Claimed for their Pleasure by L.V. Lane



TEMPERS HAVE BEEN flared ever since our return. The Halket clan do not like us well after our mischief with Gwen and Eric. Now we may also be on the verge of war with the Lyon clan after we caught and stopped four of their warriors from snatching a Halket lass.

Before Fen and I left, there were rumors that the Lyon clan had taken a Halket lass. Supposedly, it was her choice. Now with this second attempt, everything is in doubt. They hold no respect for other clans nor the women they try to take by force.

Jack hates the Lyon clan. Their leader, Rend is a bloodthirsty heathen who rules his people with fear.

As if this were not enough to contend with, Jack has gotten himself a mate.

A mate he is now sharing with Fen.

I am in a state of wonder at Fen’s sudden dive into mated life. But I have my own problems to deal with. I did a lot of thinking while we were scouting, and I’m determined to woo Jessa at any cost. A task made worse since news of what happened with Gwen has spread throughout the clan.

Groveling is going to be required.

But before such plans can be put in place, I see Jessa returning from the forest, a basket in her arms.

She has been out in the forest again.