803 Wishing Lane by Shaw Hart



“You really bought a car seat,”Caroline says with a bright smile the next day as I help her into my truck.

“Yeah, no offense, but I’m just a little too big for your car. I got the same one that you have and I took it by the firehouse so they could make sure I had it installed correctly.”

“Thanks,” Caroline says as I back out of the driveway.

I take Caroline’s hand in mine as we drive a few blocks over to Charlotte’s friend Amelia’s house. I can’t stop thinking about the things the two of us did together last night and again this morning in the shower.

The first thought I had since I woke up was about getting another taste of that sweet pussy. I rolled Caroline onto her back and buried my face in her folds. I’m pretty sure she was coming before she even fully woke up.

She returned the favor, and by then we were running late and decided to share a shower together. Seeing her curvy body wet and covered in suds had my cock standing at attention and it wasn’t long before we were both wrapped around each other again. I took her hard against the wall and then we were really running late.

“I’ll go get her. Be right back!” Caroline says, her wet hair still slightly dripping onto her shirt as she unbuckles and hops out of the truck.

I watch her head up to the front door and a second later she disappears into the house. I can’t help but smile. Everything is going great. I have the woman that I love and we just spent the entire night wrapped around each other.

I wanted to tell her last night how I felt but I was worried that it would scare her off. I don’t want to lose her, so I bit my tongue, but I have a feeling that those three little words will spill out soon.

It doesn’t take Caroline long to come back out with Charlotte in tow. I get out to help the little girl into her new car seat and I pass her the stuffed bunny that I got for her.

“Thanks, Heath,” she whispers and I frown, wondering if maybe I got the wrong one.

She cuddles it close to her chest, though, so I pass it off, figuring that she’s probably just tired from her sleepover or maybe she missed Caroline last night.

“Do you want to go grab some breakfast, Charlotte?” I ask and she nods again, her little eyes falling partly closed and I smile, closing the door.

Maybe she’ll sleep on the way over to the café and be back to the excited girl that I’m used to.

“Is the café okay?” I ask Caroline as we head toward the center of town.

“Sure, or I can just make us something at the house.”

“Let me spoil you two,” I tell her and she blushes slightly, but nods.

“Alright, let’s go.”

I take her hand again as we drive and we try to ask Charlotte about her sleepover but she doesn’t seem interested in talking that much. I can see Caroline frown at her niece as we park and I squeeze her hand.

She seems to shrug it off and we head inside to grab a bite to eat, but things don’t improve over breakfast.

“You’re not hungry? Did you eat at Amelia’s?” Caroline asks as Charlotte takes a few more bites of her pancakes.

“Yeah,” she says.

“Are you tired, bunny?”

“Yeah,” she says, her eyes drooping and I smile reassuringly at Caroline as I ask for the bill.

“I’ll pay. Why don’t you go get her settled in her car seat and then I can drive you guys home.”

“Thanks,” Caroline says as she picks up Charlotte and I watch them head toward the front door.

It only takes a minute for me to pay and I hurry outside to join them. Charlotte is dozing in her car seat by the time I buckle up and pull out of the parking spot.

“It was her first sleepover. I think she must have overdone it and stayed up late.”

“Probably. You’ll have to take it easy today.”

“Yeah, I might need a nap after last night, too,” Caroline says with a giggle and I grin.

“Me too.”

“We’ll have to do it again soon.”

“Name the time,” I say as I pull into their driveway. “Let me help you carry her in. We can put her right in bed if you want.”

“Thanks,” Caroline says and I hop out and round the truck to grab Charlotte.

Caroline opens the door for me as I carry Charlotte in. I follow her upstairs and she moves the covers back as I lay her down. She takes Charlotte’s shoes off and I watch her as she cares for her niece.

“You’re such a good mom. I don’t know how you do it all,” I tell her as we step out of the bedroom and into the hall.

“Thanks. Most days I’m not sure how I do it all.”

“It’s inspiring,” I say as we stop by the front door.

“It’s nice having some help,” she admits and I smile, cupping her face in my hand.

“Anytime. I want to help in any way I can.”

She smiles, leaning up on her tiptoes so that our lips can meet. I bend down, meeting her halfway, wanting to feel her lips on mine again.

Our lips connect in a heated kiss, our tongues tangling together in an erotic dance and I never want to stop kissing her. I’m lost in the kiss, lost in Caroline, and I never want to be found.

She rubs her chest against mine and I groan when I feel how hard her nipples are. I wonder if she’s wet for me; if I reached into her panties, would she be wet for me?

I hope so. I want to feel her juices coating me.

Charlotte groans in her bed and we both pull back. I can see that Caroline is concerned.

“I should go check on that.”

“I know,” I say, but neither of us makes a move to untangle ourselves. I think that we’re both waiting to see if she fell back asleep or not. When there isn’t another sound from inside the bedroom, we look back to each other.

Our faces move closer until our lips are molded together once more. I wrap my hand around the back of her neck, holding her close to me and she melts against my chest.

“Caroline?” Charlotte calls, and I pull back, this time taking a step back to avoid the temptation.

I know that she needs to take care of Charlotte so I should leave now before we get lost in each other again. One kiss with Caroline is never enough but I have a feeling kissing Caroline for days wouldn’t be enough.

“I’ll let you get back to it,” I say and she nods as she smooths her hair down.

“We need to get some more alone time.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” I say right away and Caroline laughs. “I’ll see you at lunch tomorrow,” I say as she opens the door and she smiles.

“See you then.”

I smile the whole way home as I think about the future that I’m building with Caroline and Charlotte.