Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane









I WAKE UP convinced I have passed into the afterlife. Only, I am not with the Goddess. No, assuredly, I am in hell. My entire body aches from my toes all the way to the roots of my hair.

A weak groan is all I can manage. The hot, hair-roughened flesh under my cheek shifts.

“Get the lass some water,” Gage says.

Another grunt comes from behind, and the warm body I only now realize is blanketing my back shifts away.

“No,” I croak, hand fumbling behind.

“I’m here, Jessa,” Brandon says. “What is it?”

“Nothing,” I say. “I am just happy.” I can’t speak further as the words catch in my parched throat. I have dreamed of being like this, laying between them, for the longest time. The soreness and deep aches of my body are of little consequence besides my joy.

They purr. The one before me is deeper and has a slight rattle. The one behind is softer and rumbly. I sob as I cling, holding them both tightly. They are inside me, in the little deeply tucked place I can sense both their anxiety and tenderness for me. Goddess, it is the most incredible sensation, and more tears leak from my poor swollen eyes.

“You do not look very fucking happy,” Gage grumbles. “Maybe I should beat the mutt some more for how slow he has been about this.”

“I am not fucking slow,” Brandon growls. “Given you’re the kind of man who stands by while his clan brothers snatch a lass, happen anyone would be slow. At least Barry won’t be taking any more lasses after Fen killed him. I ripped his worthless companion’s throat out, so he’s gone as well.”

The purring has stopped. I try to work out where this went wrong.

“Aye, and I beat two of their accomplices to death when I found out what they had done,” Gage says. “They weren’t my brothers afore, and they weren’t my brothers after.”

Silence settles, and confusion floods Brandon’s side of the bond. Gage is all seething rage.

Gage huffs out a breath. “You have me painted as a spineless bastard who would rape a lass against her will?”

“You have just stolen Jessa!” Brandon snarls.

“Aye, and she fucking wanted me to. You both needed me to.”

“Please, don’t argue,” I whisper.

They still, and the anger churning through the bond implodes.

“I’m going to get you some water,” Brandon says. “It is only on the table. I will not be away for long.”

“Okay,” I say.

I miss his warmth the moment he slips from the ruined nest. My eyes won’t open more than a crack, but I look up into Gage’s stern face. The lines soften as he takes me in. With gentle fingers, he brushes the ratty hair from my face. “Are you happy, too?” I ask, suddenly unsure of myself.

He gathers my small hand within his. Drawing it to his lips, he presses a kiss to my palm before placing it over his chest where his heart is. “The bond does not lie, lass.”

The nest is displaced as Brandon surges back in. He has far more than a waterskin in his hands. There is also a tied cloth bundle that he opens to reveal a small flatbread, wrapped cheese, and jerky. I sip a little, peeping at Brandon out of the corner of my eye. “Why don’t you shift?” I ask, brushing my fingers over the bruise that lines his jaw. Even without shifting, shifters heal faster than humans. That he is still bruised thus speaks of the terrible damage done by their fighting. My memories are hazy, but I could weep looking now.

He shakes his head, capturing my hand, and mirroring Gage, presses a kiss to the surface. “I will heal soon enough,” he says gruffly.

“I will light the fire and put some water on,” Gage says. “You will feel better for being clean.”

The bond tingles with a slight discord as Gage pulls away. But Brandon tucks me against his side and encourages me to sip some more. Within Brandon’s arms, I watch Gage move about the room, gloriously naked. Taking tinder from the nearby shelf, he lights the fire before heading down the stairs.

“Eat a little if you can,” Brandon says. “Gods, I could gnaw my own arm off, I am so hungry!”

I chuckle as he tucks into a stick of jerky. When he holds it out to me, I instinctively take a bite. A smile spreads across his face. He is pleased with himself for that sneak attack.

It takes a bit of chewing before I can swallow it, but it settles a comfortable weight in my empty belly.

“I was going to tell you the day after the feast,” I say quietly. “About Gage… About how I feel… About all of it.”

At his stillness, I lift my eyes to meet his. I see hurt, but also understanding.

“Most Omegas reveal when they are a child. But my mother told me on the day of the feast that there was a chance I was a latent. She thought because I had chosen you, that I had bled and become a Beta. I never bled. I didn’t realize that was because I was an Omega. Nor that I couldn’t get with a child unless an Alpha rutted me.”

My cheeks heat.

He nods, discarding his half-eaten jerky on the cloth.

“We are connected, Gage and I. That day when you were so cross because he brought me home, a miracle happened. I healed him, Brandon. His injuries were grave, perhaps fatal, after he fought with the Orc. The Goddess blessed me to heal him. She would not have done so without reason. I felt a spark inside me bloom that day. It was the same spark that bloomed for you the day wolves cornered me after my sleepwalk. We are tied. All of us have long been tied.”

He presses his lips to mine.

“I know, Jessa,” he says. “Not that you healed him, but that you needed him too. It was hard for me to accept. I was angry that I could not have you to myself. Were it anyone but Gage, it would have been easier. Not easy, but easier. But it is hard for me with Gage, Jessa. I have been at loggerheads with him for as long as I can remember. But he is not a monster. I didn’t believe you when you said that at first. But I believe it now, for the bond does not lie. And without him, I would not feel this Goddess-blessed connection to you.”

He presses another kiss to my lips, this one longer, full of all the love that we share.

“I was going to talk to you, too, after the festival. To tell you that I would find a way if you wanted to be with us both.”

“You did not seem like a man ready to accept,” I say, smiling tentatively.

“Aye, well, happen it might have gone better had he not turned into a fucking caveman.”

A blush creeps over my cheeks. “I quite like that about him,” I say before I can think how that might come across as inflammatory.

Rolling his eyes, Brandon snatches up the jerky and holds it to my mouth.

Dutifully, I open and take a bite.

Overly loud thudding signifies Gage’s return with a wooden bucket in his hands. He cuts a glare toward the nest. Also, he is still naked, and my poor sore pussy clenches at the arresting sight.

“You will not be getting any of that today,” he says gruffly, filling the great iron pot over the fire from the bucket and setting it to warm.

“Goddess,” I mutter weakly when his stern Alpha voice makes my pussy clench twice as hard. It is bad enough that they can scent my arousal without them also sensing it through the bond.

Gage stomps back down the stairs.

“I think I saw some apples in another bag,” Brandon says. “Would you like an apple to eat while the water warms?”

“Yes, please,” I say. I try to sit up, wincing when my intimate places throb.

“Let me help you,” Brandon says. He makes a roll with a nearby pelt, and lifting me forward, tucks it behind me.

“Thank you,” I say. The throb in my temples eases now that I am sitting. My hand trembles as I brush my hair back. Tentatively, I touch my throat, finding a crusty residue there. I smile at a hazy memory of how it came to be there.

Brandon halts when he turns back to see me smirking. His eyes narrow, and he shakes his head. But he is also grinning as he leans down to present me with an apple. Standing, he runs a hand over his messy hair. My eyes track his activity, watching the play of muscles under the skin of his arms, shoulders, and chest as they bunch, flex, and stretch skin taut. Even bruised, battered, and filthy from all the rutting, he is still the most beautiful man I have ever met.

Heavy footsteps signify Gage’s return.

He enters the room, clean and dripping water everywhere.

Goddess, my eyes do not know where to look first with the two of them standing so gloriously naked.

“River?” Brandon asks.

“River,” Gage agrees. “It is fucking freezing. I thought my balls had dropped off!”

Brandon chuckles, and it warms my heart that they are not growling at one another. “I will go and clean up too.”

He heads down the stairs.

In Brandon’s absence, I feel suddenly shy. I do not know Gage well, although my heart has claimed him as mine. He is a huge, stern Alpha in some ways, yet he is also gentle with me. Turning, he tests the water temperature before pouring some back into the bucket.

I am trying to heave my weak body out of the nest when he turns and levels me with a glare.

“Stay there,” he says. Striding over, he puts the bucket down beside me. “We will get you a proper bath once home, but this will help some.”

He heads over to the table, returning with a soft washing cloth. Dipping it in the warm water, he leans over me.

“What? Oh!” He wipes it over my face, growling when I try to take it from him.

“I wish to do this,” he says, voice brokering no discussion. Meekly, I let him clean me up, feeling my cheeks heat from shyness all over again. He purrs, and it is like a soft, comforting blanket settling over me, taking my concerns from my grasp and leaving a sense of peace.

“Where is home?” I ask. My cheeks are hot, but my body soothed as the cloth is dipped, wrung, and wiped over me from fingers to shoulder. He repeats on the other side.

“With my clan,” he says. “I am the king now, lass. My late father did a piss-poor job of leading them. My brother is a prisoner of the Halket clan. I must accept that he is unlikely to return home alive.”

He stills before dipping and wringing the cloth again, this time brushing my hair aside and cleaning my chin. “I would not abandon them again. It would not be the right thing to do.”

I feel like a great cloud has passed over me, and he stills again, pausing to tip my chin. “It is not so far from your family. You can visit them as often as you like.”

“I always imagined I would take a home in Ralston close to my ma and pa where I could still see them every day.” Moving from the people I have known all my life is daunting.

“I can see you would need to be a true king to your people who have been troubled for so long. But I am also nervous,” I admit. “About meeting them… and about what will happen when Jack finds out that I am gone. I do not want to start a war.”

“It will not start a fucking war unless Jack acts like an ass. He is a level-headed leader. He will not start a war. Happen he might be a bit pissed about how it came about, but he will see sense.” He goes back to cleaning me, down my throat, lifting me forward, and sliding the soothing cloth from my nape to the base of my spine before settling me back to rest.

It feels intimate and tender.

“I did not expect you to clean me, thus,” I say.

“Well, I am partly to blame for you being in this state. It seems reasonable that I should help to make you as comfortable as I can. It feels natural for me to do this. You are small and weak compared to me. A mate should be cherished. But you are an Omega and smaller and weaker than most.”

I don’t like that I am small and weak compared to a Beta lass, although I have never let my size stop me from doing anything I wanted to, nor would I be lazy and expect to be coddled. But he is my mate now, and his actions do indeed make me feel cherished.

He dabs gently at the claiming mark. It throbs and makes me wince.

“The womenfolk of the clan will have some balms as will help with this and the other soreness you have.”

My cheeks turn to flames again, just as Brandon enters the room… dripping. He could have shifted to dry, but he wears his battle scars from his conflict with Gage proudly.

“Oh!” I say as Gage rips the pelt covering me away, snapping my attention back to what he is doing. “I can clean there myself!”

“You will lay fucking still like a good lass and let me do this, or you will get your naughty bottom spanked.”

Brandon chuckles as he comes to stand beside Gage. “That is a poor threat. She likes her bottom spanked too well.”

“Aye,” Gage says, returning to his task of applying the cloth gently to the outer petals of my pussy. “I noticed as much when I gave her a spank for backtalk when we first arrived.”

Brandon’s face darkens. He is staring at the apex of my thighs as Gage pushes my legs wide, exposing me to their lustful gaze. I squirm as Gage carefully parts my pussy lips to inspect me. I try not to look at Brandon’s cock, which is bobbing as it rises to attention.

There is no hope for me. I am torn between Gage’s enrapt expression and Brandon’s cock. All I can think about is how good it felt when one of them thrusts a hardened length inside me.

Brandon’s swallow sounds loud.

“Please,” I say. Both sets of eyes turn on me. “You can’t just look at me thus, without tending to me.”

The cloth is tossed aside and they both surge into the filthy nest, purring, strong bodies crowding me in their eagerness.

“We will be gentle,” Gage says before taking my mouth in a drugging kiss that steals my breath.

“We will be careful,” Brandon says before his lips enclose the stiff peak of my nipple.

That quickly, I am soaring. Their clean male scent, the glorious sensation of firm flesh against mine, the lips, the hands, and the delicious awakening, fill my every sense.

“I am going first,” Brandon mumbles against my breast, fingers skittering down to circle my throbbing clit.

“You are not going fucking first,” Gage growls, lifting his head and glaring at Brandon.

“I am going first,” Brandon says, lifting his head and glaring back. My pussy squeezes in excitement at being caught between these two warring males. “Much as I’m deeply aroused by her openness after you have impaled her on that monster rod, sometimes I’d like not to get lost in there.”

That assuredly should not make my pussy weep, but nevertheless, it does. My fingers slip into my wet pussy.

“I don’t care who goes first,” I say on a groan. “Just so long as it is soon.”

“You can go first,” Gage concedes. Snatching my fingers from their mischief, he pins them to the bed. “I do not think the lass is as sore as she was making out.”

Brandon’s fingertips pet my slick folds before pressing two thick fingers up inside me. Watching my face, he pumps them in and out. “She feels hot, wet, and tight,” he says.

“Please,” I say.

With my thigh in his hand, Brandon tugs me down the nest. I groan as he takes his position between my spread legs.

“Fuck!” Brandon growls as he surges deeply, filling me. “How does a pussy feel this good? Clench for me, Jessa. Make it nice and tight.”

I squeeze. It stings a little, aches more, but it also feels a blissful kind of good as Brandon begins to power in and out.

Taking my chin in hand, Gage draws my face to his, kissing me deeply and setting all the glorious sensations twisting up. He cups my breast, squeezing it roughly as our tongues tangle in a heated kiss. The two sets of stimulation split my focus, and it makes everything twice as hot. When Gage captures my nipple between his fingers and thumb, the pleasure explodes all the way to my clit and even deeper inside. Like a sensual rolling wave, it lifts me, cresting high before it tumbles me over the edge.

“I am not going to fucking last,” Brandon gasps.

“Good,” Gage says. “Because if you don’t finish soon, I’m going to come all over her pretty tits like a green fucking whelp.”

Brandon half laughs, hisses, then groans as he stills.

Inside, I feel the swelling of his knot and warmth spread through me as he fills me with his seed.

“Fuck!” Brandon says, grinding me onto his hardness and setting off another sweet clench inside me.

“Don’t knot her,” Gage growls.

“Too late,” Brandon says, lips forming a lazy grin and eyes dancing with mischief. For so long, he has been my dream, my obsession. Now, he is all mine.

I sneak a glance at Gage.

Gage looks like he is in pain.

I giggle, although it is no laughing matter.

“Brat,” Gage says, trying to keep his expression stern, although his eyes are alight with humor and hunger.

Then Brandon pulls out, and I gasp.

No sooner does he collapse to the side when Gage takes his place.

“Goddess,” I say weakly. I think if I live to a hundred, I will still experience a flare of sharp arousal to be the object of such an intense male’s lust.

“Brace yourself, lass,” he says. His hand trembles as he grasps my waist in one hand, the other lining his cock with my puffy pussy. “This is going to be rough and fast.”

He does not lie. I should not want roughness, as sore as I am. But I do. His thick cock and the pounding rhythm set me tumbling higher and higher. I feel the rough, bumpy ridge of his knot growing with every brutal slap of flesh meeting flesh. I want to wriggle away. But I also want more. I always want more.


“Good girl,” Brandon says, fingers tracing my open lips. “Come for Gage. Come all over his cock.”

I squeal as I come. Head back, thighs straining to lift my hips to meet the thrusts, I relish the fierceness of the coupling. With my waist grasped within his strong hands, Gage forces the knot in one more time and stills, growling out his release as he bathes my pussy with his seed.

Still knotted, he rolls to his side so that I am snuggled between the two of them.

“Gods, we will never leave these fucking furs,” Gage says on a gusty breath. “Her breeding scent is enough to keep me insensible with need.”

“Breeding?” I say softly, hardly daring to hope.

Brandon kisses my shoulder before nuzzling the side of my throat. “Aye, breeding. Your scent has changed, Jessa. You are with child.”