Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane









NEEDING TO CLEAR my mind, I end up walking to the river. When I return home, the sun is beginning to set, and a great commotion is coming from the direction of the village square.

My father is stowing his woodcutting gear having been out all day in the forest with the men. My mother is at the workshop door wringing her hands, seeming torn between ushering the brats inside and talking to my father.

“I need to put a stop to this madness,” my father says. “I do not care if the lass is a slave or not. She belongs to Jack, and he will be the one to see to her discipline, not Nola.”

“What has happened?” My younger siblings are crying, the older ones ashen-faced. Amos, the oldest of my brothers, has been with my father all day. He is as tall as Ma, and even he looks shaken.

“A lot of nonsense that will not end well for Nola,” my father says gruffly. “Take the children inside and keep the doors locked, Betty.”

“Please, be careful, Ed,” my mother says. “Nola has infected a few of the younger warriors and village folk with her madness. With Glen accompanying Jack, there was no one to reason with them.”

My father presses a kiss to my mother’s forehead. “I have to try,” he says. “Come with me, Amos.”

They leave.

“Inside, everyone,” I say, gathering William and Greta by the hand. They are the most likely to be naughty. Sickness settles in my stomach. No sooner do I get the brats indoors than I hear the thunder of approaching horses.

“Thank the Goddess!” my mother says as we watch Jack, Glen, and the other warriors of the clan thunder past.

Not long after, my father and Amos return.

“She was no slave,” my father says. “The lass being punished by Nola was Jack’s new mate.”

The following day, Jack sends for me.

I admit to being terrified after all the troubles surrounding last night. The lass I spotted by the pool yesterday was Jack’s new mate. Had I only gone to her and warned her that the site was sacred, she would not have been hurt.

“It will be fine,” my mother says. “You did no wrong. Likely Jack is seeking a companion for his new mate.”

I find Jack in his great hall talking to Glen, his second in command. They are both huge Alphas, and I contemplate slinking off.

Spotting me, Jack curls his fingers to beckon me in.

“No need to be fearful, lass,” he says, frowning as he notices me quaking.

“How is your new mate?” I blurt out before considering how it might be a delicate subject likely to lead to his rage.

“She is not well,” he says sadly. “But she will recover with a little time.”

“I saw her,” I say before I can stop myself. “I was going to pray, and I saw a lass near the sacred pool.”

Goddess, why am I telling him this? Now I have backed myself into a corner!

“Then I bumped into... a friend.” My cheeks grow so hot, I am sure they will catch fire. “And I forgot about the lass... your mate. Had I warned her, she would not have been hurt.”

Hot, shameful tears begin to pool behind my eyes.

“Steady, lass,” Jack says, placing his big hand upon my shoulder. “This mischief is not your fault. Nola was seeking an excuse to have Hazel punished. Happen she would have done something else, maybe more spiteful, had you thwarted her plans. And anyway, how were you to know what would happen? No, lass, I am her mate and made a poor choice in a companion.”

He squeezes my shoulder gently before letting his hand drop.

“I was hoping you might be able to accompany Hazel while I must deal with clan business. She is not from the clans and does not know our ways. I made a poor choice last time, thinking a certain lass was due respect because her father once held some. I must live with that mistake. But this time, I would like a gentler companion. I’ve only ever heard good things said about you, Jessa. I’ve had a chat with your parents to see if they can manage with a little less of your time. And it would make me very happy if you could show Hazel a better side of clan life.”

“Oh!” I say, feeling a smile split my face. “I would be delighted to! When will I meet her?”

“She is resting now, lass,” he says. “But after she has eaten some breakfast, perhaps you could return.” He looks a little shifty-eyed before he adds. “She likes soft things for her bedding. See what pelts we have in the stores as might be suitable.”

“I will, sire,” I gladly agree.

Arms laden with the softest pelts within the village, I return to find Jack and his mate are in the bedding chamber.

I wait a while, making sure they are not busy. When I hear talking, I venture to knock on the entrance.

“I have the pelts, sire,” I say, glancing at the lass on the bed before lowering my lashes.

“Come in, lass,” Jack calls. “This is my mate, Hazel. Hazel, meet Jessa.”

I bob another bow, feeling nervous.

As Jack takes his leave, Hazel smiles at me. She has long blonde hair and the prettiest hazel eyes.

She is naked, and I immediately see the welts upon her skin.

I wonder if I were to kiss her like I did Gage, whether it would heal her, too?

“Did Nola do that?” I ask. My lips tremble with shame to be part of a clan that would do such a terrible thing to a lass.

“Yes,” she says. “But she has been well punished. A gifted slave to the Halket clan, at Jack’s determination.”

“Good,” I say. “She was a witchy lass and not well liked. That she would do such a thing horrifies me.”

“I do not wish anyone the life of a slave,” Hazel says. Then her lips twitch in a small smile. “But she was a witchy lass.”

Soon, we are firm friends, and I wonder at how her arrival has brightened everyone within the clan, especially her new mate.

But then Fen and Brandon return.

My heart races when I learn this. It has only been a few weeks, but it feels like the world has turned on its head since I last saw Brandon.

But they bring with them troubling news.

And those wild dreams and forbidden thoughts that still fill my mind at night are now unceremoniously quashed.

Warriors from the Lyon clan—Gage’s clan—have been caught trying to snatch a Halket lass.

The tentative alliance is over. Gage and his clan are no longer welcome here.