His Refused Mate by Jade Marshall

Chapter Fourteen


I watch as Caine moves off Slade’s prone body. He looks toward me before smiling. It is the last moment of peace and calm before all hell breaks loose.

Sara grabs me by the hair, pulling me back away from the scene in front of me.

“You bitch. Why couldn’t you just let me have Caine? He was mine from the start and you stole him.” Her gaze darts around us. “Now he’s going to die and it’s all your fault.”

“Let go of me,” I snarl at her.

“No,” she replies. “Slade says when Caine dies, all the Alpha power will revert to you. He will mate you for the power, and then he’ll kill you too. I will be Slade’s mate, the mate to a true Alpha.”

The craziness that swirls in her eyes tells me that she really believes everything she is saying. I want to try to talk her out of this insane plan, make her see the truth, but I don’t have any time as Calum walks up behind her and snaps her neck.

There is no remorse in his gaze. He extends a hand to help me up off the floor where I fell, leading me back toward Caine. In the next instant, I know that something is horribly wrong as I watch him collapse before my eyes. As Caine slumps to the ground, Slade stands behind him, holding a knife he had just plunged into Caine’s back.

“No!” My cry reaches the heavens. My vision turns red, and my shift overtakes me so violently there was never a chance to stop it. My wolf howls out at the moon, her pain palpable. She lunges and clamps her jaws around Slade’s jugular before ripping it out. His body falls to the floor with a loud thump.

The silence is deafening as my wolf makes her way back toward Caine. She drapes her form across him and lies there silently, both our hearts breaking.

“Lets us take him,” Calum says, and anger consumes us both. Her hackles raise and she bares her teeth at him.

“Quiet, Peyton,” Xavia murmurs as she touches my wolf. “No one will harm him, but let us care for him.”