His Refused Mate by Jade Marshall

Chapter Thirteen


Peyton is amazing. For seven days, members from the Hatcher pack slowly trickle in, swear their loyalty to me and my moon, and join the Katu pack. Men, women, and children show up at all times of the day and night, and my moon is ready to welcome them with open arms.

Some are more difficult for her to welcome than others, because of the way they treated her before, but she straightens her back and pushes past her prejudice. Few are turned away, such as Ebeth and her husband. Even though my moon tries to move on from her past, I am unable to forgive some. We spoke at length about her time with the Hatcher pack, and I know how some treated her, broke her down. Everyone deserves a second chance no matter their past—according to my moon—but some people can find their second chance somewhere else.

I will not subject my mate to living with people who have harmed her or give them a chance to do it again. Sara is nowhere to be found, and I hope for her sake she stays that way. Between me, Calum, and Peyton, she is bound to end up dead for the part she played in this mess.

We venture into town to visit Ingrid. We spend hours in the diner, laughing, eating, and getting to know each other better. Ingrid is a wonderful woman, and I can easily see why my moon loves her so much. She is warm and welcoming and reminds me of my mother. Peyton once mentioned this to me, and now, having met her, I understand. She’s the type of woman that reminds everyone of their mom.

On Friday, we have everyone join us for a feast. New members and old all congregate as we share everything we have and get to know one another. After everyone has eaten, we set up a huge bonfire and spend some time together. Members approach us, thanking us for our hospitality, congratulating me on finding my mate, and wishing us well in the future.

Peyton sits on my lap as we both enjoy a beer, just appreciating being among our people. Slowly, a murmur starts at the far end of the group and grows louder. Slade is visible as he makes his way toward us. The pack splits down the middle and allows him to make his way to us. Close by his side is Sara.

Peyton doesn’t move from her spot on my lap but watches him closely. My senses pick up on every member of the pack. Nerves, anger, and fear are all running rampant through the gathering.

“I have come for my mate,” Slade says loudly, making sure everyone can hear him. He looks disheveled, like he hasn’t slept.

“You have no mate.” Peyton speaks clearly before taking a drink from her beer. “You refused me. I have found my true mate, the mate the goddess picked for me. You want power. There is no power here for you.”

“Listen to me, you bitch…” Slade starts. A murmur rises from the gathered people.

“Stop!” I command before I place Peyton on her feet and rise from my seat. “Think before you speak, Slade. You are not in charge here. You are not even a true Alpha, but someone sitting in another man’s chair. You and I will not sort this out with words if you insult my moon again. You are not welcome here, Slade. If you leave now, there will be no further problems,” I say to him, standing proudly beside my mate.

“No. I will not leave until I get what I came for—your bitch. I will have what I am owed!”

Blind rage sweeps over me as I fall on Slade. My fists drive into his face over and over again. Blood leaks from his split lip and broken nose, every hit causing more blood to splatter on my clothes and face. I pummel him until my arms are heavy and I feel like I have just run a marathon. My arms are so overworked from the exertion that I struggle to lift them.

I stand to move off Slade, thinking that the beating I have given him will be enough to keep him down. Glaring at his prone body, I spit on the ground in disgust. As I’m about to turn away, I watch him roll to his stomach and start to shift. Greed and power are great motivators and are enough to push him to do unimaginable things. The shift is painful if you are already injured, but after the shift, half of your injuries will be healed by the shifter magic. As quickly as he shifts, so do I.

My wolf is ready to tear Slade and his wolf apart. My wolf watches his intently. Grey, with flat brown eyes, his wolf is just as unimpressive as he is. Circling around him, my wolf and I are both more than happy to take this fucker out. He wants what is ours. He wants to take our mate and our pack away from us, and we cannot allow it. Slade’s wolf launches at me. Our wolves clash, and even though Slade claims to be an Alpha, his wolf is much smaller than mine.

Teeth gnash and claws tear. The smell of blood fills my senses, and a metallic taste floods my mouth. Ripping skin, tearing muscle from bone. After this is over I will be on the mend for a couple of days, but I know my moon will be by my side, nursing me back to health.

We dance around each other, each going in for hits when the opportunity presents itself. Pain radiates from every inch of my being, but I will not lie down and die. My wolf pushes me to give everything to ensure her safety. To ensure the safety of our pack. We would rather die fighting than give up.

My wolf sees an opening and goes for Slade’s back leg, ripping it from its socket. The popping sound can be heard by everyone in attendance. Slade’s wolf howls in pain before trying to bite at my wolf’s neck. My wolf sees the attack coming and grabs Slade’s wolf by the bottom of his jaw. He closes his muzzle and starts to shake, dislocating Slade’s jaw in the process.

Slade’s wolf falls to the floor, keening in pain. My wolf walks around his prone form before deciding that we have hurt him enough, that he is no longer a threat. The shimmer of the change flows over Slade’s form, and as he changes back to his human form, so do I.

I glare around the gathering, waiting for someone else to challenge me. There are faces that carry looks of worry, some fear, but most of the pack looks proud. Pride in their Alpha for standing up and defending his mate, his pack, his family. When no one emerges from the gathered pack members, I feel myself relax. Slade will leave with his tail between his legs, taking Sara with him.

Moving away from Slade, I search the gathering for my moon. She isn’t standing beside the chair we were seated in, waiting for me to return to her. I am covered in blood, and just a moment ago I was so tired I didn’t even think I could speak. But as I watch Sara pull my love away, adrenaline rushes through my system. I have to get to her. I have to protect her, but I can’t do it.

Pain slashes through the middle of my back. I should have killed Slade when I had the chance. My knees give out, and before everything goes black, I hear my mate scream. It is the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life.