His Refused Mate by Jade Marshall

Chapter Six


The first hurdle is Peyton wanting to work. She drives me insane with this constant need to leave the compound. I have no idea how I’m supposed to protect her when she constantly wants to be where I can’t be.

My coffee mug resounds loudly as I put it down too hard.

“Peyton,” I sigh. “Don’t be difficult about this. I need to be able to protect you and keep you safe. I can’t do that if you are miles away in Katu Falls.”

“Caine,” she grumbles in return, “I am going to work, and I didn’t ask for your permission. Nor do I need it.”

We have been arguing about this for the better part of the last hour. I feel like I’m getting nowhere with this and am at my wit’s end with her. Turning to the window, I stare outside. She wants to go to work. If I keep her locked up here, she will resent me forever. A thought strikes me, and I turn back toward her.

“Okay.” I take a deep breath. “But on one condition.”

She eyes me skeptically. “What condition?”

“You can go to work, but I need one of the guys to go with you. He will stay out of your way, but I need to know there is someone to keep you safe.”

She watches me a moment. I can see her considering my words. She opens her mouth to speak but closes it again before nodding.

“Great.” I pull her in for a hug. Her entire body tenses, then relaxes into me. She molds herself against me and rests her cheek on my chest for a moment. I savor her nearness. All too soon, she moves away, gathering her things.

“I’ll have Marc meet you at the car. He is Xavia’s son, and he’ll make sure you are safe. But I want you to consider quitting.”

She gazes at me for a long moment, studying me. “I won’t just quit. Ingrid gave me a chance when I was down on my luck, when I had nothing. I won’t just leave her in the lurch. But I will consider giving her my notice, and after I’ve trained someone new, I will leave.”

This is a huge victory for me. I know that she’s been on her own for a long time and that her independence means a lot to her. But I also know she’s drawn to the pack dynamic and wants to be around other wolves.

“Thank you,” I reply.

She turns on her heel and makes her way to Xavia’s home to wait for her escort. I spend the next couple of hours trying to figure out if there is a way I can hurry along the process, so I can keep her close every day.


It takes three days before the diner finds a replacement for her. She continues to go to work every day, assisting in any way she can. She trains her replacement and, on her last day, comes home with a cake. We live beside each other, but we don’t spend any time together.

My pack has accepted her. The men know better than to come too close to her, and none of them dare touch her. The women flock to her. In their minds, she is my mate and it is final. They approach her with questions and ask for her help. Whether it be something as simple as a new recipe, or advice on how to rekindle the romance with their own mate, they all tend to gravitate toward her. And I can’t say I blame them.

She cooks in my kitchen and sleeps down the hall from me. Her scent has flooded my entire home, has become a part of my every fiber. I can’t go anywhere or do anything without thinking about her. Wondering what she is doing. We have fallen into a compatibility that I think she needs. We like the same things, enjoy the same books, love the same food. The goddess has chosen us for each other, and I couldn’t imagine a better fit. We complement each other.

Calum knocks on my office door before entering.

“We have a problem.”

“What the fuck is it this time?” Every time he comes into my office, there is some problem. I have plans to claim my mate, and my brother is currently throwing a wrench into that plan.


“Fucking hell!” I sigh. “What has she done this time?”

“Same old shit,” Calum replies. “Running around telling anyone that will listen that she’s your mate. That you two are meant to be. That you promised her.”

“Fuck! Get her in here before she does something stupid.”

The moment I brought Peyton home, I should have dealt with Sara. This shit has gone on long enough, and I need to put an end to it. Sara will be given a choice. Accept that I have found my mate, be happy for us, and move on with her life. Or she can leave the pack. I should have done something about this a long time ago.

I wanted to believe she would get the message and back off if I kept turning her down. I don’t want to put her back into the world alone again, but I might not have much of a choice if she continues with this bullshit.

I can only imagine the destruction she could cause if she gets her hooks into my moon. If she can plant a seed of doubt in Peyton’s mind, she could ruin everything.

Just then I hear a high-pitched scream. Both Calum and I race from my office into the kitchen to find that all hell has broken loose. My gaze roams the kitchen, skimming over Sara before landing on my moon.

On the floor lies Sara, clutching her cheek, blood seeping through her fingers. As usual she is dressed like a cheap whore. Her breasts are almost free of her top and her skirt has flipped up, showing her bare behind.

Keela is standing in front of Peyton, trying to calm her down. Peyton is vibrating with rage, halfway into her change. Her claws are fully extended, dripping blood to the floor. For a moment all I can do is stare. She is absolutely magnificent even in her anger. Her breasts heave beneath her red top.

“Breathe, Peyton. She’s a bitch and just trying to cause issues. Nothing she said is true,” Neela says with her hands on Peyton’s shoulders.

Peyton growls. “Get her out of my home!” Her attention shifts to Calum. “Before I rip her head off and spit down her throat.”

Calum moves to help Sara off the floor. Grabbing underneath her arms, he starts to lift, causing her to cry out. He didn’t even use a rough touch. She is clearly trying to milk the situation.

“Caine!” Sara reaches for me. “Please. She’s crazy. She attacked me for no reason.”

“Get out of my way, Keela,” my mate snarls. “I don’t want to hurt you or the baby, but I can’t guarantee I have control of my wolf.”

Keela stays in place. I walk toward her slowly, gently moving her out of the way. Cupping Peyton’s face in my hands, I stare into her eyes and breathe deeply. Peyton does the same, and her shift starts to recede.

“Tell me what has upset you so badly, my moon.”

Peyton takes a deep breath. “She says she is carrying your child.”

Tears gather in her eyes as rage washes over me. Sara must have lost her fucking mind. Coming into our home and saying that to Peyton. She knows it isn’t true. I have never laid a finger on that woman, and still she tries to pull this shit.

“Don’t cry,” I whisper, pulling her against my chest. She nods and sniffles. I turn toward Calum, who is still holding Sara by the arm.

“Clearly, you are the one who is insane. I have never laid a finger on you, much less slept with you. Explain yourself, and do it quickly.”

“Caine,” Sara mewls. “You know we belong together. If you only give me a chance, I know I can make you happy. You are meant to be my mate.”

“Careful, Sara,” Calum snickers. “Your crazy is showing.”

“Get her out of here. Not just out of my house, but out of the compound. She doesn’t belong with us anymore.” Taking a deep breath, I do the one thing I hoped I would never have to do as Alpha. “I, Caine Beckett, Alpha to the Katu pack, outlaw Sara Anderson. From this day forth, she is no longer a member of our pack, and will be treated as a threat if she ever steps foot on our land again.”

Sara screams in outrage, but Calum only blinks before hauling her out of the house.

We listen as her screams fade the farther Calum drags her away. Silence envelopes the room as we all consider what just happened. To outlaw someone isn’t something that should be done lightly. Sara has always been a thorn in my side. She prefers to cause drama and stir unrest rather than be a productive member of the pack. I had spoken to her many times before, warning her that her actions would have consequences. Today, her actions cost her the pack she claimed to love.

My moon looks up at me, but there is still sadness in her eyes. I don’t know how, but today is the last time she will cry. I will make it my life’s mission to ensure that.