Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane









“I NEED YOU to step up to your place, Fen,” Jack says. “And you, Brandon.”

Fen and I have been summoned to the great hall to discuss tomorrow’s plans.

“I will do what needs to be done,” Fen says, scowling at his brother. “Even if it kills me.”

He does not like being reminded of his abstinence from clan business, although the facts are hard to dispute. Neither of us has taken responsibility for negotiating or meeting with other clans. Other than the odd bit of mischief, which does little for our standing.

The actions of the Lyon clan cannot go ignored. So, although Fen and Jack are newly mated, we must face into this challenge.

“It will not kill you unless you fuck up,” Jack says. “Do not fuck up.”

Jack is the older of the two brothers by many years. A big brawny Alpha, he is measured in his handling of matters unless you incur his wrath, as the bitch Nola will attest. After her mischief with their mate, Nola was gifted as a slave to the Halket clan. Angering Jack is in no one’s best interest.

Jack’s stern gaze shifts to me, and his eyes narrow. “I heard Jessa’s father has given his permission for you to wed. I hope you will likewise remember you have a lass as well as family counting on you not to fail.”

I look toward Fen, who shrugs with a smirk. I consider pointing out that I follow Fen’s lead and so have diminished responsibility in this. Still, I don’t believe Jack would appreciate any humor or backtalk at this point.

“We will do what we need to do,” Fen says. “They need allies as much as us. Old Karry has long been seen as a gentle king. Some consider it his weakness. But Eric is not cut from the same cloth. I do not think Karry’s peaceful ways will serve him well. We all fear that the Lyons are building up to an attack. Their actions suggest as much. We need to support each other, and I will tell him as much. Only do not tell me to apologize to Eric. The bastard has already put a good beating on me. I will not grovel as well.”

Jack’s lips twitch. “Goddess forbid you should lower yourself so,” he says. “Just negotiate with a civil tongue and don’t get into a fight with Eric is all I’m asking.”

Melancholy since the death of his late mate, Jack has begun to find humor and joy again since the arrival of their sweet little Beta mate. Fen spent many years angry after his parents died. I know much of his rebelliousness was because he thought the Goddess had abandoned him. Their Beta mate, Hazel, has been good for them both. It’s unusual for two Alphas to mate with a single Beta. More often, they would take two as mates. But if the frequent sounds of pleasure and rutting emanating from their home are anything to go by, she is not suffering from their attention.

“We can do that,” Fen agrees.

“We will,” I add.

Any further conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Jessa and Hazel. The two lasses have been together much of late and have become firm friends. As I study them side by side, I realize how tiny Jessa is.

“If we have finished talking… ” Fen trails off as he scoops Hazel up into his arms. She squeals and giggles as he makes a beeline for the bedding chamber.

Jack rolls his eyes, although he is looking longingly after the pair of them.

“If I’m excused, sire, I’ll walk Jessa home.”

“Aye,” Jack says, only half-listening as he follows Fen and his mate. More sounds of giggling emanate from the bedding chamber.

Jessa peeps at me under her lashes, and we both burst out laughing.

“It’s a good job the lass is lusty,” I say. Taking Jessa’s hand, we take the wooden steps before heading out into the village square.

“You’re not really taking me home, are you?” Jessa asks.

Glancing over, I see mischief shining in her face. I raise a brow. “Why, what else did you have in mind?” I subtly swap her hand and slide the other over her ass… just to check. “Have you got any panties on today?”

“I have,” she says. “But I can soon change that.”

My dick is already rising to hopeful attention even though it has yet to get a look in. I am determined to go slowly with her, to show her as much pleasure as I can before claiming pleasure for myself. Guilt still consumes me that I spanked her in a jealous rage. Afterward, I convinced myself that I wasn’t worthy, and further, had no chance of claiming Jessa as mine. Foolishly, I went and rutted another lass.

A shifter is a complex beast. We are half animal, and at times, those instincts rule our thoughts and actions.

I will pay my dues with a cock that aches to the point of pain every time I escort Jessa back to her home well sated from my attention.

We walk hand in hand all the way to our favorite place underneath the giant oak tree. It is a warm afternoon, and the air is full of sweet scents from the flowering creepers.

“I want to try something different today,” she says with an impish smile.

I raise my brows, instantly suspicious. I have done everything a man can do to a lass except for rutting and touching her little puckered back hole. I have thought about both. I have thought about a thousand fucking things with my cock in my own hand as I jack off after leaving her on the steps of her home.

It doesn’t satisfy me, but I will be patient with the lass if it kills me.

Likely, it will kill me. Before, I was worried about Ed nailing my balls to the barn wall. Now it is death by blue balls that I fear.

So, I greet her enthusiastic determination that she wants to try something new with a measure of dread and curiosity. The lass has taken well to the ‘other things’, as she calls them, but I sense her impatience. I don’t even know why I’m hesitating. Her father has given his blessing. We have pledged commitment to one another. The wedding is a formality now. No one would care if we were to take the next step… except maybe her pa, who suffers begrudging tolerance toward me. Happen he could tip back into rage should I fuck up.

“What sort of thing?” I ask, bracing myself for this future torment.

Her answer is a giggle that does nothing to ease my concerns.

On reaching the tree, I sit, tugging her down beside me, and fighting my natural urge to thrust her little hide skirt up and bury my face in between.

We should talk, maybe…

Fuck it!

She squeals and laughs as I tip her onto her back. Caging her tiny, lush body beneath mine, I kiss her until we are both breathless. My hand slips under her hide skirt. I groan on discovering that she is not wearing any fucking panties. The lass is a shameless hussy of the highest order. My blue balls thank the Goddess for sending this treasure to me.

I tell myself I can go slowly, but her pussy is addictive and tastes fucking delicious. Thrusting her skirt up, I get ready to feast.

“Brandon, stop.”

Her gasped command brings me to a halt. My mouth hovers inches over her wet folds, and my nose is full of her scent. I want badly to pin her to the forest floor and lick all the juices up.

When I glance up, I find her eyes so dark with lust, they appear almost black.

She wriggles, sitting up, pushing me backward, and crawling over me.

“I want to try something different,” she says, her breath a gusty pant. “Please.”

I am sprawled out on my back, at her mercy, although I am twice her size. “No rutting,” I say seriously.

Her lips tug up. “No rutting,” she agrees.

I nod.

Her small hands are on my belt buckle before I realize her intent. I try to peel her off, but she is fucking fast and nibble when she has a mind to be.

“Goddess!” she says.

I groan and lose all will to fight as she grasps my dick within her tiny hands. I am so fucking primed. If I so much as breathe heavily, she is going to find herself smothered in my cum.

“Gods!” I say, flinging an arm across my eyes. I cannot fucking look.

It’s no use, I can still see her kneeling between my splayed legs with my ruddy dick clasped within her tiny hands, her cheeks pink, and lips parted in shock.

“It looks painful,” she says, giving a tentative pump.

“Aye,” I say, voice a roughened grunt. I am so close to spilling my load like a green whelp. I try thinking about the rotting sheep carcass I found in the ditch last week, but it only helps so much.

“It is so soft,” she says, hands moving up and down a little bolder. She is talking to herself, her future husband all but forgotten.

Goddess help me find the will to endure this tentative exploration!

I lift my arm and take a swift glance.

Bad idea, but I have seen now, and I cannot force my eyes to avert. My cock is leaking like a tap all over her tiny, pumping hands. Her focus is absolute on what she is doing. She does not look afraid. She looks fucking hungry.

“Does that help?” she asks.

“Some,” I say. It is a torturous kind of helping truth be told. “You need to stop now, Jessa.”

“What? Why?” Eyes flashing to meet mine, she grasps me tighter like I might take her prize away.

“I’m going to fucking come,” I say.

“Good,” she says decisively. “That is what I want.”

Turning back to the prize in her hands, she lowers her head and licks the crown.

I feel like the top of my head has just exploded off. My lower spine tingles, and my balls tighten. I fight the urge to come in a way that is nothing short of heroic.

Then she sucks half the length into the hot cavern of her mouth.

I can’t hold it. I don’t have a fucking chance, and what feels like a gallon of cum shoots down her throat.

I groan-growl, mind empty to everything but the heady sensation of cum ejecting from the tip of my dick. Blindly, I grasp a handful of her hair and try to pull her off before she chokes herself. My cock won’t stop spewing. I see stars, and my capacity for clear thinking is lost.

“Spit it out,” I say, poking a finger in her mouth to try and scoop the worst of it out.

The little brat bites me. Finger throbbing, I blink a few times trying to assimilate the vision before me. My chest saws. My dick jerks with renewed interest at the arresting sight of Jessa high on my cum. Eyes hooded in bliss, she is stuffing her sticky fingers into her mouth and sucking it all down. My rough hold of her hair barely registers as she licks her fingers clean.

“Gods, you are a lusty lass,” I say. “How the fuck did I get so lucky?”

She gives me an impish grin before her eyes lower. “Oh,” she says, closing her small hand around my length. “Can we do that again?”

“Not a chance,” I say. “It is my turn.”

Using her hair as I leash, I haul her onto her back. The little minx groans as she tugs up her hide skirt. “Goddess, yes! Please, yes, Brandon.”

“That was very naughty, Jessa,” I say as I thrust two thick fingers into her sopping cunt.

Her hips lift as she tries to get more.

I pump slowly. Too slowly to get her off. “I told you to stop, and you ignored me. Happen you have earned yourself another spanking.”

“Yes, please, yes! Spank me. I am such a bad girl.”

As I brace over her on my hands and knees, she waits, cheeks a pretty shade of pink and eyes closed in anticipation of what I will do.

I want to laugh at her wild enthusiasm. I want to offer prayers to the Goddess that this wonder will soon join with me for life. I want to discover all the things that please her. I want to rut her. I want to watch her belly grow fat with child. I want a whole fucking brood of brats running around. I want all the pleasure as I sow each one in her perfect pussy. I want to grow old with her and watch our children grow.

Not so long ago, I desired none of these things. Now they are all that matter.

My eyes lower to where her legs are spread wide, and I see how slick and needy she is.

I still want all the things, but they are for tomorrow and the next day.

Here, in this moment, I just want to eat her out until we are both too exhausted to worry about tomorrow and the danger that it brings.