803 Wishing Lane by Shaw Hart



“Thanks for taking us out today,”Caroline says as she lets Charlotte into the house.

Rory and Remy are barking and going crazy, trying to lick Charlotte’s face. She laughs and runs off, her stuffed bunny clutched tight in her hand.

“Anytime. I had a lot of fun.”

“Us too,” she says, stepping closer to me and my heart starts to race.

“Me too,” I whisper as her hands rest on my chest and she giggles.

Real smooth, Heath. Why don’t you tell her how much fun you had one more time just to make sure she heard you?

She smiles, rising up on her tiptoes and I meet her halfway. Our lips connect and everything else in the world disappears. There’s just Caroline and me.

The kiss goes slow, like we’re both trying to memorize and learn the taste and feel of the other. Then she moans and I lose all control.

Hearing that sound drives me wild, and I forget all about where we are or that Charlotte is running around nearby. I push my tongue into her mouth, taking everything that she has to give me.

We both get caught up in the intoxicating rush of our kiss, and like a drug addict, I can’t resist her. I never want to stop kissing Caroline.

Dogs barking break into my thoughts and Caroline pulls away, her face flushed as she blinks and steps back. I start to follow her before I realize that Charlotte might be close by, and I don’t want her to see the bulge in my jeans after making out with her aunt.

“You know, Charlotte has a sleepover at her friend’s house Friday night,” Caroline says, her voice coming out husky and my cock leaks precum in my jeans. “Want to come over here and keep me company? I could order us some pizza and we could watch a movie or something.”

My brain snags on the or something in that sentence and I can feel my cock starting to swell even more in my jeans.

Does she mean what I think she means? Or is that just wishful thinking?

“Sure, sounds like fun. What time and what do you like on your pizza? I’ll pick it up on my way over.”

“Pepperoni and how about six pm? I drop her off at five.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow at the diner.”

“Night,” Charlotte says, brushing another kiss across my lips before she turns and heads inside to Charlotte and the dogs.

“Night,” I say, turning and heading back to my truck.

The whole way back to my house, I can’t stop smiling. I know that we haven’t been dating for long, but I already can’t imagine my life without her and Charlotte in it.

I go to the diner every day for lunch that week, and I realized that if I go after the lunch rush, Caroline will sit and eat with me. So now I go later so we can spend some more time together.

Then after lunch, we usually go back to her office and make out against the door or her desk until I’m sure that I’m going to bust in my pants.

We might have only been on two official dates, but it feels like I’ve known her forever. We just click together perfectly.

I wonder if Caroline can tell that I’m already in love with her.

I’m pretty sure that Charlotte can tell. She asked if I was going to marry Caroline today at lunch while Caroline was in the bathroom, and I didn’t want to lie to her, so I told her yes. Charlotte had squealed at that but I swore her to secrecy.

I’m just as in love with Charlotte as I am with Caroline, although in different ways. It’s impossible not to love the little girl and if I’m not careful, I’m going to end up buying her a dozen rabbits. I wonder if she knows yet just how wrapped around her finger I am.

I head back to my shop, wanting to do some inventory so that I can leave work early on Friday. Nothing is going to keep me from my date with Caroline.