Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane









AS WE QUIT the old oak tree, I am happy, chest full of love, and body buzzing after all the pleasure Brandon has made me feel. It is not yet dark when we return home, hand in hand. But with every step, a weight seems to settle upon Brandon’s shoulders.

As we arrive at the steps of my cottage, I ask him what is wrong.

“Fen and I will be leaving tomorrow,” he says. “We need to talk to the Halket clan.”

Confused, I study him. Standing as I am, facing him on the first step, our eyes are nearly level. It is not unusual for him to travel with Fen. I will miss him while he is away, but this is a normal part of clan life.

“Jack is also leaving to speak with the Baxters. We will need alliances now.”

I shake my head, a sickness settling in my tummy.

He puts his hands upon my shoulders, letting them run all the way down until they capture my hands. His sad eyes track the movement.

“A warrior from the Lyon clan snatched a Halket lass a while ago. They claimed it was her choice. While Fen and I were out scouting, we happened upon four Lyon warriors trying to snatch another within sight of the Halket village. Had we not been there, the lass would have been raped and taken as a prize.”

Cold sweeps the length of my spine. I had not heard this. I’d learned about Brandon because Suka came over and shared the gossip with spiteful intent.

“There must be a mistake.” Behind my eyes, hot tears are forming.

“I was there, Jessa. We stopped it. The lass was screaming, mouth bloody from where they had slapped her to quieten her. I don’t like to talk to you about such things. I don’t want to scare you. But you need to stay close to the village tomorrow, and for the next few days while we are away. This cannot go unaddressed. The Lyon clan are heathens with no respect for the Goddess’ ways,” he says, bitterness entering his voice. “It has been a few years since they took the Bron clan, but Jack believes they have set their sights on larger prey. Maybe Halket since their king is seen as weak. But maybe also our clan if we do not send a clear message now.”

My lips tremble. War.

War is bad enough, but this war is with the Lyon clan—Gage’s clan.

Today was the best of days.

Tomorrow, not so much.

I have tried to push thoughts of Gage from my mind, not always with the greatest success. I can’t deny that I am drawn to the Alpha from the Lyon clan. He was kind to me, gentle, in handling my shock when I healed him in the forest that day. Why would the Goddess gift me the ability to heal him if he were bad?

My distress rises. Brandon smooths his hands up and down my arms, but it does not take the chill away.

Gage accused Brandon of starting a war that day after his mischief with the Halket clan. But now Brandon is telling me that Gage has done far worse.

Not Gage, someone from his clan.

I wonder if my attraction toward him has addled my mind such that I cannot see the truth.

In my heart, he is a proud and noble Alpha. He came all the way to our clan at great risk to check that I was well. That is not the action of a monster. He had his hands upon me twice. He could have snatched me either time had he been of mind. These are not the actions of a man who watches while his clansmen rape a lass.

Conflict consumes me. I want to argue with Brandon, but I know mentioning Gage’s name will do nothing to prevent the war. More likely, it will only anger Brandon.

He doesn’t know Gage like I do, although I admit, I do not know Gage well either.

I only know that Gage had the opportunity to harm me. He did not harm me, and further, was fiercely protective, thrusting me behind his back when Brandon stormed toward us. The two men do not like each other well. They hate each other, truth be told. That fool fantasy where they both loved me seems twice as foolish on reflection.

“Gage is not a bad man,” I say quietly.

Brandon’s jaw tightens. “Do not mention his fucking name.”

“He is not a monster, and I won’t let you say that he is.” I feel my temper rising, clashing with the sorrow, and mashing it all up into a great eruption of distress. “If these men from his clan hurt a lass, then they did it without his permission.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Brandon says. “He is not the king of his clan. He is not even the firstborn son. He is nothing, and less than nothing if he stands by and watches while his clansmen commit such acts.”

He heaves a great breath and lets it out on a sigh. “I do not want to quarrel with you, Jessa, not tonight and not now. It is not my decision that we war. I am but a Beta and do not even sit at Jack’s table. I am bound to Fen, have been since I was but a pup. For all that, I would argue with them if I thought their actions were wrong. The Lyon clan has lost its way. I will not sit by idle. Not after what I witnessed.”

His sadness and conviction bring a tightness to my chest. No matter what I think of Gage, men of his clan hurt a lass. I am sorry that Brandon had to witness such a thing, but heartened that he was there to stop it. I step closer to him, and placing my arms around his neck, press my nose into the crook of his shoulder. His scent, rich and spicy, soothes me. “I am sorry,” I say. “Sorry that it has come to this. You are right. They have lost their way.”

I feel the tension leave his body. He purrs.

But it only soothes me a little bit, for tomorrow will bring war.

When I slip back into the cottage, I find my parents talking quietly at the table. My sibling brats are in bed, except for my younger brother Amos, who will likely still be out with his friends.

They don’t ask what is wrong with me as I get ready for bed. Perhaps they similarly know about the men leaving tomorrow. I expect that they must do.

I wash up, change into my nightgown, and head for my bedding nook. Slipping inside the cool sheets, I pull the curtain closed. I lay awake for a long time, listening to the rumble of my parent’s conversation. The lights go out, quietness descends, and still, I cannot sleep.

Tossing and turning, my mind wallows in turmoil. My thoughts are like pebbles upon the loch shore, sifting and clashing and shifting again.

It is still dark behind my bedding nook curtain when I rise from my bed. Brandon said he was leaving early, but I might still catch him before he goes.

As I carefully draw my curtain back, I find my father is up, supping a brew as he throws the shutters open to let the weak morning light in.

He does a double-take as he sees me. I must look terrible, face ravaged by tears and worry, and hair a knotty mess. His face softens. Without a word, he puts his cup of brew on the counter and gathers me into his arms. “There, lass,” he says. “They will be back afore you know it.”

It has been a few years since I was cuddled by my papa, and it feels so nice.

“I’m so worried,” I say. “I feel sick with it. And Brandon won’t rut me until after because he is worried he’s going to die!” He didn’t actually say this, but I’m convinced it’s the reason.

My father chuckles softly. Drawing me away so he can see my face, he brushes the fresh tears away with the pad of his thumbs. “Ah, lass. Not sure your pa is the best person for this discussion. I was fit to nail the whelp to the barn door by his balls when I caught him spanking you. But he has stepped up in committing to you, and I am heartened by the way he is with you.”

“He makes me happy,” I say, feeling the tears threaten to spill again. I don’t remember being as happy as I have been these last few weeks. First, Hazel arrived, and in the same breath, Nola was banished from the clan.

There was a brief, painful dip in my joy when Brandon and Fen returned and I learned he had rutted another lass. Suka, the former member of Nola’s posse, had been eager to spill the gossip.

But that very same day, I met Gage in the woods. And then the next day, Brandon arrived at my door with flowers in his hands.

My heart hurts.

For both the men I have come to care for. One, I have loved all my life—have obsessed over. The other, I have watched from afar for many years only to have him crash into my world after he was attacked by an Orc.

I healed him.

Why would the Goddess work through me to heal a man who was not good?

“It means you are Goddess blessed,”Gage had said gruffly. “It will be our secret, Jessa.”

I should not be thinking of another man when Brandon will be leaving, possibly heading into danger. Yet my heart does not care for reason.

My heart still wants them both.

I suffer so much guilt.

“I was going to see him now,” I say. “Do you think they will have left yet?”

He glances out the window before winking at me. “If you are quick, you might catch him afore he leaves.”

“Shoes!” he calls when I race for the door still in my nightgown.

Huffing, I shove my feet into my boots, fling the door open, and clatter down the steps.

I come to an abrupt stop when I find Brandon stood there staring at my home.

He blinks slowly like he is as shocked to find me there as I similarly am.

A broad smile splits his face as he takes a few steps to me and gathers me into his arms. “I was going to knock upon the door but was worried your father would kick my ass for waking everyone up.”

“I have not slept a wink,” I say. “I am glad you are here, and I can see you before you go.”

“Me too,” he says, lips against my hair and deep rumbly purr coming from his chest.