Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane



AFTER A WEEK, I am starting to find my way around the village and get to know the people. I spend the morning with Pete’s wife, a kindly Beta with three young lads who are the image of their father.

But when I return to the great hall, I find Gage and Brandon eyeballing each other. A few servants are pretending to be doing chores. They are not doing chores. They are being stickybeaks and will doubtless gossip about my fool mates the moment they leave.

I thought they had reached an understanding when we first arrived at the Lyon clan. I was wrong, so very wrong. Gage is an Alpha and used to getting his way. Brandon is mule-headed for a wolf and fights him over every point.

Hands on hips, I glare at them. “You are acting like a pair of whelps. This fighting needs to stop.”

“We are not fighting. We were discussing matters,” Gage says. “Not that we ever fought. Fighting would imply some level of equality.”

“I’m going to rip your fucking throat out,” Brandon growls.

“Try it, mutt, and I’ll be using your pelt to wipe my boots.”

I move to stand between the posturing males, putting a hand on them both. Instantly they stop their bickering and start purring.

Then they both step forward as one, and the air crackles with a different kind of tension.

“No!” I say, planting a hand in the center of Gage’s chest. He is the more dominant of the two, and it is Gage I need to reason with. It doesn’t help that a flutter kicks off low in my belly.

“She is aroused,” Brandon says.

The words of denial catch in my throat as Brandon settles his hands at my waist and leans in to trail kisses up the side of my throat.

I shiver. “This is not the answer to you growling at one another,” I say, trying to remember why I was cross with them.

“It is the only answer,” Gage says. Hands grasping the hem of my top, he yanks it up and over my head, interrupting Brandon’s kisses.

“Goddess! There are people in the hall!”

“I’m going first,” Brandon says like the nosy servants and my opinion of them is of no consequence.

“You are not going first,” Gage growls.

“Goddess save me,” I mutter.

“I am going first. Have we not covered this already?” Brandon says.

Gage’s eyes narrow. “There are other places to stick your cock.”

“There are, and mine fits into all of them,” Brandon says smugly. “But I want her pussy today.”

Gage grinds his teeth in a way that suggests he is still thinking about thumping Brandon. I growl.

They ignore me and continue glaring at one another over my head.

“Fine,” Gage says, stepping back. “Go ahead.”

“Oh!” I am facedown over the table with no idea how this came about.

“I’m going to do her from behind,” Brandon says thickly, yanking my hide skirt up.

He stills. Oops!

“What the fuck, Jessa!” Brandon says, landing a firm spank on my bare bottom. “Where the fuck are your panties?”

“I don’t—” He spanks me again, stoking both my temper and the sweet ache between my thighs. I don’t have any panties because Gage never thought to ask the womenfolk to bring me any, and I’ve not had a chance to make some for myself!

“Yes,” Gage says, coming to stand beside Brandon and tugging my skirt even higher like they might be hiding there. “Where the fuck are they?”

“She does this when she wants to be rutted,” Brandon says like he is the authority on this. “And spanked. She also likes to be spanked.”

My pussy clenches, and I groan. I do also like to be spanked.

Gage chuckles. “Best we see to our mate’s needs, then.”