Chasing Heartbreak by Kat T. Masen




It’s full steam ahead with my transition to LA.

Lex wants me full-time in the States within eight weeks. Easier said than done—I need to haul some serious ass.

Javier is taking over my role in Paris, and unfortunately for him, he has been paired with a much older personal assistant. I know he’d have gladly worked with Emile, given his interest in her during several corporate functions, but I wasn’t going to let her go. I offered her a role as my assistant in LA, which she is ecstatic about. All she needs to do is say goodbye to her French boyfriend, Louis, and pack her bags to join me.

With so many things happening at one time, the days become a constant blur. Emile is tasked with packing up my apartment, along with organizing my belongings to be shipped to the States. It turns out I’ve accumulated more clothes and accessories than I thought, which prompts a significant wardrobe cull.

It’s meeting after meeting until Lex calls and wants me to fly over for a quick introduction with the new team. It’s supposed to be for only three days, and despite my heavy workload here, I only agree so I can see Noah. It’s been six weeks of built-up sexual frustration, which video calls simply can’t satisfy.

As I land in LAX, previously my most hated airport in the world, I welcome its chaos with open arms. Everything feels exactly the same as last time, yet completely different.

Setting foot on American soil means I’m this much closer to touching Noah.

It’s early morning, and I’m not due in the office until lunchtime. I choose to hire a car this time due to the jam-packed schedule I have planned for the next three days, some of which involve off-site meetings.

Knowing that Noah is busy with work, which he doesn’t argue the fact, I drive over to Charlie’s place since she’s working from home today. I desperately need a shower to wash off the plane smell and look presentable when meeting everyone at the new office.

“You’re here!” Charlie runs outside with Addison following her. “Soon, I won’t have to greet you with such enthusiasm.”

We hug each other tightly before Addison demands my attention. Of all the three girls, she’s the only one who looks like Charlie only because of the color of her mousy brown hair. They all possess Lex’s green eyes, which Charlie often jokes about him definitely being their father. The joke, while humorous, never sits well with Lex.

I head straight for the shower, scrubbing away the awful travel smell, and then change into my ivory silk blouse and black pencil skirt. Beneath the skirt, I wear my garters and pantyhose, coupled with my Christian Louboutins. I plan to change into a different outfit for my date with Noah tonight—some restaurant in Malibu which will hopefully end with some much-needed sex.

It’s been that long, and there’s only so much a woman do to help herself.

Before heading to the office, I want to make one pit stop. It has weighed heavily on my mind since our altercation at Amelia’s party, and I know that I’m hugely to blame for what happened. Admitting my mistakes isn’t my greatest strength, yet losing a close friend is not something I want to happen either.

My knuckles tap on the door. Minutes later, Eric opens it, dressed in a sharp gray suit.

“Oh.” He eyes me dubiously before glancing aside. “It’s you.”

“Can I come in, please?”

With his mouth set in a hard line and arms crossed, he motions for me to follow him inside. Eric’s condo is modern with gorgeous views of the Hollywood Hills. He lives here with Tristan, who has become this mega movie star. Who would have figured? The two of them an unlikely couple, yet they never can stay apart.

“I brought this for you.” I hand him a white box with a red bow, gesturing for him to take it.

Using his perfectly manicured fingers, Eric opens the box and sifts through the tissue paper to pull out a mustard paisley cravat from a French boutique. The three elements he despises—the color mustard, paisley print, and, of course, the ever-so-controversial cravat.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry. For lying to you.”

“By giving me a cravat?”

I nod, smiling, knowing how much he hates them. “If I’m honest, I was ashamed. I knew from the beginning it was wrong, but I let myself believe that I was a big girl, and I could handle it.”

Eric releases a breath, staring at the box before raising his eyes to meet mine with a hopeless gaze. “Come here, give me a hug.”

In Eric’s embrace, the world feels right again. I’ve called him a drama queen, a pain in the ass, but the truth is, my life isn’t complete without him in it.

“I’m sorry, too, for flat out calling you a whore. It just caught me by surprise. I seriously thought it was a joke when he told me.”

“I wish it was.”

“You got to him, you know,” Eric confesses, keeping his voice low. “My whole life, we’ve barely spoken two words. It’s like I was never good enough to be his little brother. But now it’s all changed. It feels like we’re family.”

“I’m sorry,” I repeat, then pressing my lips together thoughtfully. “But it was never going to work out between us. Two different people and two different lives.”

“I know,” he admits, running his hand against the fabric of the cravat. “And look, he’ll move on. But he did… oh sorry… he does, love you.”

Dominic has no idea what love means. But who am I to care anymore? It’s a moot point, and my life is now with a man who loves me unconditionally. Dominic will move on, just like we all do when the stars don’t align.

“I have ten minutes to catch up before meeting Lex at the office. Tell me, what’s new with you?”

“Tristan and I took up hiking. Do you know how many hot French hikers we run into at the trail? I’m just waiting for an orgy to break out in the wilderness. You’ve got to teach me how to speak French.”

“Well, if it’s going to happen, then fingers crossed it’s to you. You can call the video Bareback Mountain.”

Eric snorts, followed by a ripple of laughter as I break out as well, unable to control myself until I fall into a coughing fit.

As we both try to calm down, Eric removes the cravat from the box entirely. “Let’s say, for the sake of argument, I wore this one day. On a scale of one to ten, how many honey daddies would I score?”

I shake my head with a wide grin. Some things never change. “Ten. They’d be throwing themselves at you.”

We speak a little bit more before I check the time and have to leave. I promise to catch up once I’m back permanently. In an odd expression, Eric looks rather pleased with himself, chewing his bottom lip with a knowing smirk. To add to that, his lingering silence also raises concern, but I’ve no choice but to ignore him for now.

Leaving his building, I welcome the short drive to the office to prepare myself for a very tiring few days.




Lex walks me through the building, introducing me to a few key people I’ll be working with. I’ve forgotten how strong the American accent is, having been away for a while. According to many, I still have my British accent, though my linguistic efforts have been directed to learning French.

The building is rather large and modern, fifteen floors to be exact, in which we occupy all of them. It’s located on Wilshire Boulevard in the heart of Beverly Hills, with Rodeo Drive just a few blocks away.

I’ve gone over the briefs, familiarized myself with our chain of hotels, and rise to the challenge Lex set, but nevertheless, the man will continue to push me because that’s what he does best.

“Many of these hotels are outdated, the turnover is returning guests, but we’re not capturing the new generation—the influencers with their self-made money to spend. We’re talking complete overhaul, Lex, money spent on improving structures, expanding buildings, offering state-of-the-art amenities. Global campaigning is costly. This isn’t an easy sell unless we’ve got the product to back it up.”

“I agree, which is why I was able to secure the DeLuxe Group for a low amount. The board was tired, and they’re ready to move on. And they don’t have the funds to invest. I know we can bring this to where it needs to be, and I’ve given you the strongest team.”

The board room opens with a man and a woman walking in. The man will be easily in his early thirties, and the lady, more mature at possibly fifty-odd.

“Rebecca is head of Finance, and Austin is our Chief of Information Technology.”

I shake both of their hands, welcoming the two of them before asking them to take a seat. Another five people walk in, all of who are different heads of departments. Further to that, three of our shareholders also join us. We shake hands and exchange names. Luckily for me, I have a great memory when it comes to names.

Lex bows his head before Eric walks into the room. I shift my gaze to Lex, waiting for him to say something. “Eric Kennedy, Public Relations Manager.”

Eric extends his hand with a professional smile. “Lovely to meet you, Miss Hamilton.”

“Public relations?”

“Yes, Eric has been working on some side projects with me for quite some time, much to my wife’s displeasure.”

I keep my laugh at bay. Who would’ve thought Eric has something to do with public relations? Though, on further thought, he’s born to do this role. I’m just surprised Lex hired him, having never alluded to this and given Charlie has mentioned that he is the glue that holds her business together on more than one occasion.

“So, this is the West Coast team?” I ask, smiling politely at everyone in the room.

“No, I have one more important person to introduce. In fact, someone you’ll be working very closely with.”

I look at Lex, then Eric, as he clasps his hands with a mischievous smile. “Our Chief Executive Officer.”

With a company so large, I’d need a management team strongly suited. With some of Lex’s larger endeavors, he hired a President and CEO. Fingers crossed I don’t get some asshole on a power trip who will make my life hell. Surely, Lex knows how I operate and what I won’t tolerate.

My eyes wander to the black Givenchy leather shoes which have stepped into the room. Slowly, they lift to the tailored slim-fit navy trousers and linger around the waist. My breathing stills, sweat building in the palm of my hands, although the air conditioning is turned up to cool the room.

Swallowing the lump caught in my throat, I bite my lip unwillingly as I continue to move upward past the white shirt and stop just where his chest is exposed—two buttons down. A thirst escapes me, the heat between my thighs rising as I make the final glance until I’m met with the eyes of Noah.

I am rendered speechless as he moves closer, extending his hand.

“Noah Mason,” he introduces, his stare burning through me like an uncontrollable blaze.

I place my hand in his, the touch of his skin sending my complete body into meltdown, a slight shiver escaping me. Unbeknownst to everyone in the room, his gaze shifts toward my mouth, causing him to bite his bottom lip unknowingly.

I clear my throat. “Kate Hamilton.”

He releases his shake, taking a seat across from me, a playful smirk making it all the more uncomfortable to sit down given he’s practically made me soaking wet with a simple hand gesture.

“Psst.” Eric leans over, keeping his voice low as others take a seat. “Are you guys going to have the hottest sex tonight because the sexual tension in here is smoking hot?”

Eric has no idea how hot it will be.

And that will be my challenge for the rest of the day, ignoring just how sexy Noah is and anticipating exactly what he’ll do to me tonight once we’re alone.

Five hours later, and several American coffees consumed, everyone leaves the room with another meeting scheduled for tomorrow. There’s much to absorb, my mind riddled with information, but the biggest question on the forefront of my mind is how Noah kept this from me.

Lex taps his pen on the table, switching his stare between Noah and me.

“I assume your personal relationship is here to stay?”

“Smart man,” Noah chides, leaning back in his chair.

“Good,” Lex states before playing with the band on his finger. “Off the record, I’m happy to see you two together. You’re family to us. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.”

“Calm down, Lex.” I shake my head while laughing. “It sounds like you’re toasting a wedding.”

A smile lightens Noah’s eyes as he taps his fingers on the table. “Is a certain someone, someone you’re married to, trying to probe into our relationship?”

“I admit to nothing. Off the record, you know my wife can be a handful at times.”

“Well, you tell my nosy cousin that we’re happy. One step at a time, right?”

“One step at a time,” I agree, sunnily.

“Well, good. I respect the two of you and wouldn’t have offered you this position if I didn’t think you were capable. I don’t trust many people, but neither one of you have ever let me down.”

Lex directs our conversation to the outcome of the meeting, setting out an agenda for tomorrow. Shortly after, he leaves the room, so just the two of us are remaining.

“So, was this your secret? Your “things in the pipeline”?” I use air quotes around the words.

Noah is still sitting across from me, looking as delicious as he did the moment he stepped in. “Yes, I didn’t know how you would react. When it comes to working, you’re a control freak.”

“Yes, I am. But we have a bigger problem,” I admit leaning forward, aware that my blouse has dropped, and Noah’s eyes are drawn to my breasts like a moth to a flame. “So, you’re telling me that I’m supposed to pretend like I haven’t felt you inside me? All day long, I’m supposed to be near you and curb the desire to touch you?”

Noah’s smirk does nothing to calm me down, nor does the lick of his lips.

“All day long,” he drags. “Luckily, the day is nearly over.”

Noah rises from his chair, and instantly my eyes gravitate toward the crotch of his pants where he’s rock hard. Moving slowly toward me, he leans into my ear, his cock grazing against my arm. “As soon as we’re alone, you’re all mine.”

I try to control my breathing as I head to my office to find a very excited Eric—the biggest splash of cold water I could’ve asked for.

“Okay, tell me everything! Blow job, quick ram up the backside?”

“Eric, Noah and I are professionals. Besides, I’ll take both later. So, you and Public Relations? You sure you’re up for it?”

“Darling, I can be anyone you want me to be.”

“Oh, really?” I chuckle.

“Yes, now back to Noah. How big are we talking?”

I shake off the laugh, not answering his question and asking him respectfully to leave me alone, so I can make a call to the Paris office. After Eric leaves, I send Charlie a quick text.


Me:I got Eric in our custody battle? I thought you wanted sole custody.


Charlie:Nah, he’s too much hard work. I do best co-parenting.


Noah changes plans for us, telling me to meet him at his place in one hour. I don’t even have time to change or grab my things, knowing he left an hour ago with Lex to attend another meeting. He left a key for me with the receptionist, just in case he’s running late.

I place the key in the lock and step inside the apartment to be met with all the lights turned off. Before I manage to find the switch, hands move around my waist before turning me around—the familiar scent engulfing me.

“Noah,” I breathe.

He doesn’t say a word, lifting my skirt and entering me with a grunt. I gasp in his grip, moving in sync, our lips crashing against each other unable to get enough.

“You’re such a tease, wearing this skirt, pursing your beautiful lips. How will I punish you for taunting me all day?”

My arm wraps around his neck, pulling him in, begging to go deeper. “Baby, you can’t punish me. You want me too much.”

I pull him out, sliding my back against the wall until I’m crouched, and his beautiful cock is in front of me. I take it all in, watching him arch his back until he wraps my hair around his hand and pushes me deeper, exploding inside of me. I move up as he inserts his fingers, my back pressing against the wall until a sudden flush of warmth spreads to every inch of my body, possessing me in a way only Noah can do.

My breaths are uneven, a rasp in my throat from my deep moans. I grip onto his shoulders to gain my balance and adjust my skirt as Noah cups my face, planting a loving kiss.

“I have to tell you something,” he says, walking me to the bedroom where he strips my clothes off, leaving me completely naked—kissing my shoulder. “I knew Lex was offering you the position. He spoke to me first and, of course, I thought it was brilliant. He texted me after he spoke to you.”

“Is that why you were quiet when I called you?”

“I was afraid you would say no.”

“I’ll admit I had to think about it, not because I didn’t want to be with you but because I needed to make sure I was strong enough to be the person you need me to be.”

“And are you?” he asks, inches away from me.

“With you in my bed every night, I’m Wonder-fucking-Woman.”

He carries me in his arms, laying me on the bed as we make love all night long to the sounds of the waves crashing against the shoreline.

Another perfect night in the arms of the man I love.




I always knew three days would fly by so quickly. Work commitments have me occupied. Luckily, Noah is in on every meeting, so I get to still see him even though it’s on a professional level. Since I haven’t worked with him before, to see him command the room is something else. I have to keep reminding myself to focus and not think about him completely naked buried between my thighs.

We do, however, have a strong management team. There are a few roles we still need to hire for which Lex left to us, but all in all, I’m pleased with the skillset each person possesses and feel confident about reaching our set targets with global domination insight.

Our company owns and funds many larger hotel chains across the States, meaning travel is imminent. Our team put together a short-term itinerary, which means both Noah and I will be traveling separately to different places over the next few months. The silver lining to all of this is that although we will spend some days apart, we’ll have more time together than if I stayed in Paris.

On my last night, we lay in bed all night long, relishing the moment before my early flight.

“I wish you didn’t have to leave.”

“It’s not for long,” I remind him while caressing his arm. “I’ll be back in three weeks for good.”

“I know. But I’m selfish and want you now.”

“Good things come to those who wait.”

“Speaking of good things, I was thinking—”

“It’s never good when you’re thinking,” I interrupt him with a smile playing on my lips. “It can end up with us in a jail cell again or me taking it back door outside on your balcony.”

“Hmm… dirty mind, Miss Hamilton. I was just thinking about how beautiful you’ll look spread out with your ass ready for me.” His lips find me again, but he pulls away, leaving me breathless. “But that isn’t it. I was thinking, this place isn’t big enough for us. It’s a fair distance from the office, and I don’t want to spend my time on the road when I can be here with you.”

“You want to move to where?”

“Us to move.” He looks deep into my eyes. “Something bigger, a room for Jessa when she stays and one for Nash.”

“Wait, back up. Nash? Has something happened?”

“Olivia agreed to move to LA. I pitched your idea, and she’s managed to find a local job. You know, she’d love to meet you… her words, not mine.”

“I… I’d love to meet her, too. I mean, if Nash is going to stay with us some days, I guess I need to get to know her, right?”

“I’d love for you to but no pressure.”

“I’ve just never been around kids much, aside from Charlie’s.”

“One day at a time. We’re still trying to put together a schedule, and I want you to be part of this.”

I pull the sheet over me, my chest hitching as the room begins to heat up. “Noah, I… this is a lot, okay? I’ve never had to factor kids in, ever.”

“I know it’s a lot. But we’re together now, and soon you’ll be my wife so…”

“Um… hold up. Your wife?”

“Where did you think our relationship would lead?”

“I don’t know… I didn’t think about marriage,” I sputter, momentarily beyond words, while trying to digest this all. “I just thought about us being together, and that’s it.”

“Okay, well, here’s the thing. I’m in love with you, and I refuse to let you go again. I want a future with you. I want to call you my wife, one day, apparently the day you stop freaking out over it…”

I smack a pillow in his face. The overwhelming feeling fades, and the realization of his pure intentions bring a welcoming smile. “You’ve just caught me by surprise. And besides, as if I could ever say no to you.”

Noah angles his head, brushing his lips against my mouth in a soft kiss. “I’m charming. It’s one of the only things I have going for me.”

“Uh-uh. That’s not true. You also have beautiful lips and nice hair.” My hand wanders between his legs where he is rock hard. “And the most perfect cock in the world.”

“Hmm,” he moans. “According to Eric, it’s supposed to be Orlando Bloom.”

I climb on top of him, sliding myself on. “You’ve got five hours left to show me just how perfect it is.”

“Oh, baby,” Noah groans, bucking his hips. “Get ready.”

Like he has always done, Noah makes me forget that the entire world exists, and the only thing on my mind is him.

Saying goodbye is hard but knowing I’ll be back forever, changes my outlook. We agree to go house hunting upon my return, our first step to cementing our relationship. Although Noah makes it known that he has little patience for architecture, if I brought up the words ‘meticulous craftsmanship’ or ‘wainscotting,’ he said he’d swap him out for Eric.

A typical male and lucky for him, I love architecture and design. So does Eric.

I decide to keep my apartment in Paris, renting it out to someone who works at Lexed. In ways, it feels like I’m giving up everything I’ve ever known, but I welcome this new journey because it’s time to live my happily ever after.

I even connected with Olivia on Facebook. She’s actually pretty easy-going, and one day, she calls me to chat. I can see why Noah is more relaxed with her. Olivia is very rational and wants to get together when I come home. She also asks about how comfortable I will be in Nash’s life. Given that I haven’t met him, I don’t know exactly how to respond, but I suggest we talk more when I get back.

As for Morgan, Noah says she won’t be easy. It isn’t about another woman being in Noah’s life.

It’s me.

The woman who she believes has always owned Noah’s heart.

I know this will be a battle, and one I have no idea how to conquer. So, for now, unlike Olivia, who welcomes me into her son’s life with open arms, I’m yet to have any communication with Morgan Bentley.

The biggest hurdle is yet to come—meet face to face with the woman who hates me most of all.

A scorned ex-wife who holds her cards close to her chest, ready to strike at any moment.

But before I embark on what’ll be my greatest journey yet, I have to say goodbye to one of my greatest loves—Paris.

Standing on my balcony as I’ve done many times before, I take it all in from every angle possible. The cool air and soft breeze rustle with the leaves falling on the sidewalk. Warm, earth-tone colors replace the blossoming flowers with the hint of winter upon us.

This city—romantic, magical, in a league of its own—will always be my first true love.

I’ve rediscovered who I am and have allowed myself to explore things outside of my normally controlled comfort zone. I’ve been bold with my choices, yet disciplined when faced with challenges. And I’ve learned that the most cherished memories you’ll ever make are with the person you love.

Paris taught me how to fall in love.

With a place, my best friend, and most importantly, myself.

Au revoir mon amour,” I whisper in the autumn night. “Until next time.”