803 Wishing Lane by Shaw Hart



I watch Caroline drive away,wondering what the hell just happened.

Things were going so great, and then she got that call, and it all blew up in my face.

I know it has to do with Charlotte. That’s the only thing that would have Caroline freaking out like that and I hope the little girl is alright.

I want to go check on them, offer to buy some Kleenex or Powerade or something, but based on how Caroline and I left things, I’m not sure I would be welcome.

I rub my chest, trying to ease the ache that’s taken up root there, but it doesn’t help. I can’t believe I told Caroline that I loved her and she broke up with me.

I head back to my shop in a daze, not sure what to do in this situation. I close early, too heartbroken and distracted to focus on inventory or helping tourists. I’m headed to my truck when I catch sight of Dr. Coleman hurrying across the diner parking lot and assumedly back toward his clinic.

Maybe I shouldn’t bother him. I know how busy he’s been lately, but I need his help.

“Ken!” I call before I can stop to think it over.

He stops and looks at me in surprise.

“Hey, Heath. How’s it going?”

“Alright. Hey, do you want to grab a drink with me? Do you have a few minutes?” I ask as I join him in the parking lot.

“Uh, yeah, sure. I have a few minutes.”

We head down a few blocks to the Fireside Bar and Grill. It’s getting to be closing time for a lot of businesses, so the bar is just starting to get crowded. We take a seat at the bar, off to the side, and I order us each a beer.

“Is everything alright, Heath? Not that I don’t appreciate the beer, but you’re giving off this weird kind of panicked vibe.”

“Yeah, uh, no.”


“No, I’m not alright. Caroline broke up with me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he says sympathetically.

“Things were going great, then something happened with Charlotte, and she just bolted.”

Ken nods, taking a pull of his beer.

“So, I was just wondering, in your professional opinion, how do I fix this, because I can’t lose her. I can’t.”

“You know that I’m not a psychiatrist or anything, right? And I’m single, so I’m not great with the ladies, either.”

“I know, but you’re the closest thing I have to a psychiatrist, and I’ve seen the way that Gracie looks at you, so I think you’re doing alright in that other area, too.”

That seems to shock him for a minute and he blinks, frowning as he thinks that over in his head. He takes a long sip of his beer and I let him take his time as he thinks it over.

“So, what do I do now?”

“Well, we’re in a bar, so if you want to move on or find someone else then—”

I don’t let him finish his sentence.

“No. There is no one else for me,” I say, my voice coming out harsher than I intended. “There’s no one else. I just want Caroline.”

He nods like he expected that and I pick at the label on my beer bottle.

“Then let her come to the same conclusion.”

“What if she doesn’t?” I ask, voicing the one thought I can’t escape.

“She will,” he says simply.

“But how can I make her see it faster?”

I’ve wasted months trying to get her to warm up to me, trying to work up the nerve to ask her out and now that I’ve had the real thing, I can’t go back to the way it was before.

“So, you think this breakup has to do with Charlotte?”

“Yeah, she was acting a little off yesterday and this morning and I think maybe she’s sick or something. At first, we just thought that she was tired from her sleepover, but I don’t know. The only thing that can freak out Caroline is something happening to Charlotte.”

“Yeah, she and a few other parents have been bringing their kids in to see me this afternoon. Some kind of bug is going around.”

“Is Charlotte okay?” I ask, alarmed.

What if it’s serious and I haven’t been there for them?

“I can’t tell you any specific details, but it’s nothing serious, and I’m sure all of the kids will be back to normal soon.”

“Good,” I say, relieved that Charlotte will be back to feeling better soon.

“Is this the first time Charlotte has been sick while Caroline was caring for her?”

“I think it might be. She’s only been her guardian for a little while.”

“That has to be pretty overwhelming. I’m sure that being a single mom is hard and stressful. Maybe she just overreacted or panicked. Maybe she just needs to see that you’re not going to abandon her when the going gets tough.”

I mull over his words. Could he have a point? Maybe Caroline was just upset that she wasn’t there for Charlotte, or maybe she thought I would distract her from taking care of her.

“So, what do I do?”

“Talk to her and find out what upset her. If it is about Charlotte, then try to show her that you’re not going anywhere. That you don’t want to distract her from being the best mom to Charlotte. That you just want to help and be a part of their lives.”

He’s right. I told Caroline that I loved her, but maybe’s it time I show her that I do. I need to show her I’m not going anywhere and I won’t give up or stop fighting for us.

I’m going to fix this.

“Thanks, Ken.”


I throw some cash onto the bar, nodding to the bartender as I head out to my truck. Part of me, a really big part, wants to head over to Caroline’s place right now, but I don’t want to wake up Charlotte or Caroline if they’re resting.

Starting tomorrow, though, I’m winning back my girls.