Demon Discord by M.J. Haag

Chapter Nineteen

Groth hadpancakes waiting for us, along with chocolate syrup and a knowing grin, when we came down for breakfast a while later. They both tried steering me toward the couch, but I shook my head.

“Guys, I’m good. I loved the pampering the first few days, but now that the cramps are gone, I’d rather not spend another day lying around.”

“Not even for sex?” Groth asked, his tone conveying his stunned confusion. “I heard the happy noises you were making. Didn’t you like it?”

“I liked it just fine, you meddler. Thanks for the towel, by the way.”

He grunted but still looked troubled. He wasn’t the only one. Azio wore a similar frown.

“It’s because I said it was fine, isn’t it?” I asked.

Azio nodded.

I sighed. “That was a modest answer—something I would say in polite company. I loved what we did. I’ve never come so hard before. Feeling every inch of you, stretching me…filling me was divine. I hope that doesn’t go away when my period ends. But right now, the last thing I want to do is have sex again. You’re bigger than I’m used to. By a lot. And I’m sore.”

Azio gave me a sexy smirk.

“After we eat, I can lick your pussy instead, and you can play with my ears. My cock doesn’t need to be in your tight, warm—”

“I get that you like that word,” I said, holding my hand over his mouth, “but it’s not my favorite. Let’s go with fun zone, okay? And it needs a small intermission before we do anything again.”

He licked my palm.

“What do you want to do until you’re ready, then?” Groth asked. “I can find more movies.”

“No more movies, please,” I said, removing my hand from Azio’s mouth. “If all goes well, I should be pregnant within a week or two. So, I thought that if we have something to trade, I’d like to go back to my old house for more of the baby clothes they have.”

Both men stared at me. I frowned.

“You need to give me a hint. I’m not sure what about that has upset you.”

“You will be pregnant soon?”

“Yeah…you know, a woman’s fertile window is usually fourteen days before her next cycle. I’m pretty regular between twenty-eight and thirty days. So, in a few days, my fun zone will be all yours until I stop having periods.”

Azio made a satisfied sound.

“Fourteen days?” Azio asked.

“Yep. Pretty much the middle of the cycle. My egg only lives a day or less. But a man’s sperm can stay alive for days inside of me. That’s why there’s a fertile window. We just need to make sure there are living swimmers in me when I ovulate.”

“We do not need to wait for your period to end. I will wash your fun zone with my seed as many times a day as you allow,” Azio said.

“Which is why I’m anticipating a pretty quick pregnancy.” I smiled at both of them, overflowing with joy. “I can’t wait to add a baby to this family. Brooke was right. It will be so spoiled.”

Groth started putting away breakfast, and I hadn’t even managed more than three bites.

“I will find more man books. You can read while Azio licks you. Cheri likes when Farco does that. It will help keep your fun zone wet and relaxed for Azio. I can bring in a cool water bottle when Azio is finished. It will help prevent pain so he can penetrate you more than once a day. How many times a day are needed for pregnancy? Will you know when the baby is made? Can I watch to see how it’s done? You will have many fey wanting to listen to the baby’s heart. And we will find more chocolate for you to prevent headaches and sickness.” The words tumbled from him in a rush as he moved.

I quickly stood and grabbed his arms.

“Groth, breathe.” He stopped and took a deep breath like I directed. “You’re panicking. Don’t. That’s my job. You need to be cool and steady, right?”

He grunted, but I could see in his eyes that he was creating a mental list a mile long for the baby that Azio and I wanted to make. A baby he wanted us to make just as badly. As much as I loved his attention, he really needed a woman of his own. He was too attentive and sweet not to have one.

Plus, his question about watching made me nervous. Or maybe curiously excited, which I didn’t want to acknowledge.

“You should come with us to Tenacity, Groth. There are other girls in the house that you might like to meet.”

His pupils narrowed, and I knew I had his attention.

“I will go.”

“What will your house want for trade?” Azio asked.

“Anything that will keep them warm or from starving. Blankets. Dried goods. Canned items are fine, but they don’t stretch as far. Honestly, though, they won’t think the baby clothes are worth much and won’t expect much for them. So canned goods could work too.”

“We have many blankets from Warrensburg. Mom put them in the basement of the storage shed. We can take those.”


Within an hour, we had blankets packed in totes, and the same fey who’d helped retrieve them from Warrensburg carried them to Tenacity with us.

Our reception wasn’t entirely welcome. Those gathered near the wall where we landed glared, and one stupid man told the fey they weren’t welcome there.

After spending so much time with Azio and Groth, I saw what it did to the fey. The hurt. The hopelessness.

“Come on. Let’s trade and go back home.” Our group drew enough attention that Matt, the leader of Tenacity, intercepted us before we reached the house.

“Morning, Azio. What brings you to Tenacity?”

“We have blankets for my old housemates,” I said.

Matt’s brows rose. “Old?”

My chest tightened, and I threaded my fingers through Azio’s for support. I knew everything had happened quickly, and everyone would think what they would. But that didn’t make this moment any more comfortable.

“I’ve moved to Tolerance to be with Azio.”

“Well then, congratulations to both of you. And I’m glad I had a chance to hear it from you myself. There are rumors going around that you’d been taken against your will.”

I snorted.

“Absolutely not. Azio offered me a place after Wayne told me we were no longer married. I didn’t realize how badly I needed a fresh start.” I glanced at Azio and smiled. “Or someone who knew how to treat me right.”

Azio tugged me into his arms for a hug and a light kiss to my forehead. It wasn’t to impress Matt or the few people unobtrusively watching us. It was for me, and I felt completely cherished at that moment.

“Well, I couldn’t be happier for you,” Matt said sincerely. “And if there are any leftover blankets after you visit your old house, be sure to let me know. I know a few families who could use them.”

“We will,” I said.

He nodded and walked off, leaving us to travel the rest of the way on our own.

Bobby answered the door when we knocked.

“Hey, Azio, it’s been a while. It’s good to see you, too, Terri. Come in. Wayne’s not here right now.”

“That’s fine. I’m not here for Wayne,” I said.

We followed Bobby into the kitchen, where he and Grandma were in the middle of a game of cards.

“I was hoping to make a trade. All these blankets for the baby clothes in the basement.” I gestured to the totes the fey were setting down in the living room. “I figured you could keep what you want and trade up for what you need with them.”

“Absolutely,” Grandma said without hesitation. “Wayne’s bringing less wood back. Something about having to go farther to find trees that are already dead. I think they’re cutting fresh stuff to season it for next winter, too. But a fat lot of good that does us now.” As she spoke, she motioned for us to follow her. “I’m guessing things are going just fine for you then?”

“More than fine. Going to Tolerance was the best decision I ever made.” I reclaimed Azio’s hand, and his thumb stroked over my skin.

“Good. I’m happy for you. Sad for us, though. Things just haven’t been the same with you gone.”

We sorted through the blankets then went to the basement to sort through the baby clothes. I took what I thought was fair then told her she’d do well to trade the rest to fey since they were very interested in having families someday.

“Is that why you want the baby clothes? Are you thinking of starting one of your own?”

I smiled, letting the joy I felt show.

“We are.”

“Congratulations then.” She smiled, but she looked more worried than happy.

“I left Tolerance’s wall, you know. To see what it’s like out there. To face my fears. It’s not pretty. The infected are still there and want their due. They’re smart, just like Bobby and Bram say they are. But with the fey, there’s hope. We can’t keep living like there’s not. Every fey here kept me safe, and I know they’ll keep any children I’m lucky enough to have safe too.”

Her smile widened.

“That’s good to know. Think any of them are into silver surfing?”

“Grandma!” Bobby yelled with a groan.

She winked at me.

“The itch never dies. It just needs to be scratched less frequently.”

“I’m done.” Bobby ran out of the basement, and I laughed with Grandma.

When we had three totes full of various baby clothes, we headed upstairs with our haul.

Abi, Danielle, and Greyly were just coming in. The little girl’s eyes went wide at the sight of the fey, and she hid behind Abi’s legs.

“Abi. Danielle. This is Groth, one of my new housemates.” I glanced at Azio. “And this is Azio. My…”

I wasn’t sure what to call him. A boyfriend label seemed a little weak since we were already talking about making a baby together. But “husband” seemed too fake or staged, considering I’d just left mine.

“Azio is my forever,” I said.

He leaned in and brushed a kiss on my forehead. “And you are mine.”

“That’s really nice, Terri. I’m happy for you,” Danielle said. Her gaze shifted between me, Groth, and Azio. “I didn’t realize they share houses over there too.”

“Some do. Some don’t. It depends on the fey, I think. I’m glad Azio and Groth live together, though. It’s more fun with three of us.”

The door had opened for the last part, and with an angry expression, Wayne entered the kitchen.

“You make me sick, Terri. I didn’t believe what they were telling me. Fucking one isn’t bad enough? You need to fuck two?”

Groth growled, and I grinned.

“No. Just the one. He’s more than enough for me. The rest are here because they’re genuinely nice people. Something you used to be a long time ago.”

He shook his head at me. “I don’t even know you anymore.”

“I’m starting to wonder if you ever did. I’m happy, Wayne. I hope you can eventually find happiness, too.”

I looked at Azio, who was glaring at Wayne. “His loss is your gain. Are you ready to take me home?”

Azio grunted and picked me up bride style in front of my ex.

“Are you still sore?” my handsome grey fey asked.

“Nope. I think I’m ready to practice again.”

Grandma laughed, and Wayne swore under his breath as we left my old home. The fey surrounded us like we were out on a supply run again, and I snuggled close to Azio, loving the way they protected me.

“You really are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“I love you, Terri. I will always care for you and any babies you allow me to help create.”

I leaned up and pressed my lips against his neck, my libido kicking into high gear.

“I think you need to run home faster, so we can get started on the practicing. My Azio.”

He growled at the sound of that, his lips curving into a smile, and jumped the wall for home.