Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane









I AM DIZZY with excitement the whole journey to my former home. Gage is dressed smartly in his best hide pants and a beautiful fur-trimmed cloak. Brandon wears his leather pants and jerkin after his determination that only a wuss would wear a cloak.

A few ladies within the clan have taken it upon themselves to make me some fine clothes in secret. I now have a stunning embroidered dress and royal blue fur-trimmed woolen cloak to match. I am a happy wuss in mine.

I cried when Carla presented the clothes to me while a few of the younger lasses who helped her watched on shyly.

Given Carla is fit to burst with her babe, I don’t know how she found the time. Happen there will be a babe for me to coo over by the time we return.

But now, my eyes are trained on the familiar scenery.

We are close.

As we emerge through the trees, the village comes into view. We skirt the shore of a great loch, glistening in the evening sun. Willow, ash, oak, and cottonwood cover the lower slopes of the mountain and butt up to the loch shore. To our left is the valley divided into farming plots. To the center, are the many homes. They sprawl out toward the shoreline and nestle into the lower slopes of the mountain.

“I’ll ride ahead to let them know,” Brandon says, grinning. Nudging his horse to a gallop, he takes off in a way I wish I could.


“Are you okay, lass?” Gage asks. I sit before him on the horse. It has been a very slow ride, given he refuses to move us faster than a walk.

“Yes,” I say, sneaking a glance back at him over my shoulder. “I have a new home now. One I am coming to love just as dearly. But a piece of me will always be here. The Baxter Omega still travels every year, and she is white of hair. Now I am an Omega, I must learn from her and from my own bond, so I can help bonded Betas like she does one day.”

“Aye, that would be a fine thing for a queen to do,” he agrees.


I am really a queen.

My tummy ties in knots as we draw nearer. There is a little crowd assembling at the end of the lane leading into the village.

“Goddess!” I say, feeling the tears spring from my eyes.

Brandon has called them all. Ma, Pa, Greta, William, Amos, Karl, Doug, and Brandon’s parents, all waiting and waving as they see us.

Greta squeals with excitement as we draw near.

No sooner does Brandon lift me down than I am surrounded by my family and lost within a giant hug.

“We made honey cake!” Greta announces in an ear-splitting squeal. “I wasn’t allowed a slice until you arrived. Can we have honey cake now, Mama? I think Jessa’s baby will need to have honey cake straight away.”

“Brats,” my father says, laughing as he shakes hands with Gage. “You will never get a moment’s peace. Welcome to the family.”

We spend the evening drinking tea and eating the delicious food Brandon’s mother and mine have been preparing for us. Hazel, Jack, and Fen come and join us. We talk until the younger children start to doze. Given we are staying here for a few days, there will be plenty of time for more talking on the morrow.

“Your former home is ready for you,” Hazel says with a wink. “Jack said as the old Bennets’ home would be kept set aside for whenever clan guests visit. It will be wonderful to have you here for a few days. Our clans are not so far away when you are not with child and can ride a horse fast. But I miss you and hope you take to visiting whenever you can.”

She pauses to run her hand over the gentle swell of her belly. “He said we could visit with you in the spring after the baby is born.”

“I would love that,” I say as we share a warm hug.

Taking our leave, we walk the short distance to the house where Brandon and I first committed to one another. How strange to be staring at the pretty, rambling cottage again. It feels like the world has turned upon its head since I was last here.

“I believe it is customary to carry the bride over the threshold,” Brandon says with a wink.

“She is a mate, not a wife,” Gage says as though deeply offended by the term.

Brandon rolls his eyes. “Fine, I will carry the lass in. Although I carried her the first time. I just thought you might want to have your turn.”

Brandon chuckles as Gage scoops me up into his arms. “I thought that would work,” he says.

“Mutt,” Gage mutters under his breath. “You should learn when to quit baiting if you want to rut her tonight.”

I giggle as I am swept inside. I’m sure Brandon just groaned as though in great pain.

Carried straight through, I am placed carefully upon the bed.

Gage looks down at me, a familiar hunger in his eyes.

Brandon comes and stands beside him, the same fire lighting his eyes.

I squeeze my thighs together, my body rising at the sight of my two beautiful mates staring down at me.

“So, this is where it all started,” Gage says.

“Aye,” Brandon replies. “Only she is twice as lusty now. Happen we will need to rut her thoroughly, maybe even awaken the claiming mark before she is satisfied.”

The bond hums with pleasure.

“Agreed,” Gage says. “Our mate must be thoroughly claimed for her pleasure and ours.”