Puzzle by Nora Phoenix


Branson blamed the morning sex. That spectacular orgasm Ryder had given him had melted his brain, and that was what had caused his mouth to blurt out the invitation for brunch. It didn’t explain why Ryder had accepted, though, but maybe he’d experienced the sexual tension between them in a different way? In many aspects, Ryder was hard to read, which seemed so contradictory, since he was so honest and direct. He just didn’t react the same way most people did, and his brain operated on a whole different frequency.

Branson pondered it as he took a shower after stripping the bed and throwing the sheets into the washing machine, which he’d turn on after he was done showering. His hot water system didn’t like the shower and the washing machine running at the same time. It slowed the water pressure down to a trickle. He’d had to wait anyway, since he’d graciously allowed Ryder to use the bathroom first. The downside of having only one bathroom.

But now that Ryder had agreed, what should they do? Make brunch themselves? He had some stuff in the fridge, like eggs and bacon, but he was short on almost everything else. He had little coffee left, no juice, no fresh fruit. In other words, it was Saturday, the day he always did grocery shopping. No, they’d have to go out. Otherwise it would be too meager an offering.

They could go to Pete’s Place, a deli he loved that was run by two gay men. They made the most delicious sandwiches, and they were across from the supermarket, so he could get groceries right after. That could be the perfect excuse to sell it to Ryder, right?

It turned out Ryder didn’t need any selling. As soon as Branson dropped the words delicious food, Ryder was on board. He even volunteered to ride with Branson so he wouldn’t get lost. They chatted easily in the car, and that continued as they found a table in the bistro.

“Hey, Branson, good to see you again,” Pete, one of the owners, said as he came to take their order.

“This is my friend Ryder, who’s eager to try your egg salad sandwich.” Branson pointed at Ryder.

“Oh, excellent choice. With or without bacon?”

Ryder looked almost offended. “With, obviously.”

“I like you already.” Pete grinned. “And for you, Branson?”

“I’ll have the tuna salad, please. With an orange-mango smoothie.”

“Perfect. Anything to drink for you, Ryder?”

“Oh, right, I’ll have the berry smoothie, please.”

“Coming right up, guys.”

“I was wondering why you always order the same for lunch at work,” Branson asked when Pete was gone. “Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but I was curious.”

“It’s to eliminate decision stress. At work, I have a lot on my mind, and I don’t want to waste energy on things that don’t matter. So I have certain outfits I wear, combinations of shirts, slacks, and socks that go well together. That prevents me from having stress about what to put on in the morning. And I eat the same thing for lunch for similar reasons. It’s easy, and I genuinely like it. So why not?”

“But you do appreciate trying new things? ‘Cause they have a club turkey sandwich on the menu here, but you picked something else.”

“Yeah, ‘cause it’s the weekend. I don’t have to use my brain capacity for much else, so now I have the free space for more decision-making, so to speak.”

“I’m fascinated by how your mind works, you know that? I haven’t met many people who do things so deliberately.”

Ryder shrugged, but his eyes showed he was pleased with the compliment. “Both my parents are rational, deliberate people. I guess it’s how they raised me.”

“I’m much more of a go-with-the-flow guy, as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now. Maybe I should try your strategy.”

Ryder cocked his head. “Is what you’re doing working for you?”

Huh. Interesting question. “I suppose so.”

“Then why change it? Just because something helps me doesn’t mean it will work for you or anyone else. Our brains are not the same, and neither are our characters. Do what works for you.”

Branson wanted to reply, but Ryder’s phone dinged. He picked it up, cringing as he read it. “Gimme one sec,” he said, then typed out a response to whatever had come in and put his phone down again. “My mom. I hadn’t mentioned I wasn’t coming home last night, and she was worried.”


“Yeah, but also a little…awkward. It’s been a while since I had to explain about sex and hookups to my parents, you know? One would think that at my age, I was past that stage.”

Pete came to bring their drinks and food, and Branson waited until he was gone again. “Have you thought about what you’re going to do when the house is sold?”

Ryder had just taken the first bite of his sandwich, and his eyes grew big. “Oh, damn, this is good,” he said with his mouth full, and Branson laughed. He loved how unfiltered Ryder was, so honest in his reactions.

“I know, right? Their soups are amazing as well.”

“Mmm, I’ll have to try one next time.”

Why did the idea of coming here again with Ryder make Branson so happy?

“Anyway, to answer your question, I don’t know yet. I’m on a waiting list for everything that’s doable for me financially and in terms of a commute, but so far, nothing has opened up. I fear I’ll end up moving in with Dorian, which will kill me because of the even longer drive to work.”

Branson cleared his throat. The idea had been there in the back of his mind, simmering. Why not voice it? “You could move in with me. In the guest room, I mean. You’d have a short commute, and you wouldn’t even have to pay rent. I won’t pay anything more in mortgage with you living there, so why would I ask you for money? We could share the costs for food and stuff. And I’m sure we could work out some kind of schedule for the bathroom.”

Fuck, he had to stop talking now before he sounded like a rambling idiot, though maybe that ship had sailed already. Ryder was fighting not to laugh. “A bathroom schedule? That one closed the deal for me.”

“Shut up,” Branson said, laughing as well. “I’m trying to be nice here.”

Ryder grew serious. “I realize that, and I appreciate the offer more than I can say, but…I don’t know if it would be smart.”

Branson swallowed. “Why?”

If Ryder told him he wouldn’t feel safe, Branson wasn't sure what he would do. The idea that Ryder still didn’t trust him hurt far deeper than he’d ever expected.

Ryder covered Branson’s hand with his own, and not for the first time, Branson was amazed by how open and free Ryder could be in sharing affection. “It’s not because of a lack of trust.”

“For someone who claims not to be able to read body language well, you certainly nailed that one.”

“Not that hard, considering our history. But, Bran, you need to let go of that now. I didn’t say you violated my trust in the broader sense. I was talking about some specific incidents. That doesn’t mean I would extrapolate that into distrust of your behavior in general. Of course I feel safe with you. That’s not the issue.”

“Then what is?”

Ryder lifted an eyebrow as he let go of Branson’s hand, which still tingled from the way-too-brief contact. “You have to ask after last night?”

Ah. Yeah, that made sense. “You’re afraid we won’t be able to keep our hands off each other.”

“Oh, I’m not afraid we’ll have sex again. I know we will. We both do. The chemistry between us is too strong to be ignored, especially if we’d be sharing an apartment. I’d end up in your bed in no time.”

Branson slowly shook his head, smiling. “You’re such a fascinating puzzle to me, you know that? You so rarely react the way I expect you to in situations like this.”

“What did you think? That I’d deny the truth?”

“Maybe not so much deny as ignore it or pretend it wasn’t that strong? You so easily acknowledged the attraction between us.”

“Sexual attraction,” Ryder corrected him, his tone a tad sharp. “I’m talking about chemistry, just so we’re clear. Not…more.”

It shouldn’t sting, this adamant statement that Ryder only wanted Branson’s body. They’d been on the same page from the get-go, hadn’t they? Anything more had never been on the table, so why did this hurt? “I understand, and I wasn’t implying more.” Branson managed to keep his voice level.

“Oh, okay. I know we talked about it yesterday, but I’m not ready for anything else. I’m still recovering from my previous relationship, and for now, I just crave some fun and hot sex.”

Again with that ache inside him. Had he gotten so attached to Ryder already? “That, I can deliver.”

“Then we’re on the same page. All I’m saying is that if I became your roommate, we’d end up having sex again.”

“Mmm, yes. And that’s a problem, why?”

He had to play this cool, had to pretend everything was fine. If he showed even a bit of pain, a hint of another emotion, Ryder would reject his proposal. Branson wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did, and for some reason, he needed him to say yes. He wanted Ryder to become his roommate…and his bedmate. Fuck, he was starting to suspect he wanted him to become a hell of a lot more than that, but that, too, wasn’t a feeling he’d allow himself.

“You don’t think it would get too complicated if we’re roommates and…lovers? Fuck buddies. Whatever you want to call it.”

“Friends with benefits,” Branson said. “Because I’d like to think we’re friends first.”

Ryder studied him as he chewed, and Branson’s stomach got into a twist. Why was Ryder hesitating? Had Branson misjudged what had happened between them?

“We are,” Ryder finally said, and Branson breathed out with relief, his throat unclenching.

“Thank you. I’m glad to hear that.”

“And I like the friends-with-benefits label. Though if I decide to accept your offer, it would be more like friends who are also roommates with benefits. That does sound more complicated.”

“It’s only as complicated as we make it. Haven’t we proven so far that we can separate sex and friendship and our personal and work relationship?”

“True. Good point.”

“So you’ll do it?”

Ryder laughed. “You should know better by now than to expect me to make a decision on the spot. Not about something like this.”

Of course. Ryder was right. “My apologies, I stand corrected. I’ll eagerly await your verdict, in that case.”


Shit. Had he sounded too eager? “Haven’t had my fill of your ass yet,” he said quickly, shoving down all those feely feelings.

Ryder’s eyes lit up, and his mouth curled up in a sexy smile. “Gotcha. I’ll let you know when I’ve made my choice, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other in the meantime.”

“How about we get some groceries, and then we can enjoy the rest of the day?”

Ryder’s smile widened. “Sounds like a plan.”