Home to Stay by Maryann Jordan


John stared at the beautiful woman lying in front of him, her taste on his tongue, her scent filling the air, a twinkle in her eyes, and a smile on her face. Christ, almighty… she’s everything. As soon as that thought hit, it also struck him that he’d never in his thirty-four years ever felt that way about a woman.

He stood slowly and bent over her luscious body, kissing her lightly, allowing her to taste herself on his lips. The tiny moan that came from the depths of her reverberated through him, making his cock harder than it had been, and he’d never felt it so hard in his life. Standing straight again, he jerked his jeans down his legs, pulling his boxers off at the same time, freeing his cock.

She planted her elbows on the mattress and leaned up on her forearms, her eyes staring at his erection before lifting back to his face, the smile still on her lips.

She was right—they didn’t need any longer to know what they felt was real.

He grabbed a condom from his wallet and ripped the foil open, rolling it over his cock before he crawled onto the bed. She had scooted upward so her whole body was on the mattress, her legs still open and her sex flush and ready as he planted his knees between her thighs. Placing the tip at her entrance, he held his weight off her chest but leaned down enough to glide his nose over hers. “Baby, you need to know what this is.”

“John, I assure you I know what we’re about to do,” she whispered in return.

“Oh, no… I mean you really need to know what this is.” He lifted his head to see the crinkle between her brows. “This is us. You and me. The start of something that I want to hold on to. Not just take what’s here in front of us but build into everything we can… to become us. Do you understand?”

She blinked rapidly, moisture gathering in her eyes as she nodded. “Yes. I want that. I want you. Not just now but for as many tomorrows as you’ll give me.”

He grinned as he barely slid the tip of his cock into her sex. “Then plan on as many tomorrows as you can have, Lucy.” With that, in one swift movement he plunged all the way, balls deep.

Her gasp sounded out, her fingers digging into his shoulders as her heels dug into his ass. The feel of her tight sex like a glove on his cock nearly made him come like an untried adolescent, but he halted his movements. “You okay?”

“Yes, God, just keep moving!”

Smirking, he was thrilled to follow her command. He continued to piston his hips, alternating his movements with slow, deliberate thrusts and hard, fast plunges. Her breasts bounced with the movements. Leaning over her chest, he sucked a rosy nipple into his mouth, her fingernails digging into his shoulders in a way that he knew he’d have little crescent marks. Marked by her. The slight sting made his erection swell even more, and he let her breast go with a pop. Shifting his weight to one hand, he slid his other to her mound, his thumb pressing on her clit.

He knew the second she flew apart, her thighs squeezing his waist, her inner walls squeezing his cock. Her head pressed back into the pillow. A flush ran from her breasts upward over her face as she cried out her orgasm, creating the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen in his life. Not wanting to hold back as his balls tightened and his lower spine burned, he lifted his head, felt the muscles in his neck cord, and his release rushed from his body. Barely able to drag oxygen into his lungs as his thrusts slowed until every drop was given, he fell forward, managing to land only partially on top of her, cushioned by her soft body.

The ‘oof’ that fled her lips registered, and he forced his body to roll to the side while he banded his arms around her, dragging her with him so that they lay facing each other. Shifting his leg so that his thigh moved between hers, they stayed perfectly aligned, pressed together from chest to hip.

With his lips against her forehead, neither spoke for several minutes while their heart poundings slowed but still beat together. Finally, she leaned her head back, catching and holding his gaze, and grinned.

“Are you good, baby?” he asked, tucking a wild, wayward strand of hair behind her ear.

Still smiling, she nodded. “I’m perfect.”

“Yeah, you are. Absolutely fuckin’ perfect.”

She must’ve liked his answer because she clutched his jaws, applied a little pressure to bring him closer which he didn’t fight at all, and kissed him. And as soon as they recuperated, they started round two, not leaving her bed until finally dressing and running out for dinner.

* * *

John glanced at the GPS, turning onto the lane that cut through the thick evergreen forest that encroached upon the side of the road. While the Lighthouse Security Investigations headquarters were not secret, they also were not easy to find unless specific directions had been given. With his professional and practiced eye, he drove up to the security gate and could tell it was state-of-the-art, much more secure than the average person would ever realize. He looked directly toward the camera, knowing someone on the other end would be evaluating, deciding to let him in. The military-grade gate engaged, swinging open, allowing him to enter.

Continuing down the lane, the forests eventually fell away and an expanse of lush, green grass led to a lighthouse and a white house with a red roof at its base. The rocky cliff coast was just behind, dropping to the Atlantic Ocean below. His foot released the accelerator, allowing his gaze to take in the breathtaking scenery in front of him. Damn. No stranger to the beauty of Maine, he had to admit this particular view encapsulated the best of everything. Forest. Meadow. Rocky coast. Ocean. Lighthouse.

As he continued forward to park near the other vehicles, nerves hit his stomach, an emotion he was not used to. He had run forward toward missions for years and knew with his familiar team and careful planning exactly what his duty was. This was different. This group had been together for a while, at least most of them. He’d joined the Army at the age of eighteen, and for sixteen years it was the only job he had. Now he was the newbie. The one who was going to have to start out to prove himself.

True to Mace’s word, he’d received paperwork through an online, secure channel the day before. He’d completed it, sending it back. Now all that was left was for him to walk through the door.

Climbing from his vehicle, he breathed deeply, the crisp, salty air of the spring morning filling his lungs. He walked to the house, following the instructions that had been given, and knocked on the door. It was flung open almost by the time he dropped his hand.

“You found us, good. Good. Come on in, John.” Horace, grinning widely, reached his hand out for a shake.

He stepped inside the house, immediately entering a large kitchen. A woman was standing at the counter, her gray hair tidy, a grandmotherly appearance about her, and yet as soon as her steely eyes landed on him he knew he was being evaluated. And with the expression on her face, he hoped he met with her approval.

Horace clapped a hand on John’s shoulder and waved toward the woman. “I’d like you to meet my better half. This is my wife, Marge.”

He stepped forward, shaking her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Tiddle.”

She offered a firm handshake, her sharp eyes taking him in before her lips curved slightly. “Just call me Marge. I’ve heard a lot about you already, John. Bray sings your praises, and Mace is excited to have you on board. From what I understand, your actions this weekend speak highly for you. You’ll find that around here that kind of selfless dedication goes a long way—even more than your military background.”

Her words surprised him, and unable to think of a response, he simply nodded. “Thank you.”

“Horace and I take care of the grounds and the buildings of LSI. I dare say you’ve probably heard that we take care of the Keepers as well.” A wide smile finally broke out on her face as though she’d come to a conclusion. “Welcome aboard.”

“I’m glad to be here,” he assured. A sound from the back hall captured his attention, and he swung his head around to see Mace walking into the kitchen.

Shaking hands, Mace instructed, “Follow me, John. I’ll take you to the others and go through the security for you. Sylvie got your paperwork, we’ve already done an initial security check and clearance that extends the one you had with the Army, and your signed nondisclosure is in place. Before you leave, Sylvie will have you sign a few things. Mostly personnel and tax forms. Once you’re completely in her system, our security will add your information so that you won’t need to be escorted to get to the main room.”

Multiple questions flew through his mind, but he kept his mouth shut and his eyes open— one of the early lessons he learned in boot camp many years ago, and it had always served him well.

They moved through the house, his gaze taking in the space, noting it appeared to be just like any other house. Mace, who he figured didn’t miss much—including his perusal—said, “I grew up near here, and when I had the opportunity, I bought the decommissioned lighthouse and keeper's house. As a child, I’d discovered some of the caverns that run underneath, many used by smugglers in centuries past. Sylvie and I live with our son on the property that I grew up in, my grandfather’s house.”

They walked down a back hall toward the base of the lighthouse. He looked up at the concrete, spiral stairs that led up to the top.

“It’s a great view. We’ll go up there before you leave.”

He observed with keen interest as Mace turned to the opposite wall and flipped open a hidden panel. Tapping in a security code, he stood while a retina scan occurred, then placed his hand on a finger scanner. A door swung open, and Mace entered, inviting John to step in with him. Discovering they were in an elevator, he watched again as Mace tapped in another security code and they began their descent. At the bottom, the door swung open and they entered another hallway, stopping at a heavy metal door. Mace went through the motions of the security systems again.

It appeared this was the final door as they stepped through, entering a cavernous room. The walls and ceilings were reinforced with what appeared to be steel beams and panels. The concrete floor was smooth and solid but retained the look of the original cave. Recognizing the room was sealed and protected, there were two walls filled with computer equipment and stations with several men manning the keyboards. Other computer equipment filled the back wall, and the fourth wall held large screens with multiple images flashing upon them. Various doors opened from the large room, but his attention focused on the people in the room, all eyes turned his way.

Tamping down his nerves, he was glad he’d met many of them before and breathed a little easier when he saw that their faces all held smiles. He had no problem admitting it was going to be a helluva lot easier to start a new job with a genuine welcome as opposed to a group of competitive strangers.

He recognized Babs sitting at a desk next to another one where a beautiful woman had just stood and was walking toward him with her hand extended. Mace’s taciturn expression warmed as he smiled, reaching over to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

“John, meet my wife and LSI’s office manager, Sylvie.”

Sylvie smiled, shaking his hand. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you, John. Welcome to LSI.”

“It’s a pleasure, ma’am. I understand you have some forms for me.”

“I’m Sylvie, please. And yes, after you’re finished here, just stop by my desk, and I’ll make sure we have everything taken care of.”

He nodded his acquiescence and turned to greet Babs, laughing as she called out, “Heard your Lucy thinks fast under pressure.”

My Lucy.Keeping his expression neutral, he nodded. “That she does.”

“Good,” Babs quipped. “That just proves she’s got what it takes.”

With his head cocked slightly to the side, he wondered what she meant but didn’t ask.

Shaking her head while still laughing, she said, “You’ll find out what I mean.”

Before he had a chance to decipher Babs’ cryptic comments, Mace turned him toward the others. They walked around the room and he was introduced to the Keepers he hadn’t met and reintroduced to Drew, Tate, Clay, Josh, and Walker. As Mace continued, John gained a quick overview of what they were working on.

“We run security, specializing in systems that go way beyond typical security. We don’t take on positions as bodyguards, although we have accepted security escort contracts for certain clients, namely government agencies. Our systems are used by government officials, foreign dignitaries, a few celebrities but not many of those. They tend to be a pain in the ass, and that’s not worth our time. There are lots of other security agencies that take care of celebrities. Mostly our monitors are only for those we deem necessary. The rest we contract out to other security agencies for constant monitoring. Our investigations include being called in by the FBI, government contracts, needs of other law enforcement, even rescues, just to name a few.”

John took in everything Mace was saying, nerves now being replaced by excitement. “I was impressed the first time I heard about LSI, but after seeing it and meeting your staff, I have to say I’m blown away by what you’ve done here.”

Mace nodded, motioning him to sit at the large round table near the center of the room. Seated to Mace’s left, others filled in, tablets in front of them.

“What I want to do now is bring you up to speed on the Minotaurs. We’ve been working with the Canadians and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force to help investigate drug trafficking between the United States and Canada, particularly with the biker gangs. You already know that the Minotaurs had been taken in and are working with the Hell’s Angels. With the information you called in, what you don’t know yet is that James Kinder, aka Griz, rose to a high level with one of the Montana chapters of the Hell’s Angels, then moved to Canada to assist with the takeovers of biker gangs there. He now runs between Maine and Michigan and into Quebec and Ontario as a Minotaur. Depending on where he is, he can wear cuts of both.”

Every word that Mace said brought a deeper level of fear into John’s heart at the thought of Lucy not only being in the presence of Griz but now on his radar. He went back over everything that Lucy had told him, now more than ever pleased with her level of detail, something the others mentioned as well.

“Chances are Griz has no reason to give Lucy a second thought, but I want to have security on her place anyway.”

“She’ll have no problem with that,” John said. “While she kept a cool head, the bikers scared her, especially Griz.”

Bray looked over from his side of the table. “What about her friend? Paula?”

“Hardly a friend anymore, I think. Lucy won’t be taking any more trips or spending time with her, but they do work in the same building. It’s going to be impossible for her to not have some dealings with Paula.”

The others around the table nodded, but it was clear from their tight jaws and lips pressed together that they would prefer Lucy never have to be around Paula at all.

“Let’s put Paula’s place in our sights also,” suggested Drew. “We know Griz has been in this area. If he met with her in Canada, then it’s not too far-fetched to think that he won’t continue to have contact with her.”

Mace nodded, rubbing his chin. John hesitated, not knowing his place amongst them, something Mace picked up on almost immediately.

“John, if you’ve got something to say, say it. You’re one of us now. We throw out ideas, bounce things off each other. There’s no hierarchy here.”

“Other than everyone is subservient to me and Sylvie,” Babs shouted out from her desk, drawing laughter from everyone, the loudest coming from her husband, Drew.

John grinned, then sobered as he looked at the others. “I just can’t figure Paula out. Nothing seemed to fit with her. A teacher. A friend to Lucy, although I’m not sure how close they are. I haven’t had the resources to check her or her background out, but Lucy is a well-grounded, smart person and says she’s never had red flags about Paula’s behavior other than being a flirt and has no fear. On top of that, she hardly seems like the type of person Griz would hang around. It just doesn’t add up.”

Mace looked over at Josh. “Do a background workup on Paula. Finances, history, family. Let’s find out what’s going on.” Turning to Clay, he said, “You and Levi get in contact with the FBI and our liaison with the Drug Task Force. Let them know what we have and what we’re looking at.”

As orders were being given, John’s mind was spinning. A new job, one where he started out respected and on par with the others. A chance to take his sixteen years in the Army, most of those as Special Forces, and use the talents and skills he’d learned. And Lucy… Not only was she now planted fully in his life but the Keepers were working to ensure her safety.

The next hours were spent shadowing several of the Keepers as they worked at their individual stations and spending time researching what he could learn about the Minotaurs. The more he learned, the more he breathed a sigh of relief that Lucy had been able to escape their notice.

Lunch was often on their own, but today they all moved upstairs to the large dining room where Marge had fixed a huge sandwich buffet for them.

During the afternoon, he learned about the security cameras they would put in place around Lucy’s house.

By the end of the day, Mace kept his promise and the two of them climbed the circular stairs to the top of the lighthouse. John grinned as they made their way past the lamps and looked out over the sparkling water and crashing waves. He was hard-pressed to think of a more impressive sight.

“I bring everyone up here when they are taken on as a Keeper,” Mace said, the two men standing at the rail side by side. “It’s a perfect opportunity to remind them what we’re doing. The old lighthouses were maintained by ordinary men and women who were heroes as they went about their business keeping the ships and sailors safe. That’s what we do. We won’t get the glory. Our cases solved will be claimed by other law enforcement or not claimed at all. But we work every day knowing that our jobs keep others safe.”

“I understand.” The view in front of him was breathtaking and John thought how much he’d like to bring Lucy to the top of the lighthouse. Turning to Mace, he asked, “What did Babs mean when she mentioned Lucy this morning?”

Chuckling, Mace dropped his chin and stared at his boots for a moment before swinging his gaze back to John. “So far, every one of the keepers who’s married or engaged has met their significant other on a mission. It’s become evident to all of us that it takes a very special kind of person to be able to handle being with a Keeper. From everything you’ve said, Lucy fits that description.”

He'd never met the other women, but if they were as brave and special as Lucy, he had no doubt that she’d fit in.

Mace stepped back from the rail and turned toward him. “Remember, John, you’re now a Keeper. You’re not defined by the injury that caused you to leave the Army. You’re defined by what’s inside of you.”

Sucking in a deep breath of clean, ocean air, John nodded. “Thank you for the opportunity, Mace. I won’t let you down.”

Clapping him on the shoulder, Mace grinned. “I know you won’t. If I thought for one second you would, you wouldn’t be standing here with me now.”