Home to Stay by Maryann Jordan


John took off his ball cap and wiped his brow. It was now the next Saturday, and while the day was not hot, the sun beamed down in a blue, cloudless sky. He’d knelt over Lucy’s front porch, showing her how to use the cordless drill to screw in the wood screws to hold her porch boards more securely. When he’d come over that morning, he’d planned on doing it himself but soon learned that just like with her dad, while Lucy accepted his assistance, she wanted to learn.

“I’m always telling my students that we’re never too old to learn new things. If I let you take over a house project, I know it would get done quicker, but I won’t have learned anything.”

It was hard to argue with her logic although it went against his nature to not want to jump in and do everything for her. But then, soon, with their conversation flowing and lighthearted banter, not to mention stolen kisses, he discovered that working on a project together had its advantages.

Dressed in her coveralls again, he now knew what her body looked like underneath and it was hard not to get hard just thinking of peeling them off. Dragging his focus off his dick and back to her, he caught her glancing up at the security camera in the corner of the porch that he, Bray, and Tate had installed a few days earlier.

She sucked in her lips before turning to him. “I haven’t thought much about the security but it’s a little weird knowing someone can see us.”

“It’s not monitored twenty-four-seven, but it gives us information in case someone does come snooping around.”

Just like he’d discovered about most things with Lucy, she was easygoing and simply shrugged as she went back to her task. When the last screw was in place, they walked together over the porch, and he laughed as she squealed in delight at the secure boards with no nails left to trip on.

“Okay, babe, what’s next?”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and beamed up at him. “We’re going to have lunch first. Then we’ll take a hike in the woods on my property, and I can show you my surprise.”

It didn’t take long for them to finish their sandwiches and chips, and he watched in curiosity as she grabbed a small tote, filling it with sunscreen, bug spray, and water bottles.

“How long are we going to be gone? That makes it look like we’ll be hiking for miles.”

Laughing, she shook her head. “It’s not that big, but this will be part of my surprise.”

Soon, she led him out the back door and onto a mulched path that led into the woods. Waving her hands with animation as they walked, she talked about the end of the school year coming. “We’re having a Field Day and Party in two weeks. The kids wanted to know if you’d be able to come. I think they’d love to run races with you.”

“Sounds good.” His answer tripped lightly off his tongue, and it struck him that he meant what he said. It wasn’t that long ago that the idea of spending time with a bunch of ten-year-olds would have held no appeal, hating that the reason he’d have time to do it was because he was out of the Army. But with a new job and Gramps and Lucy in his life, he found new things to be excited about. And he spent less and less time thinking about his vision.

They made their way over three acres, and just as he wondered how far back her property went, they came upon a wide expanse of water with a canoe tied to a tiny wooden dock.

Lucy whirled around and swung his arm with their connected hands. “See! My property backs to this tributary that leads to a bay that leads to the ocean!”

“Seriously?” He stared in surprise, then laughed as she continued to talk while giving a little hop.

“And this is my canoe! My brother bought it for us to use, and we’re taking it out today. That’s my surprise!”

Her eyes lit as she smiled up at him, sparkling as much as the sunlight on the water. With fingers linked, he pulled her closer and dipped to take her lips. Pulling back regretfully, he mumbled, “Best surprise, babe.”

The dock was sturdy, and he stepped into the canoe, lifting his hand to assist Lucy as she climbed in after him. Settled on either end, she placed her bag onto the floor, and they dipped their paddles into the water, gliding out over the surface.

It had been a while since he’d been on the water, and for a few seconds, he closed his eyes as he lifted his chin, allowing the sunlight to warm him deep inside. Hearing a splash, he opened his eyes to see Lucy looking to the side.

“There’s fish jumping,” she said, her voice now soft. “My dad said this summer would be a good time to go fishing. I haven’t done that in a long time.”

The last time he’d fished had been on a mission in South America and his team fished to eat, but he kept that tidbit to himself. Although, it didn’t pass his notice that he could think about his team without the sharp ache inside his chest.

“Do you miss it?”

He jerked his head around to see her staring at him, her head cocked to the side. “Miss what?”

“The Special Forces? Your team? The missions?”

Surprised, he dropped his chin. Shouldn’t be surprised… not with Lucy. Her perception was one of the things that drew him to her. Sighing, he lifted his head and smiled. “Yes and no. Yes, I’ll always think fondly of those guys that were my brothers. And I want to keep up with them, something I haven’t been good at doing since I got out. But I have a life now that’s outside the service. And even though it’s taken a while to get used to, I’m a hell of a lot luckier than so many others.”

“I think the fact that you can now realize how lucky you are says a great deal about you.”

Nodding slowly as his paddle dipped into the water, propelling them forward, he agreed. “I wasn’t sure about coming home. I wasn’t sure about my place here with Gramps. I didn’t have a job. I didn’t have friends. But now, Gramps and I might get in each other’s way a little bit, but I think we’re both glad I’m here. I can’t believe I’ve got a job that suits me so well. And I never thought about having someone like you in my life.”

The canoe rocked as she jerked her paddle upward and plopped it into the bottom near her seat. Without giving him a warning, she crawled forward over the seats, getting closer, a gleam in her eye.

He grinned widely as she crawled in between his legs, placing her hands on his thighs. “What have you got on your mind, babe?”

“While the scenery around us is gorgeous, what’s filling my eyes is sitting right in front of me. Although no one else is around, what I’d like to do to you out here in the open is probably illegal.”

Barking out laughter, he nodded. “I can definitely tell you that what I’d like to do to you out here in the open is absolutely illegal.”

She leaned up, still balancing her weight with her hands on his thighs. Her lips landed on his, and they kissed, long, hard, and wet. His cock swelled, uncomfortable in his cargo shorts, sitting on the hard bench of the canoe. Holding the paddle with one hand, his other hand banded around her waist and pulled her close so that her breasts were plastered against his chest. Angling his head for better access, his tongue dove in, drowning in her taste.

He lost sense of time but was jolted when the canoe came to a sudden halt. They separated and looked around, seeing they had run into a small log across part of the tributary. Lifting his hand, he cupped her cheek. “I’ve loved your surprise, but what do you say about going back to your house and continuing what we’ve started?”

With her eyes still shining, her breath rasped in before she smiled. “I thought this was a good idea, but I like your idea better!”

They made short work of getting back to the dock and securing the canoe. Once it was tied off, he grabbed her hand and they raced through the woods toward her house. Rushing through the back door, she laughed, gasping for breath. “If your coworkers are watching, what will they think about us running into the house?”

He whirled around and lifted her onto the kitchen counter, stepping between her legs and nestling his erection next to her core. Her eyes darkened, and she bit her lip, breathing heavily.

“They’ll see me with a gorgeous woman and think I’m the luckiest man alive.”

Snapping out her hands to clutch his jaws, she pulled him in for another kiss. He gave her that play, then, picking her up off the counter, he carried her to her bedroom, only this time he didn’t stop until he’d made it into her bathroom. With one arm still banded about her waist, he reached his free hand to the shower and turned on the faucet.

He lowered her feet to the floor slowly, allowing her body to glide down his. Keeping their fronts plastered together, his cock nestled snugly against her tummy. Ending the kiss just long enough for them to jerk their clothes off, they were naked in record time. He stepped inside the shower first so the water would hit his back, allowing her a chance to step in without getting pummeled directly in her face.

She slipped in after him and turned to face him, her gaze dropping over his body, snagging on his erection.

Taking her in, all curves and softness, his cock bobbed in anticipation. “Turn around,” he ordered gently.

She tilted her head for a few seconds, then grinned and obeyed. Presented with her back, his gaze now traced down the slope of her spine and the gorgeous globes of her ass. He wanted to bend her over and take her from behind, but first, he wanted to take care of her. Grabbing her shampoo, he lathered her hair, dragging his fingers along her scalp, loving the little moans she made as she leaned her head back. Stepping to the side, he let the water wash away the suds before he repeated his actions with the bottle of conditioner that he discovered sitting on the shower shelf.

As soon as he finished, she turned around and her smile shot straight through him. She leaned forward, her breasts touching his chest as she snagged body wash from the shelf. Pouring some onto her palm, she rubbed her hands together before placing them flat on his chest and soothing them over the ridges of his pecs and shoulders before gliding down his abs. Stepping closer again, she let her hands move over his ass, gripping slightly before she shifted to his painfully swollen cock.

Unable to take any more of her ministrations without coming right there in the shower, he banded his arms around her and lifted. Growling as he backed her against the now-warm tile, he used his leverage to maintain her position as he bent and sucked a nipple deeply into his mouth. Her fingernails dug into the muscles of his shoulders as he moved between each breast, nipping and sucking. Sliding one hand between them, his thumb circled her clit as he inserted a finger into her channel. Working her body like a fine instrument, his onslaught was complete as she cried out, her sex vibrating against his finger.

Pulling his fingers out, he slid them into his mouth, sucking her essence as her wide eyes stayed pinned on him. Moving his hand to his cock, he placed the tip at her entrance, then halted. “Fuck, a condom.”

“I’m clean. And I’m on the pill.” She winced. “I know that’s what every woman who's trying to trap a man probably says. We can stop and get a condom—”

“I’m clean, too. We were tested all the time in the service, and I haven’t been with a woman in months. Hell, months and months if I’m honest. I trust you but it’s your call, babe.”

Her hands clutched his jaws, and she nodded, her smile curving her lips once again. “I trust you, too. With everything, about everything, I trust you.”

Her words meant more to him than just where he placed his unsheathed cock. She trusted him to take care of her, and he wasn’t about to squander that trust. He closed the distance as he angled his head and took her lips in a searing kiss. The water pounded them from the side, but all he could think of was the feel of her body yielding to his.

With his cock once again at her entrance, he thrust his hips, entering her quickly. His desire to take her hard and fast had faded with their vows, and he moved slowly, dragging his erection along her inner walls. The sensation of bare skin against bare skin was like a drug, one he never wanted to quit.

With only a few more thrusts, his balls tightened, and he knew he was close, but wanted to take care of her again. “Babe, are you close?”

“Yes,” she barely gasped, her eyes squeezed tightly closed as she held on to his shoulders as though afraid if she let go he would disappear.

“Open your eyes. Look at me.”

She immediately acquiesced, and he stared into her brown eyes, loving the sight of her coming again. She cried out his name as the flush moved from her full breasts up to her face, her nipples beading. Just as her inner muscles were squeezing his erection, his muscles tightened and he roared out his own release. With one hand under her ass and the other hand planted against the shower wall next to her head, he pumped slowly until every drop had been wrung from his body. He pressed his chest against hers, keeping her pinned against the wall as his cock slid out of her sex. Making sure to keep her steady, he lowered her until her feet were securely on the shower floor.

Uncertain either of their legs would hold them up, he was glad for the tiled, built-in bench in the corner. He flipped off the now-cooling water. Slumping onto the bench, he pulled her into his lap, their arms wrapped around each other as they steadied their heartbeats and their breathing.

“I knew I loved this shower when I reworked the bathroom.” She grinned. “Maybe next time we can explore bathtub sex.”

He barked out a laugh, and his arms flexed, squeezing her. “That’s a deal, babe.”

When they finally recovered, he assisted her out of the shower and onto the plush bath mat, loving the feel of her thick towels as they dried each other off. “I think Gramps has been using the same threadbare towels for years and years.”

“There’s not a lot of things I’ll splurge on, but nice sheets and nice towels are a must for me.” She walked naked into her room, his gaze following her every movement. She pulled on fresh underwear before wrapping up in a short, brightly colored kimono.

He dressed in the clothes he’d worn over, then stepped closer, reaching out with both hands and linking her fingers with his. Kissing her forehead, he kept his lips against her soft skin and asked, “What else is a must for you?”

She leaned back, her gaze hitting him, her dark eyes penetrating. Her lips curved ever so slightly, and she took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “You.”

Her single-word answer slammed into him, echoing exactly what he’d been feeling. His smile started from his chest and moved out, and he could only imagine how wide it was by the time it reached his face. Bending so that his lips were a whisper away from hers, he agreed. “Same for me, babe. You have become a must for me.”