The Guardian by Diana Knightley

Fourteen - Kaitlyn

Iasked, “So what the hell is going on?”

James was quiet and awkward.

Magnus said, “Master Cook plans tae marry Madame Sophie.”

“What the... seriously? James, have you lost your mind?”

Quentin laughed. “That’s what I said.”

James said, “Go ahead, get it out of your system. She’s coming downstairs in a minute to eat and you need to be done insulting me.”

I sputtered with my hands out. “But... what the... don’t you... Hayley has to... what the hell dude....”

“Nice, eloquent, done now?”

“James, listen, she’s from the eighteenth century, right? She’s different, less modern, more religious, she will ‘obey’ you and it won’t be ironically.”

James said, “Beaty is a modern woman.”

I huffed. “Beaty is an anomaly.”

Quentin said, “I’m not sure I’m down with everyone using Beaty as the best and worst case scenarios. Beaty and I have been married now for years and she’s a part of this family and y’all need to shut up about it.”

I frowned. “I’m truly sorry Quentin, I was just painting a picture. I love Beaty and intend no insult toward her. She was just young and it could have been so hard to bring her into the family. The fact that she fit so well is a testament to her personality.”

James said, “Madame Sophie has an excellent personality, she’s a lady of science.”

I scoffed, “Like you’ve noticed over her bosom.”

He grinned.

“I do want you to know, you’re going faster with her than I did with Magnus.”

“Sure, and as a friend I told you that you were making a mistake, but I also butted out of it.”

“Yeah, but by marrying her you’re bringing her into our girl group. Me and Hayley and Emma and Beaty are going to have to like her. Do you know how hard it is to get four women to agree about a fifth woman?”

He joked, “That sounds like a personal problem.”

I said, “The other thing I hate to mention, that means your wedding would be two days after my anniversary, can I not have a single celebration that isn’t usurped by someone else in the family?”

“Hey, I’m about to put my wedding anniversary on the greatest, most patriotic celebration of the year, you don’t see me complaining.”

“You’re just thinking how cool it will be to blow off fireworks on your wedding day.”

“Can you imagine how amazed she will be?”