Strong Mafia Daddy by Scott Wylder










Zoe was adorable. I was going to make her relax somehow. I needed her to trust me. I wanted to make her happy, and I couldn’t do that if she were terrified of me.

She was right about one thing. I did want to kill her landlord. Just leaving someone to get hurt like that was disgusting. And I wanted him to suffer. But she didn’t want me to hurt him. The last thing I needed was for her to get hurt again. 

After showing Zoe to her room and getting her comfortable, Ingrid came down and fixed me with a stern look. “You better have a good explanation for her,” she said.

“First of all, I didn’t hurt her,” I said. “And she came here of her own free will.”

“She’s terrified of you.”“Do you think I’m happy about that?” I ran my hand through my hair, feeling restless. I was used to being tired and stressed. It came with the job. I felt more agitated than usual now because I had someone I wanted to turn into my Little, and she thought I was a monster. “Her brother tried to sell her to me to pay off his debt. I never asked him to do that, and I was ready to refuse, but she volunteered.”

“You could have still refused.”

“She’s hurt, Ingrid. You saw her. Do you think I roughed her up like that?”

Ingrid’s frown lessened. “No,” she said softly. “You’re much too kind for that.”

She always wanted to see the best in me, ever since I was little. I wished I could live up to her image of me. I looked away. “She was clearly in a horrible situation, and I didn’t want to leave her like that,” I said. “She’s kind and brave enough to save her brother even after he betrayed her.”

“You have a big heart, Tony. I believe you. But you’ll have to do a lot of convincing to get her to trust you. And please be careful. She can get hurt just from being around you.”

I cringed, remembering why I was in a small town like Queensville, to begin with. “I know,” I said softly. “But I won’t let her get hurt. I’ll protect her. Just like I protect you.”

Ingrid scoffed. “I knew what I was signing up for when your mother hired me to be your nanny all those years ago. But can you say the same about Zoe?”

I grimaced. “I think you’ve made your point, Ingrid. I’m sure by now our guest is hungry. Can you please get her something to eat?”

“Of course.” She took my whiskey glass out of my hand. “And I’ll get some water for you too. You can’t be hungover when you have a guest.”I sighed. “Fair enough.”

While Ingrid went to the kitchen, I called Mark, one of my men, and told him to go to Zoe’s apartment in the city and collect her belongings. “I want a full report on her apartment, too,” I said. “I want to know how she’s been living.”“You got it, boss,” Mark said. “Any information I should know about? Like if she has a boyfriend with a shotgun?”

“She didn’t mention one,” I said.  “Be prepared just in case but don’t start anything you don’t have to.”

“You got it.”

With that taken care of, I went upstairs to check on Zoe. I should just leave her alone, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to take care of her. And the sooner I knew what she wanted and needed, the sooner I could provide for her.

I listened at her door for any sounds, but I couldn’t hear anything. I knocked softly on the door. “Zoe, it’s me,” I said. “Can I come in?”“Yes.”I opened the door to find her sitting up in bed, the blanket wrapped around her waist. Her jeans were crumpled up on the ground, and I knew she was only in her underwear under the blanket. The thought of it was enough to make my cock hard.

I pushed that thought away. She needed care, not seduction. “How are you settling in?”

“Very well,” she said. She looked around the room. “The bed is very comfy.”

I smiled. “I’m glad you like it.” I sat down on the corner of her bed. “I have one of my men going to get your things right now. Is there anything else I can do to make you feel more comfortable? Maybe some books or movies? Or would you like a laptop or video game console?”

She looked down with a blush. “This is going to sound silly.”

“Try me.”

“I would like a coloring book and crayons.” she shrugged. “I know it sounds childish, but it helps me calm down.”

Her innocent request made my blood heat up with desire. Was it possible Zoe was a Little? It doesn’t matter. She wouldn’t want you for a Daddy. “That’s not silly at all, little one. What would you like? Princesses? Superheroes? Animals?”

“Any is fine. Just not an adult coloring book. They’re too intricate to be fun.”

“Of course, little one.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Because I want to spoil you. Why is that so hard to understand?”She shivered. “You were going to kill my brother, and probably me, only a couple of hours ago. I don’t understand why you would care about me now.”

“I was never going to kill you,” I said. “I don’t like killing, little one. I only do it when I think it’s necessary, or when someone angers me beyond reason.” Family betrayal always sets me off. “I want you to feel safe with me, little one.”

She looked away. “I can’t remember the last time I felt safe,” she said. “So don’t be angry if I don’t feel safe with you.”I itched to take her into my arms and hold her and comfort her. “I’ll never be angry with you, little one. I promise.” I looked away. “I’ll leave you to rest. Ingrid will bring you your dinner tonight.”

“I’m not eating with you?”

I smiled softly. “I want you to relax, and I don’t think you can fully relax in my presence yet. So no, you’ll be eating in here. Maybe tomorrow we’ll have dinner together.”She blushed. “Thank you, Tony.”“My pleasure, little one.”