a wide display of wickedly pointy teeth. He quickly smothered it at my startled expression, and I immediately felt guilt.

“I’m sorry, Azio. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. Not after I saw Solin’s teeth. I think I just forgot because you hide them so much.”

He blinked at me.

“You want me to smile more?”

His uncertainty and willingness to be anything I needed struck a chord in me. Hadn’t that been what I’d done for Wayne? Gave up my hopes and dreams to make him happy and, in the end, only made myself miserable. And I would have stayed if Wayne hadn’t thrown the ring at me, oblivious to how much I was giving up for him. I didn’t want to put Azio in the same situation.

“I want you to be yourself around me. If you want to smile more, then do it. If you don’t want to wear those undersized shirts, then don’t. I don’t want you to change for me. Open and honest, okay?”

He grunted, studied me for a moment, then removed his shirt.

The easy-on-the-eyes ab display distracted me nicely, and remembering his invitation, I reached out to run my hand over his arm.

“Shirtless is a good look for you,” I said. “I didn’t realize what I was missing out on.”

He flashed another smile my way and turned to pick up a few books, giving me an amazing view of his back. And the numerous, large scars crisscrossing it. I feathered my fingers over a few, and he stilled.

“What are these from?” I asked.

“A hellhound. It was trying to get to Cassie and her baby. Molev, Bauts, and I held it back while others removed its heart.”

Azio had risked his life to save a woman and her baby. Based on the scars, that had happened a while ago. How was he still single?

“Do you want to see the books I have?” he asked, not moving to dislodge my touch.

“Sure.” I withdrew my hand, and he turned toward me, showing me the “man books” he’d mentioned. They weren’t books for men, like I’d assumed, but books that had a man’s chiseled torso clearly displayed on the cover. Romance novels. I had my period, and he’d run out to find me romance novels.

I’d died and gone to heaven. And I never wanted to leave.

“You’ve done so much to learn how to pamper a woman. How would a woman pamper you?” I asked, needing to pay back some of his kindness.

“Cheri sometimes lets Farco lick her pussy while she’s reading. I would like that.”

I barely withheld my snort.

“So you’d consider any form of sexual activity pampering?”

He looked thoughtful for a moment.

“And touching. Your fingers are so soft.”

“Okay. How about you sit here then?” I patted the floor beside the couch and took one of the books he offered.

He settled in. Groth joined us and started a movie. While I read, they watched a movie, and I played with Azio’s hair.

The cramps grew worse, as I knew they would, and I broke into my chips to self-soothe. Azio leaned farther back so I didn’t have to reach as far when I finished my snack. Based on the way he tipped his head, he loved having me run my fingers through his hair. I wasn’t sure what the grunt meant every time I accidentally brushed the tip of his ear, though.

Distracted, I set the book on my chest and ran my fingers along the top edge of the ear, following it from base to tip.

He glanced back at me, his pupils completely dilated.

“I like that,” he said simply.

“Then I’ll keep doing it,” I said with a smile.

He faced the movie, and I picked the book up again, idly playing with his ear. The story held my attention till the end of the movie when Azio abruptly stood.

“Is there anything I can get you?” he asked.

“No. Thank you, though,” I said, finishing the page.

When I looked up, Azio was already gone, and Groth was watching me closely.

“I promise I’m okay.”

“Would you like to watch another movie?”

“Please. I need to use the bathroom first, though.”

He grunted and stood. Reluctantly, I did the same. Cramps tugged at my middle with increasing strength, and I made my way up the stairs, already thinking that I should bring some pads downstairs with me so I could use the guest bathroom.

I was almost to the open bathroom door when I heard an odd, wet sound coming from within. I didn’t stop to consider Azio might be doing something in the bathroom with the door opened. But I should have. Oh, Lord, I should have.

He stood in front of the toilet, his pants riding low on his hips, as he watched his hand furiously stroke his massive length. The bottle of conditioner on the counter beside him explained what I was hearing.

With a hiss, he thrust into his palm a final time, covering the head of his shaft with his other hand. Ropes of white dripped into the toilet as he jerked and twitched for what seemed like an eternity.

Breathing hard, he looked up, and our gazes locked.

“Thank you for touching me. Can you turn on the water?”

I blinked at him for a moment, my gaze flicking to his cum-and-conditioner coated hands before I hurried to help. He washed his hands, dried them, and tucked his still hard length back into his pants. All the while, I stood there like the shellshocked woman I was.

When he finished, I watched him take a pad out of the box and set it next to the toilet. Then, he stalked toward me. Impossible not to do since I was still standing between him and the doorway.

“Will you play with my ears again when you’re done?” he asked.

Holy shit. I’d caused this? My heart was still racing from what I’d witnessed. The sight of him, head bent as he masturbated, muscles rippling with each forceful stroke, would forever be burned into my brain. And I was…thankful for that.

He watched me, his expression hopeful, and I managed a nod.

“I can hear your heart racing.”

His big hand cupped the back of my head, and he slowly leaned in to press his forehead against mine.

“Tell me you are not agreeing out of fear. I want your touch very much, but only whatever you’re willing to give.”

“Okay.” The word came out breathy.

He pulled back enough to brush my forehead with a kiss and went back for the conditioner. Instead of returning the conditioner to the shower, where it had been this morning, he set it on the back of the tank.

“Call out if you need anything. I will hear you.”

As soon as the door closed, I turned to grip the counter and stared at my red face. He’d come up here to masturbate because of a simple touch. He hadn’t wheedled or guilted me into anything. He’d simply gotten up to take care of things himself.

I glanced at where he’d placed the conditioner.

And he planned to do it again.

A slow grin chased away the shock and my insides fluttered with anticipation—a feeling I hadn’t experienced in years.

Impatient to tease Azio’s ear, I hurriedly took care of myself and jogged back downstairs. Well, it started out as a walk but turned in a jog on the last three steps when I saw he was watching for me. His gaze went right to my breasts, and I didn’t regret the ache the extra jostling had created.

“Ready for another movie?” Groth asked, also watching.

“Yes, please.”

“Are you hungry?” Azio asked. “Do you want your cookie dough?”

“Not yet.”

I was looking forward to something else. The hot water bottle was warmed again, and my nest of blankets ready for me to slide in. As soon as I was in position, Azio resumed his seat.

The room grew warmer while I played with Azio’s ear and read about a billionaire dominating his assistant. My core clenched a few times at a really good part, and I wondered what Azio would do if I leaned forward to run my tongue along the sensitive edge instead of my finger.

Minutes passed. The book grew steamier. My curiosity increased. I shifted position from my back to my side, scooting a little closer. His ear was right there, and Groth’s view was easily blocked by Azio’s head.

I smiled slightly and leaned in.

Azio moaned and turned his head just enough to give me better access. I nibbled his earlobe and dragged the tip of my tongue to the end of his ear, then gently sucked. He was panting when I pulled back and turned his head to look at me.

The hunger I saw there robbed me of breath and some of my smug humor.

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I shouldn’t have—”

He pressed two fingers over my mouth.

“Open and honest, Terri. It will tear my heart open if you did something you didn’t like. Did you like that?”

I slowly nodded.

“Then why are you sorry?”

He removed his fingers.

“I thought you were angry that I’d teased you.”

“Never. I would do anything for more of your teasing.”

“Even if it doesn’t lead to sex?”

“Yes. I like all of your touches.”


He grunted and stood. It was only then that I realized Groth had paused the movie and was watching me like the real-life drama machine I seemed to be today.

“I will be right back,” Azio said, moving for the stairs.

My gaze bounced between Groth and Azio. Groth made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

“He hopes you will watch again,” he said.

I flushed scarlet, but rather than hide in my blanket nest, I pushed back the covers and hurried up the stairs. Azio’s pants were already sagging on his hips when I joined him. This time, his moves weren’t frenzied. His tight grip slid down to the base then returned to the head in a slow stroke.

Stepping closer, I took in his size. Long and thick—thicker than anything I’d ever seen—it still seemed profane to me. But my core clenched as I watched his big hands barely close around his shaft. What was it going to feel like to have that inside of me?

He turned his head toward me. I glanced up, briefly meeting his gaze before I refocused on his hands. He picked up the tempo, stroking faster and faster until he was thrusting into his palm.

My breathing was just as rapid as Azio’s when he covered himself with his other hand and came in a torrent.