803 Wishing Lane by Shaw Hart



It’s beena week of nothing.

No texts or calls from Caroline.

No lunches.

Not even a sighting of her beautiful face.

I’m not sure how much longer I can go on like this.

I’ve still been going to the diner every day for lunch, but she hasn’t been in. Charlotte is still recovering and so she’s staying home with her.

If she comes in to work in the morning or later at night to take care of stuff, I don’t see her. And I’ve been looking. I find myself staring out the front window of my shop, obsessively watching the diner to see if I can catch just a glimpse of her.

“Dude, you’re like, leering,” Graham says as he leans against the front counter.

He’s back in town to pick up the last of his supplies before winter hits up in Fallen Peak and I was supposed to be ringing him up, but I thought that I saw Caroline and Charlotte. I’ve been staring across the street at the diner for a few minutes, hoping I catch another sight of them.

“Sorry, I uh, I’ve been a little distracted lately,” I admit.

“This about your girl?”

“Yeah. Her niece is sick with the flu and I haven’t seen them in a few days.”

“Hope she feels better soon.”

“Thanks. Me too.”

We’re silent as I start to ring him up.

“That’s not what’s bothering you, though,” Graham says and I wonder how he always does that.

It’s like the guy can read minds or something. Or maybe I’m just an open book.

“No. She broke up with me last week. Said that her niece has to be her main priority.”

“Well, that makes sense. You can’t be mad at her for that.”

“I’m not. I’m not mad at her at all.”

“You just want her back,” he states and I nod.

“Yeah. I need her.”

Graham nods.

“Have you tried to talk to her?”

“Yeah, I told her that I’d wait for her. That I knew that she was going to come back to me because she knew how good we are together.”

“Okay then, just give her some time.”

“Easier said than done.”

Graham gives me a grim smile as I finish ringing up his purchases.

“Good luck with your lady. If I can do anything or be there for you, just let me know, man.”

“Thanks, Graham.”

“Sure,” he says, nodding his head and I can tell that he doesn’t really know how to help me or be there for me right now.

“I can’t wait until the day that you fall head over heels for someone and come to me for advice.”

“Never going to happen, man, Graham says with a laugh and I smile.

“We’ll see.”

I help him load up his truck and wave as he heads back up to Fallen Peak. Once his truck is out of sight, I turn back to the diner, my eyes hungrily scanning for a glimpse of Caroline and Charlotte, but I don’t see them or her car in the lot.

I sigh, turning and heading back inside. Looks like I’m in for another lonely night.