The Trophy Wife by Evie Baxter


Iwas horrified at what this woman had gone through. The abuse was far more than I could have imagined. How she endured three and half years of that treatment was beyond me. And still I didn’t feel like I had the full story. There was something she was leaving out.

Tori turned her big brown eyes on me. “I didn’t want him going public with the footage. I was barely hanging on mentally at the time. I couldn’t deal with the simplest of tasks, let alone face going to court and giving evidence against Robert. David had a plan though. He was already working for the family company and suspecting his father of less than ethical business practices. He’s who helped collect all the incriminating evidence against Robert. As he gained seniority in management, he got more and more access to company records. And we might have hacked Robert’s computer.” She actually smiled at this bit of information.

I still held her slight hand over the table, the starters grown cold between us. “You did well, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

“You shouldn’t be proud. I was weak. I stayed with that man for years.” She tilted her head, looking at me like I didn’t have a clue what I was talking about.

“You got away from him. You do know that abuse like that is coercive? To break free and for the sake of Isla is the bravest thing I ever heard. You have far more strength than you give yourself credit for.”

“I’m so strong that I had a panic attack at the thought of dating you. Doesn’t that make you want to avoid me by a country mile?”

“Nah,” I scoffed. “My ego is robust. I believe that the woman I met in London is the real Tori Belmane. And I’m willing to stick around while we work on making you confident enough to let her fly free again.”

Tori laughed, and my heart quickened. There it was, another brief glimpse of the confident woman beneath. “You just want to get laid again.”

“I wouldn’t say no. I’m not stupid. That was the best sex of my life.”

“Really?” Tori looked up at me, her lips parted in surprise.


“But I’ve never done it before with anyone but Robert. And that, well that was never willingly. I was sure you would be able to tell I didn’t have a clue what I was doing.”

“Oh baby, you had more than a clue,” I growled. “Your instincts are impeccable. But mostly I think it’s because you and I have a connection and that showed in our love making.”

She blushed. I love it. She wasn’t impervious to me. I’d show her that we had something that I was willing to fight for, be patient for, and stick around for.

The conversation had been deep enough for one night though. I pointed at the food on the table between us. “Are we going to eat any of this?”

Tori picked up the chicken skewer she had taken a bite of earlier and used her fork to slide the meat off the bamboo stick and then started eating. She looked more relaxed, like telling me about her ordeal with Robert had lifted a weight off her shoulders. I wanted that. I wanted all the weight off her shoulders, and I would bear it for her if needs be. I changed the conversation totally as we worked our way through the selection of satay, spring rolls and sweet corn fritters.

“Legoland,” I said.


“Our next date should be to Legoland. It will be an Isla date.”

“We’re having another date?”

I gave her a look, and shook my head in gentle reproof at her, a smirk on my face. “Don’t tease me. Of course we are having another date. And then another one after that. These dates only stop if you say you truly don’t want anything to do with me. Otherwise, get used to seeing me, babe.”

“And you think taking a four year old to a theme park is a good idea?” She shook her head at me this time.

“Hell yeah, it’s a good idea. I looked it up. There’s a load of stuff suitable for younger children there.”

Tori narrowed her eyes at me and smirked. “I’m not talking about the rides. I’m talking about the queues for those rides. They can be really long. No self-respecting four year old is going to take that good naturedly.”

“Eh, trust me. Isla will love it.”

“On your head be it then. When she throws a fit in the middle of the park you better be prepared to deal with her because it will be all,” she jabbed her finger at me to make her point, “your fault.”

Little did she know I had a few tricks up my sleeve that would keep Isla perfectly happy. I was going to become the Isla whisperer. I’d let Tori see just how well I could handle that little bundle of energy on the day. I had this in the bag.

We finished the starters and our mains of Thai green curry, rice and pad Thai noodles arrived. We ate these while they were still hot, whilst we talked about our favourite places in Scotland, and I told Tori about a trip to Grand Cayman where I went diving with stingrays.

“I haven’t been out of the country since I left Robert. I could barely leave the village for ages,” she admitted.

“Where would you go if you had to pick one place?”

“Right now, while Isla is little, I think the Netherlands.”

I had expected her to say Florida or somewhere like that. “Why there?”

“Because Isla just learned to ride her bike. I think it would be so much fun to ride around there on all those fantastic bike trails. Somewhere she would be safe. The roads around where I am, nope. The only place to escape the drivers who go too fast is a bramble hedge. I’m not taking her riding around where I am. So, yeah, the Netherlands.”

This woman was so selfless. Most would pick a week in the Maldives, or want to explore a fantastic city like Rome. Tori just wanted a nice holiday with her daughter.

“Where would you go?” she asked me.

I told her the truth. “Cycling around the Netherlands with you and Isla.” If she had asked me five minutes earlier, I would have told her of my wish to explore Vietnam, but my priorities were changing faster than I could keep up with.

An hour later we strolled out the restaurant side by side. “Where are you parked?”

“Just over there,” Tori said, pointing at a car park across the street.

“Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”

“Still practicing at being a gentleman, I see.”

“I’m not practicing at all. I am a gentleman. My mother taught me well. There’s no way I would let any woman walk to the car in the dark after a date with me. I certainly wouldn’t put your safety at risk.” I placed my hand lightly at the base of her spine as we crossed the street, and was thrilled when she didn’t step away from my touch.

“I’m not exactly at risk when I can see my car from the door of the restaurant.” Tori walked briskly ahead of me, breaking our connection.

“It’s a sad truth that women are too often at risk in this world. No one is hurting you under my watch, Tori.” She would understand this eventually.

We got to her car and when the bleep sounded as she pushed the unlock button on the key fob I reached around Tori and opened her door for her.

Before she could get in the car I spoke. “Thank you for opening up to me tonight. I’m sorry you went through so much with Robert. I can’t even imagine the true horror of it. And I understand how much it is taking for you to allow me the chance to go on a date with you. Can I give you a kiss goodnight?” My voice went husky at the end. My body remembered the bliss of having this woman and wanted more, so much more.

Her head was shaking before she even started to speak, so I saw the rejection of my advance coming. Then she surprised me. “No, I – uh – okay, is a kiss on the cheek too lame to suggest?”

“A kiss on the cheek is perfect.” I leaned down and brushed my lips across her satiny skin, breathing in the subtle floral scent she favoured, savouring that she was allowing this smallest of pleasures.

I pulled away and stood while she got in the driver’s seat and buckled her seatbelt. Her delicate features turned up to me as she said, “Thank you, Bastian. I enjoyed tonight.”

“Thank you for allowing me to take you out. I’ll see you next Saturday for our Legoland adventure. Would you be okay with me picking you and Isla up and us taking one car to the theme park?”

“Does your car have room for Isla?” She looked sceptical.

I grinned down at her. “The Aston Martin isn’t my only car, Tori. So, am I picking you up?”

“I guess so.” She didn’t sound too sure, but she didn’t say no.

“Fantastic. Drive home safe, baby. Text me when you are safe in your house. I’ll let you know what time I will picking the two of you up on Saturday. Have a good week.” I closed her door and stood and watched as she drove away.

Taking a deep breath of satisfaction at how well the evening had gone, I turned to walk down Parson’s Street towards where my car was parked. The evening was mild and there were a fair number of people coming in and out of the pubs and restaurants that lined the street. Despite this, I got the odd feeling that I was being followed, but when I looked behind myself I couldn’t pick anyone out the crowd that looked suspicious.