Strong Mafia Daddy by Scott Wylder











I lied in bed, rock hard. Zoe had no idea, but the rooms weren’t that soundproof, and she wasn’t as quiet as she thought she was. I knew she was masturbating, thinking about a Daddy fucking her, making her beg for his cock. I heard every single moan and whimper she made, including when she tried to muffle herself as she came. She was so fucking irresistible.

Several minutes after she finished, I had calmed down enough to get up and get dressed. I should forget I ever heard her and continue with my original plan to take care of her, but I couldn’t forget it. I wanted to turn her into my Little, and then I would spoil her, make her laugh, and discipline her when she was naughty for the rest of my life.

I smiled to myself. I didn’t want anything more than her.

I came downstairs just as Mark pulled into the driveway. I went out to meet him as he pulled suitcases out of the backseat. “Need a hand?”

“Thanks, but I got it, boss. She didn’t have much.” He stacked three suitcases on the sidewalk.

“Tell me about her place.”Mark rubbed the back of his neck. “It was a shitshow. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a place that bad. I almost fell through the stairs on the way up. They’re practically rotted all the way through.”

“What else?”

“Heat is busted. The place is freezing. She has three roommates, but only one of them was home, and he wasn’t exactly a peach. Smelled like a fucking ashtray.” He shuddered. “And I don’t want to judge her belongings, but she isn’t exactly wearing Bloomingdales. Most of her clothes had holes worn through them. They’re barely fit to be turned into cleaning rags, let alone be worn.” He rubbed the back of his neck and lowered his voice. “And when I was leaving, I heard gunshots from a couple of blocks away. I didn’t see anything, and I followed your orders about not starting anything I didn’t have to, but that area isn’t exactly Beverly Hills. If she stayed there, it was only a matter of time before something bad happened to her.”

“Thanks, Mark. Unload this into the living room. Then buy coloring books and crayons.”

He nodded but then hesitated as if he wanted to ask me something.

I sighed. “What is it?”He rubbed the back of his neck. “I know it’s not my place, but has there been any word from Ivan?”I glared at him. “You’re right. It’s not your place.”He nodded. “Sorry, boss.” He carried the bags into the house without another word. I sighed. I needed to get in touch with Ivan. I needed information about things on his hand.

I went inside in time to see Zoe coming down the stairs. My cock hardened as I remembered the noises I heard this morning coming from her room. She was quickly becoming an obsession when I should be thinking about more pressing matters.

“Good morning, little one,” I said. “One of my men got your things from your apartment. He’s putting them in the living room right now.”

“That was fast,” she said.

“I wanted to make sure you had everything you need. He’s going to get your coloring supplies next.”

She blushed. “He must think I’m insane for wanting that.”“It’s none of his business,” I said firmly. “And he knows better than to question it.” My tone was harsher than I meant it to be. I just didn’t want her to put herself down for wanting to color. “You’re not insane,” I said in a gentler voice. “I don’t want you to be ashamed about wanting to color.”

Zoe nodded. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”“You don’t have to apologize either.” I reached out and gently grabbed her hand. “Let’s go get some breakfast. Ingrid will have it ready by now.”

“Wow. She does everything around here, doesn’t she?”

“She does.” I smiled. “She never liked to sit down and rest. She always needed to be doing something for as long as I’ve known her.”

“Have you known her for long?”“My entire life. She was my nanny when I was younger. She practically raised me. My parents were too busy running the family business to have much time for me. Until I became old enough to join.”

“And now you run the business?”I nodded. “My father died a few years ago. My mother decided to retire and moved to Hawaii, leaving me to take over.”

“What is it you do, exactly?” She blushed and looked away. “I mean, my brother mentioned you own nightclubs.”

“Among other things. I own a chain of gentlemen’s clubs all across the East coast. Your brother probably thought I would make you a dancer in one of them. I don’t force people to work in my clubs, though.”

“Do you enjoy it?” She sounded nervous as if she was scared about my answer even though we were talking about a legitimate part of my business.

“It’s like any other job,” I said. “Sometimes I enjoy it. Sometimes it’s tedious. What did you do for work?”

“I work retail-- or I guess I used to. I probably need to quit now, don’t I?”

“That depends. Did you like your job?” I wanted to keep her all to myself, but I didn’t want to take her away from something she enjoyed. It wouldn’t be easy, but I would be willing to make the necessary arrangements if she wanted to continue working.

“Not really. It’s more tedious than enjoyable. Long hours, low pay, and a lot of customers yelling at me.”

I winced. “That sounds brutal.” We reached the kitchen. I opened the door for her and gestured her inside. Ingrid was finishing cooking breakfast, just as I thought.

“It wasn’t the worst job I’ve had. It paid the bills. Kept me off the street.”She might not have been homeless, but from what Mark told me, her apartment was barely habitable. I hated thinking about her struggling, but it was okay. I would take care of her now.

We sat down at the table, and Ingrid put French toast and bacon in front of us. Zoe’s eyes widened at the sight of all the food, and she grinned. “All of this is for me?”

I smiled. “You didn’t think I was going to starve you, did you?”

She blushed. “Well, no, of course not. I just don’t think I've eaten this much food at once before, especially not two meals in a row.”

“Really?” I looked at the plates. It was just a regular serving to me.

“We never had real meals growing up because we didn’t have time.  It was usually a quick bite or two in between school and work. My brother and I had to pitch in with working odd jobs after school to make ends meet, and then we would fall asleep too exhausted to be hungry. Even after I moved out, I never had time to sit down for a regular meal.”I couldn’t even imagine it. Even though my parents had always been busy running the family business, we always had meals as a family. It was a requirement. You had to be on your deathbed to miss a meal. “Well, I hope you grow to like sitting down for meals because I require it. I need to make sure you’re eating correctly, little one.”

She blushed and nodded. “I think I will. Thank you.”“Good girl.” Her blush grew deeper at my praise which made my pleasure grow.

We ate the rest of our meal in silence. I wanted to talk to her more, but I needed to focus on other things, like why I was in Queensville in the first place, which meant that after breakfast, I needed to make a call.

After we ate, Zoe went to take her belongings upstairs while I dialed Ivan’s number. His gruff voice sounded a second later. “I told you not to contact me.”

“I’m getting tired of waiting,” I said. “What have you found out?”

“My father ordered the hit,” he said. “My brother had nothing to do with it. He’s been too busy sleeping his way down the Eastern Seaboard to care.” The disdain in his voice was evident. Ivan didn’t think much of his brother. Despite being the heir in one of the oldest Russian mafia families in the United States, Ivan’s brother had about as much maturity as an old shoe. But Ivan and his father butt heads too often for Ivan ever to get a shot at running the family business. It had taken only a little bit of arm twisting to get Ivan to find dirt on his family.

“So your father is the one who tried to kill me.” I felt a rush of anger. I wouldn’t care about the hit as much, except the hitman decided to strike while I was spending time with my parents. His bullet missed my mother’s head by two inches. Almost killing my family is unacceptable.

“Yes,” Ivan said. “He will be going to Miami alone in two weeks. That will be your best opportunity to talk to him. Among other things.” There was a tinge of sadness in his voice. Despite the bad blood between Ivan and his father, I knew he didn’t like betraying him. I had to be prepared if Ivan decided to back out of our deal and warn his father.

“You’ve done well,” I said. “Leave the rest to me. Soon you’ll be in charge of your family business, and our alliance will bring in a new era of prosperity for both of us.”

“I cannot wait to celebrate our new era in person. But in the meantime, do not contact me again, or neither of us will live to see it.” He hung up with a click.

I put down my phone and went out to look out the living room window as I pondered my options. I had known it was either Ivan’s brother or father who had tried to kill me. I just needed Ivan to confirm which one. I didn’t want to shoot the wrong one and let the other get away. Now that I knew for sure, I had the perfect opportunity to get my revenge. Not only that, but with Ivan’s father dead and my alliance secured with him, I wouldn’t have to hide in Queensville anymore. It would be safe for me to go back to my old life. But now I’d be going back with Zoe.